My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 242 Pay the price, space-based artillery launches\r

The constant temperature inside the cargo plane is so comfortable that it makes it difficult for the people who have enjoyed the warmth to adapt to the cold outside.

"Hurry up, let me all down!"

The soldiers scolded, and the people of Shentu quickened their pace.

When everyone came down, these soldiers pointed their guns at the honorable butler on the cargo plane!

"You, come down for me too! Hurry up!" The soldier shouted again.

From the moment the other party entered the territory of the North Kingdom, the North Kingdom did not intend to let the other party go back.

Whether it is Tang Ke's housekeeper or this black-tech cargo plane, they will all be the spoils of their northern kingdom.

Tang Ke's housekeeper directly becomes their bargaining chip, which can be used to exchange things with Tang Ke.

Come and want to go?

How can there be such a good thing?

But this Tang Ke is really arrogant enough to dare to despise their northern kingdom so much, come when he wants, and leave when he wants.

However, the Glory Steward standing on the cargo plane was indifferent.

With a calm face, he chuckled: "I don't have to go down, the person has already been delivered, and it's time for me to leave."

After that, he turned around directly, and the hatch behind him began to slowly close.

Seeing that the other party was planning to escape, the soldier suddenly became furious: "Fake! Give it to me!"

In an instant, a hundred soldiers rushed up before the hatch closed.


The hatch closed and nearly 30 soldiers armed with firearms rushed into the cargo plane.

Glory frowned and glanced coldly at the people around him.

The other party was also not polite, and sneered, and at the same time hammered the glory with the butt of the gun.

With a single blow, anyone will faint to the ground.

This high-tech cargo plane belongs to their Northland!


Just when the soldier's gun stock was about to hit Glory's face, Glory's figure flashed in vain.

The action was fast and fast, and the moment he grabbed the opponent's firearm, his elbow slammed into the soldier's face.

With a muffled sound, he grabbed the gun with his backhand and pulled the handle of the gun directly at the soldier.

hum, hum-

A crimson laser shot out from the gun, bursting into a moment of youthfulness.

The soldier's head exploded like a watermelon, and blood spattered on the faces of the others!

"What a hassle, dirtying my cargo plane and wasting time cleaning it."

Butler Glory snorted impatiently, and the gun in his hand aimed at the surrounding people and fired on the spot.

The soldiers were not idiots either, they also pulled the handle of their guns in an instant and fired lasers at the glory.

call out! call out! call out--

The laser shot rapidly in the cargo plane, and the Honor Steward instantly turned on the rescue mode, and the attributes of his whole body were fully activated.

Dodging the rushing laser with the afterimages, the empty laser landed on the wall of the cargo plane, but left only a few traces!

This cargo plane uses a mixture of cobalt alloy and empty silver alloy, which is so hard that it is not a problem to block laser attacks.

At this moment, Glory seems to have turned into a gust of wind, wandering in the cargo plane.

The ghost-like movement made the pupils of the soldiers shrink suddenly.

But their shock only lasted for a few seconds, and the next moment their heads blossomed.

The scarlet laser blew off their heads with precision.

The brains were mixed with blood and splattered on the walls of the cargo plane and the soldiers' companions.


Glory kicked the soldier and suddenly pulled out a blue light blade from his waist.

Harvest the opponent's life with the sound of breaking the air!

More than 30 soldiers were brought down one after another.

No matter how they fired, they couldn't keep up with the ghostly glory.

puff! puff! puff!

Glory threw away the opponent's firearms and attacked the enemy directly with the laser blade.

The sword light waved in the air, drawing a beautiful curve.

The screams, mixed with the sound of blood splashing, echoed in the cargo plane.

This place seems to have become a purgatory on earth, with a pungent smell, blood and broken limbs all over the ground.

"The devil! The devil! He is the devil!! He is not human at all!"

"Flee! Go and inform the admiral!"

"Damn, we can't get out, the hatch is closed and the switch can't be found!"

"Ahhhhh!!! My legs!"


As the blade of light swept past, the terrified cry for help came to an abrupt end.

Peace was restored in the cargo plane, and the blood and corpses on the ground became the background board of the Glory Butler.

He straightened his suit indifferently, smoothed out the wrinkled collar, and resumed his elegant smile again...

After the battle just now, he was stunned without a drop of blood on his body.

"It seems that I have to ask someone outside to help clean it up. It would be disrespectful to him to go back to see Mr. Tang like this."

Glory's leather shoes stepped on the blood, allowing Origin to open the hatch.


The soldiers outside had been waiting for a long time, and they were a little dissatisfied with the timing of the hatch opening.

The other party is just one person, and he has been dawdling for so long.

Could it be that I found something good in it?


What is the other side hiding?

But it doesn't matter, the housekeeper inside has been subdued anyway.

The five-star general led by him showed an impatient expression.

However, when the hatch opened, his impatient face froze.

tick tock~tick tock~

Blood dripped from the cabin onto the snow, and the pungent smell of blood permeated the plane.

The corpses scattered all over the floor clacked and slid down in front of everyone along the folded and unfolded shelf.

The people of the gods who were watching the play turned blue and couldn't help retching.

Even the nearby soldiers shrank their pupils.

Even if they have experienced war, it is somewhat difficult for them to adapt to such a bloody scene.

Butler Glory stood in the cabin with his hands behind his back, and his eyes were cold: "It seems that you don't know Mr. Tang's methods yet, so you dare to attack me without authorization."

"Mr. Tang said that as long as Beiguo dares to do something, he will have to pay the price. Is your president still in the White Palace?"

"It's time to change..."

Glory grinned, and the people around couldn't get in at all.

They were already so shocked by the scene in front of them that they were speechless.

Glory stood there unharmed, and all the soldiers who entered were killed by laser blades.

Blood dripped from the cargo plane, staining the pale snow red.

As soon as they came back to their senses, they heard the last sentence of Glory: the president wants to change one.

Everyone didn't know why, and the general didn't have time to issue orders.

Suddenly, there was a sense of depression in the air.

The wind and snow seemed to stagnate at this moment!

Everyone looked up and saw a dazzling white light descending from the sky.

It seems to contain the power to destroy the world, to destroy everything in the world!

The humming sound resounded in the sky above the North Country, people's heartbeats involuntarily quickened, and their pupils shrank sharply.

They didn't understand what this white light was, but a sense of powerless fear flooded their hearts.

Under the gaze of countless people, white light drowned half of the sky.


The surrounding light dimmed in an instant, and the white light penetrated the clouds like the sun, drowning the White Palace of the Northern Kingdom!

Boom! ! ! !

The huge sound was deafening, and with the White Palace as the center, the ground trembled for thousands of miles.

Hundreds of kilometers in radius were submerged in white light, and the roar became more and more loud, and finally surpassed human hearing.

Everyone fell into a brief tinnitus and could not hear any sound, as if the world fell into silence.

Even the military fortresses thousands of miles away felt the shock.

The hot air waves swept in, blowing the wind and snow into showers and drifting away into the distance.

The people of Shentu and the military soldiers were blown to the ground collectively by this air wave, and the restless energy made it hard for them to breathe.

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