Countries around the world are dealing with floods.

The torrential rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the temperature is slowly dropping just like the researchers analyzed.

Not only was it raining and windy, it was also quite cold.

The rain hit him like ice thorns, which was particularly uncomfortable.

The hardest are the survivors of the land of the gods, half of their houses are submerged and can no longer live in.

Together they headed to the highlands, where they set up temporary shelter.

While crowded, we must also find a way to solve the food problem.

And the owner of their divine soil did not give them any help at all.

Tang Ke studied hard at home and studied his weapons.

He designed a launcher that could withstand the Ke energy, and successfully created the Ke energy cannon.

Replace all electromagnetic energy with Ke element energy.

The attack distance and damage coverage far exceed the rail gun.

If the super tsunami comes again, Tang Ke believes that this cannon can blow up two-thirds of the tsunami.

The only downside is that the attack frequency is not as high as the railgun.

After each firing, the muzzle will be overheated and need to be cooled before the second cannon can be opened.

Even Ko alloys cannot withstand the high temperature of Ko energy.

For the first time, this cobalt alloy, which surpassed all metals in the world, encountered an energy shock that it could not resist.

"Develop your own freezing technology to quickly charge the Koneng Cannon, or upgrade the Ke alloy to make it more powerful."

Tang Ke tapped the table with his fingertips, staring at the holographic screen in a daze.

Freezing technology is a solution to the symptoms but not the root cause, it can only be regarded as a temporary emergency measure.

When Tang Ke invents a more powerful weapon, stronger metal will inevitably be needed to withstand it.

So upgrading Koalloy is the best solution.

Anyway, sooner or later, it is necessary to upgrade the Ke alloy. It is better to upgrade the Ke alloy now to save the trouble in the future.

However, it is not easy to upgrade Ke alloy, Tang Ke has mastered the top metal synthesis technology on earth.

Coralloy is the strongest metal he has created.


Add new elements!

When I studied Ke Elements before, I also came up with many strange new elements.

These days, Tang Ke didn't let Origin sit idle either.

Origins parses previously unnamed new elements every day.

Experimenting with new elements blending with other elements, with little success in the process.

Two of these elements can be used to create metal!

Before Tang Ke had no time to get new metals, it was time to create new alloys.

"Origin, prepare a new alloy plan, and let the intermediate robots use those two unknown elements to start trying to synthesize metals."


Tang Ke got up and said, "By the way, how is the floating building plan going?"

"The renovation of the floating building has been completed, and the data test is about ten minutes away. Master, don't worry." Yuan Yuan replied.

Tang Ke nodded and told Zhang Yaxuan that the house was about to take off.

ten minutes later.

Origin has completed all data testing and the antigravity device is ready to take off.

Tang Ke walked to the three Ke element reaction devices and said softly, "Let's start, take off~"


The azure light lit up from the reaction device, and the blue light energy scattered from the conduit all the way, spreading to every corner of the house.

Hundreds of anti-gravity devices activated simultaneously, causing the house to shake slightly.

The guardrails on the ground rose one after another, enclosing Tang Ke's house and the yard.

Immediately afterwards, there was a booming sound.

The more than 3,000 square meters of ground surrounded by the guardrail rose in an instant.

The ascent is slow, so smooth that you can't feel any shaking.

Only the water in the glass rippled.


The house rises in the air, setting off mud and dust, and the smoke and dust are flying.

A super-large basement is pulled under the house, making the floating building look like a hundred-story pagoda.

Fortunately, there is no one around, otherwise it will definitely attract thousands of people watching.

The building rises to a height of 200 meters and is suspended in the air. The whole body is silver and white, and there is blue light blooming below.

Standing silently in the air, like a city in the sky.

The original ground of the house has now turned into a huge deep crater, as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

The big white robot took the smart flying car down to fill the pothole and deal with the follow-up work.

The storm rustled down on the floating building, washing away the dust on it.

The bright silver-colored Koalloy appearance shines particularly brightly in this dim rainstorm environment.

Zhang Yaxuan opened the force field shield to isolate the rainstorm.

She stood on the edge holding the guardrail and looked down at the once most prosperous city.

"This is the world's first floating building, do you have any idea of ​​naming it?"

Tang Ke walked over with a smile, while letting Origin release the large force field shield.

The force field shield driven by Ke's energy covered the entire floating building, isolating the torrential rain.

There is only a little breeze blowing through my face, which is very cool.


Zhang Yaxuan gently tidied up her hair that had been ruffled by the breeze, and replied with a light smile, "It's better to call it Sky City."

"City in the sky...why did you think of this name?"

Tang Ke walked to his wife's side and stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar magic capital below.

Bright yellow lights shone on the two of them from the inside, shining brightly.

"Your laboratory will get bigger and bigger, won't it be equivalent to a city then?" Zhang Yaxuan chuckled.

Tang Ke was stunned: "It seems that this is indeed the case. Let's call it Sky City. The name is quite good and appropriate."

The name is still pretty good.

Very much in line with the future state of the floating building.

As Tang Ke's technology piles up, the more space is required.

The city in the sky will continue to expand, and gradually it will become a wonder of the earth like a city in the sky!

"It's getting colder, why did you run out wearing so little clothes?"

Zhang Yaxuan approached Tang Ke and took his arm into her arms.

Feeling the softness, Tang Ke chuckled lightly.

He took his wife into his arms, sniffed the fragrance and said, "As long as you are here, it will be warm everywhere."

In fact, the isolation of the strong field shield will not be cold at all.

When Zhang Yaxuan heard the words, she immediately smiled and said, "We are not conjoined, we can't be together forever. You should wear more clothes."


Tang Ke shouted: "We're not together, where else do you want to go?"

"Okay, let's stay together."

Zhang Yaxuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and touched Tang Ke's head like she was coaxing a child.

"As long as we're alive, we'll be together forever."

Her tone suddenly changed, and she seemed to see the future in her beautiful eyes.

Zhang Yaxuan smiled lightly and said, "People are always born, old, sick and dying, and there are times when we can't be together..."

Tang Ke was startled when he heard the words.

He seems to have never thought about this issue, after all, he is too young now.

Who would think about old age when they were young? !

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