My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 250 Become a giant Heike company\r

The owner of the beef offal smiled and said, "And this thing is very smart. As long as it is put on the soup pot, it will automatically keep the temperature in the pot, so that the heat of the beef offal is just the temperature that can be eaten in the mouth!"

"Good guy, it is indeed a bit powerful, but there is a problem, right?"

The customer said, "If you accidentally touch the table, boss, won't you get burned?"


As soon as he said this, the other stall owners laughed.

The owner who sold oden next to him explained: "Do you think there is such a stupid loophole in Heike's products? As long as it is not a soup pot, even if you sit on it, it will not have any temperature!"

As he said that, he also touched the table with his hand a few times to prove that he was not lying.

"So powerful? As expected of Tang Ke!" the customer exclaimed.

Hearing the words, Niu Za boss immediately shook his head: "No, no, no, this is a Heike product, but it is not a product of Tang Ke. He doesn't bother to play with these simple technologies."

Heike is now the largest company in the world and the company with the most talents.

Every time Tang Ke invents a new product, their first task is to think whether this product can lead to more things.

For example, the table connected to the energy tower in front of them was the first thing they thought of.

Then gathered the power of everyone, and soon developed this kind of energy table.

A business of selling snacks in the extreme cold came into being.

In addition, Heike has many small technologies that are beneficial to life.

Not as stunning as Tang Ke's stuff, but very practical.

For example, Heike recently developed a flying truck, which may not be as fast as a smart flying car.

But it's fairly stable and has a huge capacity.

There is also a blockbuster technology under development - flying iron!

This is the upgrade of the high-speed rail, which is equivalent to adding anti-gravity devices and electromagnetic thrusters to the high-speed rail!

Without rail friction, transport speeds would be several levels higher.

However, because the speed is too fast, not only the wind pressure will be greater.

At the same time, the wind pressure caused by it will also affect the surrounding houses.

Therefore, Heike is designing a kind of vacuum pipe, which is specially provided for the flying iron to travel.

Not only the sound insulation effect is good, but also the wind pressure caused by high-speed driving can be reduced.

Tang Ke's city in the sky inspired the researchers of Heike Company.

So this vacuum pipe will be built on the sky!

These things are the creativity of the employees of Heike Company, and Tang Ke did not participate in the whole process.

Except that Chen Zimo will tell Tang Ke, Tang Ke is completely unaware of the development progress.

He hadn't even gotten to know his company, and he left everything to Chen Zimo anyway.

Fortunately, Chen Zimo is a real person. If he were someone else, he would have had crooked thoughts long ago.

Not to mention the development of Heike Company into such a behemoth.


The blizzard continued, and the whistling wind sounded like a sky-devouring beast whistling, and the temperature was dropping rapidly.

There are still three days before the extreme cold, and the global temperature has dropped to -70 degrees as expected!

Large numbers of people died in various countries, the exact number is unknown.

In such a cold, no one can count the numbers.

Those who freeze to death on the street or at home have no one to collect their corpses.

With the help of the big hole opened by Ke energy, Beiguo quickly established a dungeon, allowing a large number of rich people to escape.

The poor who were fortunate enough to enter the dungeon survived, and those who failed to catch up almost all died outside.

The entire Northland was filled with the smell of despair, and the number of living people on the ground plummeted.

For them, death is just a matter of time.

"Northland is over, there is no president to lead us, only a group of selfish soldiers are left, and they don't care about the lives of us."

"Don't say it, even if the president is here, they won't care about us."

"I regret that I was born in such a country, where there are hungry wolves that eat people and don't spit out bones!"

The Northland man holding a wine bottle sat in the crowd and laughed at himself.

He was surrounded by companions who were huddled together for warmth. They were warming their bodies with the wine they had just found, and they were covered with several layers of heavy quilts.

"Let's go to the dungeon together, maybe you can be a coolie and live for a while."

An opinion was raised, but the next second was rebutted.

"Do you really think that if we go in, we will be able to live? The people inside will try their best to make us do the dirtiest work. Maybe inside, we are not as good as dogs!"

He didn't want his wife and daughter to be spoiled by the rich inside.

"That's right, the North Country is completely over, and only those rich people are qualified to survive."

"I think we should try to ask the Dragon Kingdom for help. There is Tang Ke in the Dragon Kingdom. It is said that they have created a steam technology to make the whole country enjoy the warmth!" said a blonde woman, holding a holographic mobile phone.

She played the pictures uploaded by Longguo netizens in the form of holographic projection.

A towering tower with a unique shape stands, emitting bursts of golden light, reflecting the streets and houses brilliantly.

Pedestrians on the street were talking and laughing, buying roadside snacks to taste, as if they were shopping in a commercial street.

Children play holographic games in the clearing, with happy smiles on their faces.

This place seems to be a paradise, and there will be a blizzard in the sky tomorrow.

But in the air less than 100 meters from the ground, it was evaporated by heat.

"This... This is really the Dragon Kingdom? What the hell is going on here?"

"It's incredible!"

"It's Tang Ke! He created such an environment for the Dragon Kingdom, let's ask the Dragon Kingdom for help!" the blonde woman said solemnly.

"This is simply the means of the gods, he is the god of this world!"

"If there is a God, he must be Tang Ke!"

These refugees looked shocked and excited.

They are just ordinary people, and a holographic phone is their limit.

If you want to seek help from the Dragon Kingdom, you can only go through the online forum.

Everyone posted a request for help on the forum of the Dragon Kingdom, hoping that the Dragon Kingdom could save them, the poor people in the northern country.

As long as they can survive the extreme cold, let them do anything they want.

Longguo netizens were idle and bored, and accidentally swiped this post.

For a while, it caused extensive discussion.

Some people think that although the North Country is too much, it is a high-level decision.

But some people think that the Northlanders have always been outrageous, and these poor people are the main group of demonstrations.

They are unwilling to obey the state's arrangements, which is why they are reduced to this, and they are not worthy of everyone's sympathy.

"But there are good people and bad people in the Neon Kingdom. How can we arbitrarily decide that all the people in the Northern Kingdom are bad people?"

"That's right, Tang Ke has saved the people of the Neon Kingdom, why can't we in the Dragon Kingdom save the people of the Northern Kingdom?"

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