My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 253 Ice Age, simulation robots on sale\r

the next morning.

The temperature reached an astonishing minus eighty degrees!

The whole world is groggy and full of dead silence.

Butler Honor took a cargo plane to the North Country, but only brought back a few hundred people.

The number of refugees surviving in the Northland is far less than imagined.

They were arranged to the land of the gods to carry out miscellaneous activities such as resource collection.

Although tired, but able to enjoy a comfortable living environment.

There is no information about the situation in other countries, and the contact between the countries is also cut off today.

I don't know if it was because of the riots or because of the severe cold that too many people died.

There is an energy tower in the state of the dragon, and the temperature is still maintained at more than 20 degrees below zero.

No matter how big the wind and snow are, it will not be able to break through the defense of the energy tower.

Tang Ke opened the online forum and saw that the people of Longguo praised him last night, and he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Maybe this is a beautiful misunderstanding.

"Origin, how long do you think this weather will last?" Tang Ke asked.

Origin Answer: "In two more days, the temperature will reach minus one hundred degrees. Such weather will last for at least a month. As for when it will warm up in the future, it will take some time to accurately speculate."

"At least a month of extreme cold..."

Tang Ke was also shocked by such data.

One month later, it is unknown how many human beings will survive abroad.

Fortunately, his energy tower was built early, and the Dragon Kingdom has completely entered stability.

Even if it is minus one hundred and twenty or thirty degrees, there is no need to worry.

The energy tower also has an overload mode, which can release heat energy when overloaded for a short time.

Surviving this extreme cold is not a problem.

Tang Ke opened the Glory Steward's communication again: "How is the situation on your side, are those northerners still honest?"

The Honor Butler appeared in front of Tang Ke through a holographic projection, and said respectfully: "Everything is normal, they are working very hard, but it is only a preliminary stage. Whether there will be any rebels in the future remains to be seen."

At first, nothing could be seen, because they are still grateful and all work very hard.

But when time is long, whether you can still not forget your original intention is another matter.

"Stay there for a while, and suddenly the situation can be handled by yourself."

"I understand, please don't worry, Mr. Tang."

The Honor Steward bowed to Tang Ke, and the holographic screen closed.

Tang Ke then turned on the satellite image to check the situation in each country.

From high to low, the entire earth appears pale white.

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the Divine Land have steam rising, and the people all live around the energy tower.

Only in the streets of these two places, there are people walking around frequently.

For the people of the Dragon Kingdom and the Divine Land, the extreme cold is just like ordinary winter, so what to do.

Some companies are even going to work as usual, and factories have not stopped.


The ruins of the White Palace in the Northern Kingdom are an abyss.

Inside the wall of the abyss, the light of the lamp shines.

It was a vast underground city, inhabited by most of the rich people in the northern country.

It can be felt that the rich people inside should have a very good life.

Outside the abyss, from time to time, some gaunt human beings will climb out and go out to collect resources.

Some successfully returned to the dungeon to enjoy, while others died on the way back.

No one helped them pick up the bodies, so they died violently in the wilderness and were buried in heavy snow.

The rest of the cities in other countries are like dead cities.

There is no sign of any human activity, as if these countries are devoid of living people.

But Tang Ke still found through satellite detection that there are still humans stubbornly living.

He didn't know how these people survived, but maybe this is the power of human beings.

They always think of all kinds of strange ways to keep themselves alive.

Occasionally individual human beings would go outside, dressed in strange costumes, and walk slowly on the snow.

The traces left behind were covered by the wind and snow in less than a moment.

"Origin, go online to confirm whether the overseas users who purchased the smart speed car are alive, and those who survive will be given priority for delivery."

The situation of Longguo is stable, and it will not have any impact on the delivery to Longguo users later.

But overseas users are different. For them, smart flying cars have become a survival tool.

Since it is his own user, Tang Ke doesn't mind giving each other a little help.

Tang Ke gave an order and was about to turn around and devote himself to the study.

He suddenly thought of something and added: "By the way, bring some unremarkable water dispensers by the way and ask these people if they need to buy them."

Whether it is drought or extreme cold, water is the most scarce thing.

I believe that many overseas users will choose to buy one.

Helping others and making a little money is perfect!


The extremely cold day has come unexpectedly.

The global depth has dropped to minus 100 degrees Celsius!

There is no change in any country in the world, the lively is still lively, and the deadly silence is as always.

The difference is that in foreign cities with wind and snow, occasionally there will be smart flying cars driving through the air.

With the increasing number of smart flying cars, a fleet of vehicles has gradually formed, flying in cycles in major cities in the country.

When these people pass by, if they encounter a living person, they will help.

Help each other and share adversity.

Such a scene is staged in many friendly countries.

The extreme cold does not seem to be as scary as imagined.

But in some countries with special ideology and culture, extreme cold is the hell of the poor and the paradise of the rich.

Those who master resources live a life of intoxication.

And those who are oppressed must be prepared to die at any time while living in a humble way.

The good and evil of human nature are displayed incisively and vividly in the extreme cold!

More than ten days have passed.

The global temperature fluctuates up and down below zero, and there is no sign of warming at all.

Sometimes it will reach a terrifying minus one hundred and thirty degrees.

at this bad time.

Heike's simulation robot is sold worldwide!

Just log in to the official website of Heike, and you can start purchasing simulation robots.

There are as many as 30,000 different types of simulated robots, each with a different appearance and personality.

There are data listed on the ability, intelligence, personality, hobbies, etc. of the simulated robot.

Heike officially reminds that you must choose the simulation robot you need carefully.

"I hope that people can treat artificial robots as human beings, and they will be your companions in the future, so I hope you can choose carefully."

The launch video of the simulated robot is different from all previous promotions.

It is no longer a manufacturer's promotion of product features.

No flashy opening, no shocking copy.

There is only one unremarkable founder of Heike Company - Tang Ke.

He stood in front of the camera and spoke to the video audience.

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