The magic capital, the city in the sky.

Tang Ke, wearing a gray cashmere blazer, stood in the courtyard and looked up.

Above him was a huge circular space capsule, ten meters in diameter and three meters long.

Such a huge space capsule is larger than any country invented.

And it can seamlessly connect to the next space capsule, and when the number increases, it can form a space base.

At the same time, it is also a space-based weapon, and it contains extremely terrifying energy.

A little carelessness can destroy several cities in an instant!

Tang Ke is still in this capsule, storing a lot of miscellaneous things.

Such as weapons, energy devices, daily necessities, etc.

What he wants to build is not an ordinary large space capsule, but a space base.

The kind that can hold spaceships, and a large population.

It is equivalent to transporting a city into space.

Tang Ke's eyes are already looking at the stars in the universe.

However, the goal of flying to the universe is still a little far away, and it needs to be done step by step.

The satellite was Tang Ke's first step into the universe.

The space capsule in front of him was his second step.

"Is this the space capsule? It feels a bit huge."

Zhang Yaxuan stood beside Tang Ke and looked at the space capsule above her head in surprise.

"It's okay, I'll get a bigger one next time."

Tang Ke took Zhang Yaxuan's little hand and said, "Let's back away, don't be blown away."

The two stepped back slightly, and Tang Ke ordered the origin.

A wave of air pressed down from above, making their clothes agitate slightly.

The next moment, the space capsule flew straight into the air, turning into a long rainbow and soaring into the sky.

Based on the experience of the last satellite launch, Tang Ke improved the anti-gravity device and electromagnetic propulsion this time.

Let the two come together without dismantling them.

It can rush directly into space in one breath, connect with satellites, and become a space-based space capsule!

Looking at the dark shadow of the disappearing space capsule, Tang Ke was filled with emotion.

The completion of the space-based weapon means that at this moment, he is standing on the top of the world!

As long as he wanted, he could bombard the White Palace in the North Country at any time.

At this moment, his mood has undergone earth-shaking changes.

For Beiguo's innocuous behavior, Tang Ke couldn't bear the thought of bombarding the other party.

It felt like being crawled over by an ant.

There was only a slight discomfort, and there was no other thought after that.

But if the ants dare to commit the crime again, they will be ruthlessly crushed to death!

"Origin, how is the situation in the North Country?" Tang Ke asked softly, standing with his hands behind his back.

The origin network covers the whole world, as long as you connect to the network, you can capture information by her.

"Northland is quite chaotic right now, and their high-level officials are trying their best to deal with the riots and extreme cold."

"Before the super tsunami landed in the Neon Kingdom, the North Kingdom was planning a domineering plan against the Dragon Kingdom and your master."

"But after the super tsunami was blasted away by the owner, the Northland directly cancelled the plan."

"The origin speculates that the laser cannon was an important part of their plan, and the exposure of the owner's railgun cut off their plan."

Origin informed Tang Ke of the plans and current situation of the North Country.

It also comes with her own analysis.

The analysis of the origin is not random, but conjectures based on a little evidence.

For example, through the eavesdropping of a high-level mobile phone, or the voice and video of the high-level family members of Northland.

There are intelligent computers that carry data, and anything that can be connected to the network will be hacked by the origin.

Monitoring a large number of devices at the same time is a no-brainer.

"It turns out that the laser cannon is their trump card. It's a pity..."

Tang Ke's face was indifferent, and he didn't mean to look down on the technology of Northland.

If it weren't for his existence, the laser cannon of the North Country could indeed make all countries in the world fear.

Regarding the unknown plan of Beiguo, it is nothing more than wanting to use laser cannons as weapons to threaten Longguo and Tang Ke and restore the country's prestige.

It's a pity that Tang Ke's rail gun was unveiled.

Beiguo immediately put away all his crooked thoughts and said: Excuse me!

"Master, the capsule has entered space and is docking with the satellite."

Origin sounded a reminder and opened the picture in space at the same time.

The huge space capsule is slowly approaching the satellite under the electromagnetic propulsion.

It directly docks the front interface of the satellite, and you can feel a mechanical sense of docking from the picture.

The capsule and the satellite touched together, and the Koalloy shell moved at this moment, as if it had life.

The layers of machinery are interlocked together, and the folded space is released at this moment.

The space capsule just launched is actually folded by compression.

The volume of the complete space capsule is ten times that of the original!

After all, this space capsule is loaded with space-based guns, how could it be so small?

In less than a moment, a space-based capsule hundreds of meters long was assembled.

Shaped like a huge gun barrel, it is aimed at the earth.

Tang Ke walked back into the house with his wife and switched the screen to the inside of the space capsule.

The densely packed magnetic robots ran out and climbed inside the capsule, repeatedly checking every place.

The space capsule is quite large, comparable to a big house.

At the same time, there is a gravity device in the inner space, and after entering it, it is like walking on the earth.

Tang Ke is not a professional astronaut, let alone running to learn astronaut knowledge.

But there is no gravity in space, and Tang Ke can't adapt to the state of no gravity.

So he pushed the anti-gravity device in reverse and became a gravity device.

After Origin adjusted the data, the gravity inside the capsule became exactly the same as the gravity of the earth.

"You even put the magnetic robot on it..." Zhang Yaxuan said in surprise.

Tang Ke nodded: "Yes, it is convenient for maintenance, and for emergency situations."

"It's quite thoughtful!"

"That is!"

"You can't be too proud~" Zhang Yaxuan touched Tang Ke's handsome face and smiled.

Tang Ke also stretched out his hand and squeezed his wife's defiant face: "I don't dare to be proud, this little achievement is nothing."

"Oh? So humble? Your technology is far beyond the world, yet you're still not proud?"

Hearing this, Tang Ke chuckled: "The only thing I can be proud of is to marry you as a wife!"

"Hee hee... slick tongue!"

Zhang Yaxuan gave her husband a white look, as if displeased.

In fact, she was in a good mood.

"Don't make trouble with you here, I'm going to paint, you can play slowly~"

She waved to Tang Ke and walked to the studio alone.

For such a long time, Zhang Yaxuan's two comics have all been animated.

In order not to slow down the animation, she has to complete a certain amount of work every day.

It happens that the extreme cold is coming, and people are staying at home again with nothing to do. "Naruto" and "Pokémon" can be said to be popular all over the world.

These two works are all killed by global audiences. Both Chinese and foreigners are quite obsessed with these two animations.

The audience was happy to see it, and Zhang Yaxuan was also happy to draw.

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