My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 241 The brutal way of glory\r

If I had known that Tang Ke was monitoring everything about them, they wouldn't go to the North Country if they were killed.

He will even take the initiative to try to gain the favor of Tang Ke.

It's a pity that it's too late, and now they will be sent to the Northland to say goodbye to their hometown where they have lived for many years.

"No, Mr. Glory, please give me a chance, I don't actually want to join the North Country, I'm all forced!"

Suddenly, a man rushed over from the Beiguo faction while shouting.

With a cry, he wanted to hug Glory's thigh, intending to use bitterness to gain sympathy.

But when he rushed to Glory's side, there was nothing in front of him.

Glory suddenly punched the opponent's stomach, and the stomach acid spit out from the man's mouth.

Immediately after the Glory kicked and kicked, the man felt the world spinning.

With a muffled sound, he fell directly to the ground!

Butler Honor tidied up his suit jacket, smoothing out the folds and looking at the people of the Northern Kingdom faction.

Indifferently said: "Don't play tricks with me. From the moment Mr. Tang took over the land of God, all your actions are under surveillance. Anyone who disobeys will be the end!"

Glory is Tang Ke's housekeeper, but he is not Tang Ke.

For the people of the land of God, he will treat them with heart.

But for these traitors who have defected to the North, he will use his own methods!

The words of glory made everyone present chill, they were not soldiers, let alone leaders.

Just ordinary refugees.

Some people were angry and felt that it was too much for Glory to act first.

The man just wanted to run over and beg for a chance.

It was outrageous to be attacked by Glory as a result.

They wanted to do something to Glory, but when they saw the group of Tang Ke sect people behind Glory, the flames that rose quietly went out instantly.

"Very well, I thought I was going to do it. It seems that everyone is very interested."

The corners of Glory's mouth rose, and there was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

He turned to look at the people sent by Tang Ke, connected to the origin through satellites, and controlled the dense number of robots, surging down from the cargo plane.

Tiny magnetic robots resemble waves of ant colonies.

After going down to the ground, immediately searched for nearby materials, and built a house frame on the ground.

Medical Dabai stepped on a steady pace, went to the patients in the Tang Ke faction, and started medical work.

"Get on the plane, everyone, what are you still doing?"

Glory did not stop for too long, but walked back to the cargo plane and scolded the people from the Northern Kingdom.

See his cold eyes.

These people couldn't help but feel cold, feeling that the other party was like a machine without emotion, which was especially scary.

No one could have imagined that the glory in front of them was really a machine...

The people of the Northern State faction boarded the cargo plane in an orderly manner, and some people at the back sneaked away.

After the rest of the people boarded the cargo plane, there was still no luck.

The Glory Steward stepped off the cargo plane, his face icy and locked in every direction.

Under the slightly terrified gaze of Tang Ke's people, they knocked down all these people and dragged them onto the cargo plane!

Don't eat and drink a toast.

Since they are not obedient, they can only resort to violence.

Glory is not polite, and the brutal behavior makes the scalp of the people around him tingle.

Far away in the Dragon Kingdom, Tang Ke observes the behavior of glory through satellites.

This domineering and powerful attitude is a very simple and rude way.

It's just that this kind of behavior is easy to cause public anger, which leads to the scene of glory beating a group of people.

Regarding the behavior of glory, Tang Ke did not stop it, nor did he say anything.

Just watching so quietly.

I thought that these Northland faction people would attack the glory, but the result was a little disappointing.

These people are cowardly.

The cargo plane took off again, heading for the North Country.

The more than 10 million people remaining in the land of God bowed in the direction of the glorious departure at the same time, and their hearts were full of gratitude.

Glory brings not only robots, but also some food and daily necessities.

In particular, the stove is the most in short supply.

There are not many, but for the people of Shentu, this is a help in the snow.

Under the acceleration of electromagnetic propulsion, the cargo plane flew at full speed for three hours and reached the sky above the Northland.

Its appearance did not have any hidden meaning, and immediately alerted the entire Northern Army.

Without waiting for questions and warnings from the military, Origin directly invaded the Northland military base.

The face of Glory appeared in the picture, and said in standard English: "I am Tang Ke's housekeeper, Glory! This time, I came to send the people of the Divine Land who took refuge in you. Please put down all weapons immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. !"

When he said the last sentence, Glory grinned, as if anticipating their attack.

Even Tang Ke at home narrowed his eyes slightly.

As long as the Northland dares to launch any means of attack, the space-based artillery will bombard it on the spot!

The space-based capsule in space suddenly lit up blue light, and driven by electromagnetic propulsion, it flew to the Northland.


The space-based muzzle moved to the Northland, the Ke energy was filled, and it was ready to launch at any time.

At this moment, the high-level officials of the North and the military were caught in unprecedented tension.

They were choosing and hesitating, and their faces were uncertain.

The people of the gods on the cargo plane were even more frightened and sweated on their foreheads.

It turned out that Tang Ke didn't say hello to Beiguo at all, and sent them all over directly.

It takes a missile to hit them, and they will all be finished!

Both sides fell into silence, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

The people of Shentu were sweating, and the military of the Northern Kingdom was also sweating. They were not sure what Tang Ke was going to do.

After a short thought, the military leader waved his hand: "Let go, land in the military fortress!"

Hearing this, the military ended the lock and let it pass.

Seeing that they had safely entered the northern border, the people of Shentu breathed a sigh of relief, their hearts beating wildly and it was difficult to calm down.

The Northland military removed the missiles and laser cannons, but asked the other side to stop in the military fortress.

They sent a large number of people to the landing site of the cargo plane.

The wind and snow were whistling constantly, and the sky and ground were pure white.

But even so, it did not affect the normal flight of the cargo plane.


The cargo plane landed vertically, and the anti-gravity pressure rolled up a layer of air waves.

The snow on the ground was blown away, causing the snowflakes to drift.

A large number of soldiers armed with weapons surrounded the cargo plane and waited with serious faces.

When the hatch opened, all the soldiers raised their weapons and aimed at the cabin.

The people of Shentu, wrapped in zongzi, hurriedly raised their hands, saying that they were harmless to humans and animals, and they must not shoot.

After obtaining the permission of the Northern Army, the people of Shentu went down one by one.

The cold wind of minus fifty degrees blew tingling on the face, and even if it was wrapped into a zongzi, it still couldn't help trembling.

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