Tang Ke stood in a white space and said to the camera:

"The simulation robot is infinitely close to human beings, and it is the most proud product I have built among so many robots."

"He can be said to be an upgraded version of Dabai, or it can be said to be an artificial human."

"If you choose a simulation robot that does not match your personality, there will be conflicts between them!"

Tang Ke said cautiously: "Don't think that the robot is just an obedient tool. In order to make the simulated robot more like a human, I have added a lot of things to them that you can't imagine."

"In the crowd, I can guarantee that you can't tell which one is the robot."

Having said that, Tang Ke made a gesture of invitation.

The camera then turned to the side, and ten men and women sat together, drinking drinks and chatting.

Tang Ke clapped his hands to them: "Okay everyone, look at the camera with me."

"One of these people is a simulated robot. I let them communicate with each other for more than two hours. Let's ask these people if they can know who is the robot."

After speaking, the camera zoomed in on the ten people.

Everyone's appearance is not bad, yellow skin, white skin, black skin.

"Two hours have passed, tell me how you feel, who is the robot?" Tang Ke smiled.

The audience also showed curiosity, carefully observed and looked at the ten people to see which one was the simulated robot.

The clothes on them are numbered from one to ten.

At the same time, a poll appeared below the video, with a total of eleven options.

There are ten people in the video, and there is a special option for 'None of them are robots'.

An Asian woman with number three written on her clothes was the first to speak: "Through the conversation just now, I think number ten is very likely, because he hardly talks much, and most of them are laughing. It's to hide his performance."

The black man number ten immediately said, "I just don't like to talk, I prefer to observe, I think it's number seven!"

"It was just under her leadership that we were able to get to know each other so quickly. I think this is the advantage of artificial intelligence."

He nodded his head and said word by word, "Understand people's hearts! They can analyze human emotions and make the most comfortable response, just like Origin!"

When the people around heard the words, they nodded like the audience, thinking that the man's analysis was very reasonable.

Woman No. 7 smiled and said, "Why is the ability to chat an advantage of artificial intelligence? On the contrary, the more you can chat, the more likely you are to be human. How can artificial intelligence have human emotional intelligence?"

"That's right!"

No. 8 agreed: "I think No. 3 is the most suspicious, because she questioned No. 10 when she came up, and the evidence is a bit funny."

"There is a saying that thieves call to catch thieves. She was the first to question others, probably to reduce her suspicion."

The people around suddenly realized, and looked at the Asian woman No. 3 with scrutiny.

No. 3 frowned and said sternly, "Since you said I was rash, then your speculations have no basis, on the contrary!"

"The routine of a thief shouting to catch a thief can also be counted on No. 8. Why don't you doubt No. 8?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately showed embarrassment.

It seems to be the case.

So it's really hard to tell who is the robot.

Even the audience couldn't guess who was the simulated robot.

"I think we may have been fooled. There may be more than one simulated robot. I think these foreigners are very suspicious. Now is the extremely cold period. Why do we have foreigners in the Dragon Council?"

"Ah this..."

"Yes?! How can there be foreigners?"

"Haha, have you forgotten that I still have relatives in the Dragon Country. During the drought, I took refuge in the Dragon Country and got a permanent residence permit!"

"Uh, that seems to be the truth..."

In the next five minutes of discussion, everyone expressed their views and opinions.

From beginning to end, there is no precise answer.

The most outrageous thing is that this video ends just like that.

And there's a countdown.

The correct answer will not be announced until an hour later.

The option with the most votes under the video is not any of the ten.

On the contrary, the eleventh option, "None of them is a robot", has been recognized by the most people.

The audience always feels that it is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there may be an anti-routine.

For example...

The real robot is actually Tang Ke! ?

"I'll bet a dime, there's no robot in there at all, that's a trick Tang Ke plays."

"All options are wrong, the real robot is Tang Ke!"

"Yes, yes, Tang Ke has learned from the past. He once made a fake and deceived the global audience."

"Good guy, come again?"

"Tang Ke overturned this time, hahaha..."

"I didn't expect it, you didn't follow the routine, and we didn't follow the routine."

"Laughing to death, I finally saw Big Brother Tang Ke overturned."

There was laughter on the Internet, and the person who proposed this idea was praised for being really witty.

This kind of reverse thinking person must be a big boss.

"But speaking, Tang Ke's robot is indeed realistic enough. If it wasn't for someone to propose, I would never have imagined it."

"Indeed, who would have thought that Tang Ke was a robot?"

"Actually, I felt something was wrong for a long time, because there are very few shots of Tang Ke, and this is the first time he has appeared in a promotional film."

"Yes, the promotional film does not need Tang Ke at all. The reason why Tang Ke appeared is probably to show us."

"Brilliant, justified!"

The more the audience thought about it, the more reasonable it became, and they praised their wit.

Through repeated observation and speculation, the more I look, the more I think Tang Ke is a robot.

I even feel that Tang Ke has various places that seem unnatural, and reasoning is more subtle than one.

Waited for an hour.

The official release is no longer a video, but a global live broadcast!

Tang Ke appeared in front of the camera again, he smiled and said: "I just read your comments, I have to say, it's really a big brain."

The audience was also happy, and the barrage quickly floated past.

"No, no, it's the boss, you have a big brain."

"What, I didn't expect it, this time it actually overturned."

"It's rare to see a big guy overturning a car, I feel so happy."

Seeing the audience's words, Tang Ke shook his head with a smile.

"No, I didn't roll over, I'm not a robot, I'm myself."

Tang Ke smiled and said, "As for your guesses, you are half right and half wrong."

"You are right, the options are all wrong, the real answer is..."

His voice paused and his eyes narrowed slightly: "They are all robots!"

Global audience: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? ?

Nani? !

Hearing this result, everyone's first reaction was to doubt.

But in the next second, the live broadcast changed to the ten people just now.

These people are still arguing about the topic just now, but the live broadcast camera is switched to a perspective perspective.

It can be clearly seen that their bodies are not organs, but delicate machinery rotating!

As for why they are still discussing?

Tang Ke gave the answer with a smile: "The reason why they are still discussing is because I made a special program to make them all think they are human."

"The reason for this is to show the performance capabilities of the simulated robot. When it is released, I will cancel this program."

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