My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 239 Smart flying car debut\r

During the time Tang Ke was thinking, the Glory Steward also answered all the questions about the origin.

The final assessment of good and evil is: goodness.

Intelligence rating: Smart.

Personality Rating: Calm and calm.

Such character and intelligence are very in line with Tang Ke's identity as a housekeeper.

What is a butler?

That is a profession that can fight and resist, is skilled in cooking, is knowledgeable, has high emotional intelligence, is smart, listens more and speaks less.

Honor Butler is exactly what Tang Ke wants!

"That's right, open the door and I'll chat with him." Tang Ke smiled.


The door of the laboratory was open, but the Honor Butler did not go out privately, but waited for Tang Ke to come in.

That's what smart people do!

Before getting Tang Ke's consent, he didn't run out indiscriminately to avoid misunderstanding.

Although Glory Butler was just born, there are still pictures of memories of the past.

He knows that he was created by Tang Ke, and he also knows that he has helped Tang Ke create many technologies.

I also remember that I participated in the motorcycle race and helped Tang Ke to stop the danger.

I still remember that Tang Ke didn't treat him badly and always treated him as a hero.

Glory respects Tang Ke very much.

"Hello Glory, meeting for the first time?" Tang Ke smiled and stretched out his palm.

Glory's face turned solemn, and this look fell into Tang Ke's eyes.

Even though the artificial robot was made by Tang Ke, he was still a little surprised.

"Hello, master, it's not the first time I've met, but it's the first time I've communicated with you."

Glory reached out and shook Tang Ke gently, "I haven't forgotten what happened in the past. I am very grateful to my master for his love for me. You treat me as a human being. Glory is very grateful!"

"Oh? Do you remember what happened? Hahahaha! That's great."

Tang Ke smiled and patted Glory's shoulder, noting the change in the other's expression.

It was found that the other party did not show any discomfort or disgust, but was a little flattered.

"From now on, you will be my housekeeper. I need you to handle all the clutter in the house, no problem, right?" Tang Ke asked.

Glory nodded cautiously: "No problem! Master, don't worry!"

"Don't call me master, call me Mr. Tang Ke or Mr. Tang. You are the world's first simulated robot, and you will be their boss from now on."

Tang Ke walked out of the laboratory door, turned back and smiled at Glory: "Let's go, don't stand here stupidly, you are already the housekeeper here, Yuanyuan will tell you the task."

After speaking, he waved away.

The Honor Steward bowed respectfully and sent Tang Ke away.

The manufacture of simulated robots was a great success!

The next step is to mass-produce simulated robots and integrate them into life.

However, this matter needs to be warmed up through the network.

The simulation robot that comes suddenly is not as expected as so many people on the Internet.

Don't look at the Internet, everyone seems to be looking forward to the arrival of artificial robots, it's just a joke by LSPs.

All they like is realistic robots.

Instead of really wanting a robot that acts and thinks like a human.

The birth of artificial robots will only make people feel uncomfortable and afraid. .

Humans feel the potential danger and fear of creatures that are similar but not human.

In severe cases, artificial robots will be resisted by humans, and even anti-robot organizations will be born.

Therefore, Tang Ke is going to put some news on the Internet to let people gradually accept the existence of simulated robots.

By the way, see how people react to the simulated robot.

He has also thought about some countermeasures, such as equipping each robot with an ID card, so that people can identify the simulated robots and know that they are infertile.

At the same time, Tang Ke will also launch two types of robots, one has that function.

The other is like the Glory Butler, which does not have that kind of function.

Provide different services to people with different needs.

Many people can't accept that robots accompany their partners.

Although it is a robot, the wife or husband will feel that this is a derailment.

Especially in a country like the Dragon Kingdom, where the thinking is more traditional and conservative.

Of course, except for those with special hobbies.

Tang Ke opened the mobile phone information and saw that Zhao Yunqing had sent him a few messages.

Click to open it, it is news about the establishment of the Air Control Act!

"Huh? Not to mention that I almost forgot about it, the air control network is finally done!"

Tang Ke casually flipped through the bill a few times, and it can be said that it is very comprehensive.

The country's tactful use of holographic projections is used to control the air.

Holographic projection is a good thing. It can form a picture in the air and tell people what speed to fly at and how high.

Which areas will restrict flying vehicles can be informed through holographic projection and origin.

The military will also set up deterrence posts at the border to prevent people from smuggling in or smuggling out with aircraft.

But this blocking condition is that Tang Ke provides an anti-gravity device...

Only if the military has an anti-gravity device, can a fortress be established at high altitude.

If not, the military can only use a large number of intelligent flying vehicles to patrol the air constantly.

Therefore, on behalf of the military, Zhao Yunqing is applying for anti-gravity technology to Tang Ke.

Tang Ke touched his chin, thought for a moment, and replied, "I can provide anti-gravity technology, the old rules, okay?"

Wen: OK! no problem! The military will give you a satisfactory price.

The so-called old rule is that both parties cooperate on an equal footing.

One side gives technology, the other gives money.

Although this money is of no use to Tang Ke, money is an honor for him, equivalent to an achievement point.

It's useless, but there is a sense of ritual in it.

At the beginning, the Dragon Kingdom didn't feel good to Tang Ke, but the people who came into contact with him later gave Tang Ke a good feeling.

Especially the head of the Long Kingdom and Zhao Yunqing, these two have no air, and they don't speak pretentiously.

Again, just because of the behavior of some people, it cannot be concluded that the other party is all such people.

This is the case in the Neon Kingdom, and the same is true here in the Dragon Kingdom.

Providing an anti-gravity device would once again advance the technology of the Dragon Kingdom, but that didn't matter to Tang Ke anymore.

No matter how fast Earth technology is, it can’t be faster than Tang Ke.

"The air traffic control network is established, then my smart flying car can be released, and I will directly give netizens a double happiness."

Tang Ke smiled and sent Chen Zimo a message.

Click to open Weibo to start writing information, click to publish!

[Long time no see again, everyone.

There is still no new book released this time, and my "Detective Tang Ke" can be written for several more years.

But this time I bring you two good things, both of which are your favorites.

The first thing is the smart flying car you saw not long ago!

In the early hours of this evening, Kylin's official website will be on sale to the public. The number is limited, about 10,000 units, on a first-come, first-served basis.

As for the second thing, it's the simulated robot you've been calling for a long time ago!

Pre-sale in the early morning tonight, the exact release time is yet to be determined. 】

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