My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 230 strange creatures in the ocean\r

On the other side, Jin Yumeng and others rode in a smart flying car and shuttled in the rainstorm.

The tsunami below was like a giant beast, setting off hundreds of zhang waves from time to time, as if trying to drag them into the sea.

Tang Yunxin was wearing AR glasses, looking at the vast sea.

It was as dark as night outside, and the inside and outside of the car were like two worlds.

inner heaven, outer hell.

"I'm ready to go to the Dragon Kingdom. I'm really tired this time out. It's even more uncomfortable than training."

Zhao Yunqing sighed and looked at Jin Yumeng helplessly.

Tang Yunxin is okay, she only looks like a crazy girl when she is taken by Jin Yumeng.

She is usually very obedient and obedient, so she doesn't need Zhao Yunqing to worry about it.

But Jin Yumeng really likes to play, her brain is quite thick, and she is not afraid of the sky.

"Huh? What are the spicy rolls looking at?"

Zhao Yunqing suddenly noticed Tang Yunxin, as if she had discovered a new continent, and looked out the window with her mouth slightly open.

"There seems to be something in the sea..."

Tang Yunxin muttered softly, as if she was afraid that something in the sea would hear it.

She pointed to the sea like an abyss.

But Zhao Yunqing didn't see anything, just wanted to say if he was wrong.

As a result, the next second, she saw a strange dark shadow.

Appeared from the sea for a few seconds, then quickly sank into the sea and disappeared.

That shadow looks like a human figure, but it also looks like a fish, and its shape is quite strange.

Before it returned to the bottom of the sea, it showed a feeling of unwillingness.

"Hey! What was that just now, did you record the paper?" Jin Yumeng leaned behind the spicy roll and asked in a low voice.

Tang Yunxin nodded: "Yes, but it's not clear enough. It's in the water, and it looks weird."

"It can't be an alien, my God! Let's hurry up and go back to Brother Tang!"

Jin Yumeng was a little scared. If aliens really invaded the earth, the only one who could fight against them would be Big Brother Tang.

"Alien? Why don't you talk about submarine civilization? When you came out to play, I didn't see you saying you were looking for Tang Ke, but now I'm afraid of you, Big Brother Tang?"

Hearing Jin Yumeng's wild thoughts, Zhao Yunqing couldn't help laughing.

As a military major general, she has a little understanding of alien civilizations.

There have been signs of aliens all over the world, but according to the information held by the Dragon Kingdom.

No matter where the alien flying saucer appeared, it eventually left the earth.

Aliens have never been resident on Earth, and I don't know if it's because of the unpleasant environment.

Or because they are watching...

"Undersea civilization... do you mean Atlantis?"

Jin Yumeng knows quite a lot. While she is playful, she also knows stories about this aspect.

Such as Atlantis civilization, Mayan civilization, Loulan ancient country, Sanxingdui civilization and so on.

"Uh, I didn't say it, maybe it is, but I think that the shadow just now is probably our misunderstanding."

Zhao Yunqing shrugged and said that he didn't know either.

The three women didn't dare to conclude that the shadow just now was a new species, not even a living creature.

After all, it was too dark outside, and there was a heavy rainstorm blocking the view.

Along the way, they were watching the video recorded by Tang Yunxin over and over again.

Never got an answer.

When they flew back to the magic city, half of the magic city was already submerged by the sea.

The empty city became an underwater city.

Many building wrecks float in the water, like a doomsday scene.

On their way back, the aftermath of the tsunami had already rushed towards the magic capital.

Although half of the magic capital was submerged, as long as the rainstorm passes, these water levels will automatically drop back.

The smart flying car entered Tang Ke's house, and Zhang Yaxuan had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing that the girlfriends came back safely, I was relieved.

"Long time no see Ya Xuan, when will you and Brother Tang have children?"

Jin Yumeng jumped out of the car lightly and ridiculed for the first time.

"We didn't plan to have children so early, but you, when will you get married?" Zhang Yaxuan responded with a smile.

As soon as he heard the word 'marriage', Jin Yumeng immediately stopped.

She and Chen Zimo are still dating, and it's still very early to get married.

Zhao Yunqing and Tang Yunxin also got out of the car and greeted with a smile.

"Where is Brother Tang, I have something to show him." Tang Yunxin said.

Zhang Yaxuan wondered, "He's busy researching, what do you want to show him?"

"It's some strange things we recorded at sea just now, and I want Tang Ke to help analyze it." Zhao Yunqing came over and explained.

All of a sudden, Tang Yunxin swiped her gesture to play the scene she just recorded.

Zhang Yaxuan stared at the screen with her beautiful eyes, and said softly, "This thing... we saw it on the satellite a few days ago!"

The girls were startled when they heard the words.

Zhao Yunqing's beautiful eyes widened: "You saw it too? Didn't you say..."

"It turns out that we are not mistaken, there are really strange things in the sea!"

Tang Yunxin and Jin Yumeng looked at each other, feeling horrified.

At that time, this strange creature seemed a little angry.

It is estimated that it is because it cannot touch the intelligent flying car, so it will show its unwilling performance before leaving.

If the three of them were on a ship, they would be in trouble at this moment!

"Xiao Kezi and I also thought it was a misunderstanding at the time, but I didn't expect you to meet. The sinking of the dozen or so giant ships in the Neon Kingdom is probably related to this strange creature!"

Zhang Yaxuan frowned slightly, thinking for a few seconds.

She said to the three daughters, "Don't think too much, go back and do your own business. It's best not to be near the seaside to avoid accidents."

It's better not to go near the sea until you know what that strange creature is.

It doesn't appear sooner or later, but it happens on such a typhoon and rainy day.

Obviously, this creature needs to rely on the sea.

"Okay, I'll take the two of them to the inland to avoid the water, so I won't bother." Zhao Yunqing said with a smile.

"Goodbye, play games together when you have time."

Zhang Yaxuan smiled and waved, watching the three girls leave.

Then she took the video from Spicy Roll and went to the basement to find Tang Ke.

Tell Tang Ke what happened just now.

"Good guy, shouldn't there really be a submarine civilization..."

Tang Ke was also stunned after hearing this. This kind of strange creature is probably not friendly to humans.

Do you want to develop some nautical technology and take a trip to the bottom of the sea?

Another new idea popped out of his mind.

Humans have explored too little of the sea, and maybe there is a civilization in the depths of the sea.

Or what kind of fish evolved to have wisdom and so on.

But right now he still has two important tasks, one is the floating building, and the other is space-based weapons.

Once these are done, it is not too late to explore the ocean.

According to Tang Ke's speculation, strange creatures in the ocean should not be able to come to land.

If it could, it wouldn't be lurking in the ocean, and it would have run ashore long ago.

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