My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 240 Aid the Divine Land and disperse the Northern Kingdom faction\r

Tang Ke's big news on Weibo made the global network boil.

Throwing down the two big moves will make the world's human beings unable to return to their senses.

Intelligent flying car plus simulation robot!

Taken out separately, both are a topic that can be discussed all year.

"Damn it, Mr. Tang Ke, is it because the weather is too cold, so you deliberately make us restless?"

"Hey, don't say it, I'm really excited to see this news."

"Are you trying to simulate the heat of a robot?" the netizen joked.

"Is it said that the air control law has come out, and Tang Ke is actually going to sell a smart flying car?"

"It's out, it's on the hot search, and if you want to buy a smart flying car, you should take a look. I heard that you need to get a flying car driver's license..."

"Ah, it's so troublesome? Isn't it a smart flying car?"

"The smart flying car also has a self-driving mode, just like the Kirin car, unless you buy the full-automatic driving mode, you can skip the flying car driver's license."

The plan given by Long Guo is very complete, but also very simple and rude.

Refer to the rule changes of motorcycle evolution car, and then apply it to the car evolution speed.

Motorcycles and cars require different licenses, and the same goes for flying cars.

The driving style of a flying car is different from that of a car, and the driving style and speed are also different.

In order to give drivers a clear understanding of the rules, a test is required.

Unless it is a flying car without self-driving function, there is no need for research and use it directly.

"You pay attention to the flying car, but I pay more attention to the artificial robot. I want to know how realistic the robot is."

"Mr. Tang Ke hasn't released a promotional video yet. I guess it's just done. He said it's pre-sale."

"This product is made by Tang Ke, it must be a fine product! I think you can buy it with confidence."

"I'll buy both, and I'll be on a smart flying car with a simulated robot...hehe..."

"The smart flying car is going to be sold?! If someone grabs it, can you come and take me to the hospital? I have a fever of 39 degrees and can't go out!"

"My dear, you might as well call the hospital when you wait for our flying car. Maybe the country will use the flying car to pick you up to the hospital, or maybe bring a big white out."

"Huh? I didn't expect this. It must be caused by a fever. Call now."

Today, the phone call of Longguo Hospital has not stopped. Too many people have a cold and fever today.

But because of the heavy snow, few people were able to go out.

Even if I go out, I have to stand the cold and shake all the way to the hospital.

Such a journey may further aggravate the condition.

Therefore, the senior officials of Longguo decided to let the national medical experts walk in the city.

Whenever someone calls for help, the medical expert will go to every household to treat the condition.

At the same time, all the more than 1,000 smart flying cars were taken out, and doctors took the smart flying cars to treat people with fever and cold.

The disease must be killed in the first place to prevent further deterioration.

Otherwise, on the day when the extreme cold arrives, it will only get worse.

At the same time that the Dragon Kingdom took action, a cargo plane loaded with anti-gravity devices and electromagnetic propulsion.

Carrying a large number of robots, it took off from the Dragon Kingdom and went to the divine land not far away.

This freighter is the latest version of Heike's freighter, which is used to transport goods around the world.

Not designed by Tang Ke, but something designed and manufactured by the company's people based on Tang Ke's technology.

Nowadays, those who want to enter the Heike Company are no longer those who can do it.

Instead, people with hard power are needed to join Heike.

Their job is not to help sell products, but to create their own.

The company has all the technical drawings of black technology, as long as the creativity of these people is used, more derivative products can be created.

This black technology cargo plane is a product created by Heike Company itself, and Tang Ke has not participated in any involvement.

It looks like a fighter jet in a sci-fi movie.

The fuselage is quite large, showing a dark silver lustre, with a blue light emitting from the bottom.

After flying for only about twenty minutes, it reached the sky above the Divine Land.

There is no airport here, but this cargo plane doesn't need an airport at all.

The humming sound sounded from the sky, attracting the attention of countless people in the land of God.

Under the watchful eyes of millions of people, the cargo plane blew away the white snow and landed slowly and vertically.

At a position less than one meter from the ground, it is still suspended.

The energy seems to have all dissipated at this moment, and the light has dimmed a bit.

The cargo plane hovered above the snow, and the hatch at the rear of the plane suddenly opened.

A middle-aged man in a black suit stood there, smilingly looking at the gathered people of the land of God.

He stood with his hands on his back, with a pair of white gloves on his hands, and he looked like a housekeeper.

"Hello, I'm Tang Ke's housekeeper, honor!"

Glory took the initiative to speak, and finished with his fluent Japanese.

The hatch at the rear of the plane folded and fell, and the mechanical clicking sound spread, forming a huge passage extending to the ground.

Butler Honor got off the plane and said with a light smile, "Who are the people from Tang Ke's sect?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The people of the Northern Kingdom faction were even more secretive, and there was an inexplicable fear in their hearts.

Just a short sentence, but it revealed so much.

Tang Ke had never been here before, the Divine Land was divided into two factions, and only the people from the Beiguo faction informed the Beiguo.

But Tang Ke's housekeeper directly said the words "Tang Ke faction".

Prove what?

It proves that during this period of time, their every move was actually under the supervision of Tang Ke!

For a time, the faces of the Northerners were extremely pale.

The people from the Tang Ke faction were ecstatic, and hurriedly ran to the glory and said, "We are the place where you landed, sir, and it is the junction of the territories of the two factions."

It is precisely because this is the junction that such a large space is vacated.

"That's right, but when I'm here today, there are no two factions, only the people of Shentu."

Butler Honor said, "Mr. Tang said, from now on, only the people sent by Tang Ke will be the people of Shentu, who specially sent robots to treat your pain and build a cold-proof house."

When the people of Shentu heard the words, they immediately showed ecstasy.

After speaking, Glory turned to look at the people on the other side, and said softly: "As for the people from the Northern Kingdom, Mr. Tang told me to send you to the Northern Kingdom. It is considered that the benevolence and righteousness have been exhausted, right?"

The people of the Northern State faction have different expressions, and various emotions surfaced in their hearts.

Some were ecstatic, some were pale, and some looked regretful.

Ecstasy is the organizer of the Northern Kingdom. These people still trust the Northern Kingdom and are willing to be the younger brother of the Northern Kingdom as they once did.

Those with pale faces, some are afraid of Tang Ke, and some are afraid of the situation on the north side.

They just wanted the North Country to provide supplies, but they never thought about going to the chaotic place in the North Country!

In the land of the gods, there is only hunger and cold, but when they arrive in the northern kingdom, they will be robbed and killed.

As for those who regret, they are not convinced that Tang Ke is their savior, let alone believe that this is Tang Ke's test for them.

This kind of person is just some grass on the wall, and they will fall to whichever side is good.

Before Tang Ke took over the territory, they took refuge in Tang Ke.

Later, Tang Ke ignored them, but the North Country responded, and these people immediately turned to the North Country.

Now that Tang Ke has sent a housekeeper over, these people are extremely regretful.

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