My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 251 Northland refugees' help, help or not\r

"What a joke, you don't need to give materials. Of course you say it easily. Do you know what it will take if the Dragon Kingdom accepts these northerners?"

The netizen's reply was directly criticized by others.

"And the country of Neon has also perished. Now there are only the people of Shentu. They are all people of big boss Tang Ke, not people of Neon!"

"Besides, Big Brother Tang Ke saved the people from the Divine Land, but half of them still chose to betray them, not to mention these Northlanders who are already rebellious, I am firmly opposed to them!"

"But if you don't save them, it won't take long for these people to become corpses."

"I also think it should be saved. Although it sounds like a mother, but our country has such strength, why not help?"

"As a big country, it should show the demeanor of a big country!"

"Come on, if you save one, you will get a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand?"

The heated discussion on the Internet gradually turned into a quarrel among Long Guo's own people.

There is a polarization between saving and not saving.

Seeing the response from the people of Longguo, these refugees in the northern country couldn't help but look ugly.

According to such a trend, no matter whether Long Guo can make a move in the end, they will be cool.

If it drags on, they really can't stand it!

"Please, please, save us, as long as I can survive, even if I work for a lifetime!"

"Longguo is a benevolent and benevolent country. I have always liked the culture of the Longguo, and I have never belittled or insulted the Longguo before. We are really not bad people."

"There are indeed many people in our northern country who look down on the people of Longguo, but not everyone is like this!"

Refugees from the Northland hurriedly typed their responses, and through the online translation function, they could easily chat across borders.

At the same time, they also took a picture of the scene and uploaded it to the Internet.

The dimly lit hut was crowded with no less than thirty people.

There is a dimly glowing stove around, and a group of people are covered with quilts, looking at the camera pitifully.

It has to be said that their living environment is indeed poor.

Hunger and cold plagued them at the same time, and it was a skill to be able to survive until now.

The matter became more and more troublesome, and even the top officials of the country noticed it.

The senior officials of Longguo also felt very difficult about whether to accept the refugees from the northern country.

To save or not to save?

If you don't save it, it's all life!

In the face of disaster, every life should be respected.

Countries should support each other and tide over adversity together.

It's a pity that this disaster is a bit too terrifying, and everyone is in danger.

If the Dragon Kingdom hadn't had a Tang Ke, I'm afraid he's still trying his best to protect himself, and he wouldn't have the heart to take care of other countries.

But if it is rescued, the cost of this rescue will be very high.

Although the Dragon Kingdom has the ability to protect itself, it does not have the ability to go to the North Country and save so many lives.

Even if it is really saved, there are still people in other countries who are in disaster.

Do you save all?

Don't be kidding, there are not so many resources in the ecological building of Longguo.

In particular, the ocean is frozen, and it is no longer possible to go out to fish, and the amount of food has been forcibly reduced.

The Dragon Kingdom was just in a state of being self-sufficient.

"What do you think about this matter?" asked the head of the Long Kingdom.

The high-level officials narrowed their eyes and said lightly, "Our country's capabilities are limited now, and we are temporarily unable to save the North Country. After all, the North Country is on the other side, and people who fly over will be cold."

His words were unanimously approved by the surrounding high-level officials.

The North Country is too far away, it can be said to be one of the countries farthest from the Dragon Country.

These people are now asking for help, but when Longguo sends people to fly over, most of them are gone.

In addition to the black-tech aircraft made by Tang Ke, who can take off in such a big snowstorm?

Um? Wait a moment? !

The high-level people suddenly realized something incredible.

Perhaps from the beginning, these northerners were asking Tang Ke for help.

Instead of asking for help from their Dragon Kingdom...

These Northerners also know that the Dragon Kingdom has no ability to fly over to save them.

The goal of these people was to go to Tang Ke from the beginning.

"If you say that, it should be decided by Tang Ke, not us." The senior level of Longguo said embarrassedly.

This feeling of not being valued by foreigners is really not good.

But they also can't get any gas.

After all, Tang Ke is a person standing on top of the world, and it is normal for these people to think about him.

With such a great god not invited, let Long Guo send a plane over there?

This is clearly unwise behavior.

"In that case, let Tang Ke deal with it, we don't care."

The chief laughed and sent a text message to remind Tang Ke.

Tang Ke, who was developing an oxygen converter at home, suddenly received a message from the chief.

Only then did he know that the refugees from the northern country had also come to him for help.

"My dear, is this taking me as a Kaishantang?"

Tang Ke chuckled twice, he knew that the Northland had built a dungeon.

These refugees are the poor who are not eligible to enter the dungeon

The reason why the refugees from the Northland turned to him for help was beyond his ability.

It is simply because he once saved the people of Neon Kingdom.

The only hope for these refugees is that Tang Ke can be kind and save them like the Neon people.

Tang Ke's first reaction was to refuse, why should he save them?

And the conflict just happened not long ago, it is really difficult for Tang Ke to raise the idea of ​​saving the refugees in the northern country.

Even those in the Divine Land were finally left after being tested by Tang Ke.

But these refugees from the Northland did not have time to test Tang Ke.

So whether or not to save, it is all in Tang Ke's mind.

In the case of rescue, there may be some bad people mixed in.

If not saved, some good people will be sacrificed.

Tang Ke pondered this question while debugging the oxygen converter.

The oxygen converter in hand is a black technology that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

With this thing, Tang Ke can explore freely in the sea without worrying about the lack of oxygen.

It is also a must for Tang Ke to go to space.

The principle is very simple, that is, element conversion.

As long as the internal conversion structure is designed, it can be directly activated by adding energy.

Tang Ke didn't even let the robot do it, he did it himself.

Things made in the past were too huge, and they were all made by robots with large instruments.

For too long without making technology by myself, I always feel a little itchy.

Now that I have finally come across a relatively small instrument, I can finally do it myself.

Although the instrument is small, the structure is very complex.

Every small part must be taken seriously, and no sloppiness is allowed.

Busy until twelve o'clock in the evening, and finally got it.

Tang Ke let out a breath of relief: "It's more ritualistic to do it yourself!"

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