Zhang Yaxuan went to work on her own business, while Tang Ke sat on the sofa watching holographic TV, drinking Coke, and just snacks.

It is now minus ten degrees Celsius.

The rain stopped completely, and there were still snowflakes flying in the sky.

News from all over the world is broadcast on the holographic TV, and people seem to be returning to normal life.

The happiest were the southerners, who finally saw the snow.

Mom: Son, you need to wear more clothes in the magic capital, don't freeze!

Tang Ke Yimeng: I know, I have a constant temperature system, it's not a problem, but you guys, you should pay more attention to keeping warm at home.

Mom sent Tang Ke a warm message, which warmed Tang Ke's heart.

Mom: I'm with your dad in the yard. It's snowing here in Yangcheng. It's lively outside and it's not cold at all!

Tang Ke Yimeng: That's fine, but you still need to pay more attention, the extreme cold is coming in twenty days, so be prepared.

Tang Ke Yimeng: If you need anything, remember to find me.

Mom: Don't worry, you're my son, I can still be polite to you, don't tell me, go make a snowman with your father.

After that, there was no reply from my mother.

Tang Ke could not laugh or cry, he could understand the mood of his parents at the moment.

When he saw the snow in the magic capital, he was even more excited than this.

I've been building a snowman for three days...

Yangcheng is also a coastal city, but the typhoon and tsunami came to the magic capital and were not affected much

Therefore, the coastal cities in the north suffered serious problems.

In the coastal city in the south, people still go out for morning tea calmly.

Tang Ke then sent several messages to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, telling them that they could come to him anytime if they needed help.

During the rainstorm, my father-in-law and mother-in-law did not come to Tang Ke's house to disturb him, but went to the capital.

The rain stopped now, but they didn't come back either, but stayed there.

To this end, Tang Ke specially explained to Tang Yunxin and asked her to help take care of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Tang Yunxin is a native of the capital. With her there to take care of her, many things can be solved.

Tang Ke turned off the holographic projection and read the news leisurely.

He is not doing nothing, but is waiting for the origin analysis to synthesize new metals.

At the same time, I was thinking about whether to go into the sea and explore.

The strange creature I saw before was really too weird.

The picture of that day has been in Tang Ke's mind, lingering.

"The latest report shows that the rioters collectively attacked the president's house last night in the North Country. At present, all the rioters have been subdued. The incident resulted in the death of 18 people and the injury of 27 people..."

"30,000 people starved to death on the streets in the empire where the sun never sets. The president of the country said that he is ready to follow the example of the Dragon Kingdom to build an ecological building..."

"According to the statistics of India, as of today, as many as one million people have frozen to death on the streets, and the president of India has sent a request to Long for help..."

"The seawater that drowned the Divine Land was successfully drained with the joint efforts of the Divine Land people. They called on Tang Ke, the Lord of Divine Land, to help solve the cold problem..."

Seeing this, Tang Ke couldn't help but look embarrassed: "Solve the cold problem..."

How to solve this?

Do these people really treat him as a god?

There is no solution, but there are countermeasures.

Facing the extreme cold, Tang Ke first thought of an energy tower in a game.

It's a steam technology that can provide heat, specially designed to deal with the cold.

It can make the whole city seem to be transpired, even if it is minus sixty or seventy degrees, it can easily deal with it.

After thinking for a while, Tang Ke decided to go to the laboratory to design it.

Origin speculates that the extreme cold temperature will reach minus eighty degrees, so the energy tower is still useful.

At that time, let the state help build this thing and put it in every city.

Rebuild some steam hubs and put them on the streets and alleys to connect the central energy tower.

In this way, the entire dragon country will become a country of steam.

The extreme cold is like nothing to the Dragon Kingdom.

Just as Tang Ke was about to start working, Yuan Yuan said again: "Master, the new alloy plan produces two synthetic metals and puts them in the eleventh-floor laboratory."

"Two metals are synthesized!"

Tang Ke looked happy, a new metal was finally born, and it was still two pieces!

He immediately took the elevator and went to the laboratory on the eleventh floor.

What caught my eye were two palm-sized pieces of metal placed in a crystal instrument.

The one on the left is transparent, and the other is dark silver.

Tang Ke stepped forward quickly and reached out to grab the dark silver metal.

The first time I took it, I still couldn't pick it up.

He was stunned for a moment, and only picked up the piece of metal with the strength of lifting a dumbbell.

This piece of metal is quite heavy, it feels like sixty pounds.

If it weren't for Tang Ke's physical strength, I'm afraid he would have to hold it with both hands to pick it up.

"The overall properties of this piece of metal in the owner's hand are ten times that of Ko alloy, and it can perfectly withstand Ko energy lasers," Yuanyuan said.

Tang Ke was suddenly shocked: "Can it withstand Ke energy?! Can it stop the attack of the Ke Neng Cannon?"

The Ke Neng Cannon is the energy released at one time after the energy of the Ke element is compressed and stored.

It is ten times more powerful than the destruction of the Ke energy laser.

"Yes, but there will be some dents. If the Konen Cannon is fired with a space-based weapon, there is a high probability that it can be destroyed." Yuanyuan replied again.

"Awesome, such hardness and heat resistance can perfectly withstand the heat of the Koneng Cannon!"

If I had known, it would not have been so quick to launch space-based capsules.

With such good metal, it can take space-based weapons to the next level!

"It can only be added later. Anyway, there are nano robots."

With nanorobots and magnetic robots, strengthening and transformation is a very easy thing.

Just like the house at home can be replaced with cobalt alloy without demolition.

Tang Ke can then launch another capsule to carry the newly synthesized metal.

Let the nanobots replace and strengthen the metal.

Tang Ke put the dark silver metal down carefully and picked up another piece of metal.

But this time, the weight of the metal surprised Tang Ke.

Not because it's too heavy, but because it's too light...

It was so light that he paused for a moment, almost exerting too much force.

"This is..." Tang Ke stared blankly at the metal in his hand.

Yuanyuan said: "This is a thin and flexible memory alloy, which has elasticity and good hardness, but the hardness will be lower than that of Coralloy."

"For something so thin and flexible, you tell me it's metal?"

Tang Ke's eyes widened in disbelief.

He squeezed the transparent metal a few times with his hands, and it always felt a little familiar.

But I can't remember, as if I was pinching something.

Tang Ke closed his eyes, and after scrutinizing it for a few minutes, a certain DNA moved.

He finally woke up, isn't the feel of this thing just human skin? ! !

No wonder it always feels so familiar, it turns out that this thing feels the same as human skin.

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