After Tang Ke finished speaking, he hung up the official website link by the way.

The number of simulated robots is limited, and each simulated robot is unique.

Previously it was a pre-sale, and now it is an official sale.

The pre-sale is to warm up and let people gradually adapt to the arrival of simulated robots.

Today's simulation robot performance is a big deal!

It is also the first public release of simulated robots, and they are about to be integrated into people's lives.

Realistic appearance, demeanor, words and deeds, etc.

These did not make people panic, but caused countless people to go crazy.

In this extremely cold era, people need companions and warmth.

The simulated robot perfectly replaces all of this, so it is sought after by countless people.

Overnight, Tang Ke received remittances from all over the world.

The driver, Dabai, drives the flying cargo plane and the flying truck, flying all over the world.

When the simulated robot was delivered to the people, almost everyone's eyes widened, wondering if Heike was selling human beings.

Deliberately say it's a robot, but it's a real person?

Hearing this, Tang Ke said: The defense ability of the simulated robot is higher than that of humans, and it has the power to heal wounds on its own. If you don't believe it, you can try it with a knife.

This is a bit scary to say, and most people dare not try it lightly.

But there are still brave ones who, with the consent of the robot, tried to cut the fingers of the simulated robot with a knife.

They were surprised to find that it was really unbreakable!

The defense of the simulated robot is extremely strong and has won unanimous praise.

"This is too resistant to grass, I like this kind of strong defense!"

"Good guy, the color wholesaler said!"

"I have a big question, is the simulation robot also connected to the Internet? If so, if I exercise with the simulation robot, is there a risk of becoming a live broadcast?"

Suddenly, the colored group raised a serious topic.

Netizens around the world are also aware of the seriousness of this problem, so they have asked Tang Ke questions.

Tang Ke did not come out, but Yuanyuan replied under the comment: "Heike has considered privacy issues. The simulated robot is a new artificial intelligence that exists independently and will not connect to the Yuanyuan network."

After getting the answer from the source, the users are relieved.

Since the origin is artificial intelligence, how can it be possible to lie?

In fact, Origin's answer is somewhat ambiguous, and no one realizes the problem here.

She said that the origin network will not be connected, but it does not mean that the simulated robot will not connect to other networks.

Such as Honor Network...

The Honor Butler is the boss of all the simulated robots, and each simulated robot has the right to send signals to the Honor Butler.

Tang Ke doesn't have any special hobbies. He just wanted to prevent problems with the simulated robot, so he kept it.

There won't be a live broadcast, but if the bots are being treated unfairly.

They will send a signal to the Glory Steward for help.

"I want one too, but I can't afford it."

"I'm xxs, can you send me a simulation robot?"

"This way of begging, Douyin went to school, right?"

"It has a strong defense, which is exactly what I want, but I seem to have bought the wrong style. This one has no function. Can anyone change it for me?"

"Come on, I will buy that function, who will replace it with you, buy a new one."

"I guess I can't get it..."

Now the simulation robot is booming all over the world, there are too many people staring at the official website, waiting for new products.

Once it's on the shelves, it's almost always sold out.

The employees of Heike Company proposed that they could make more money by taking out the simulated robots for online auction.

But whether to do so requires the opinion of Tang Ke.

After all, the way of selling simulated robots was proposed by Tang Ke.

However, during this time, Heike Company could not contact Tang Ke at all.

He put all communications on the Origin and was concentrating on his submarine.

Tang Ke is going to explore the depths of the ocean after the extreme cold is over.

Over time, once that strange sea creature.

Not only did it not disappear from his mind, but it made him feel more and more wrong.

Rather than going to space, Tang Ke felt the need to explore the earth first.

It's a bit ridiculous to go to explore space without even fully understanding your own planet.

Tang Ke sat in the laboratory, carefully designing his black-tech submarine.

The sleek and streamlined design is made of empty silver metal, which is full of science fiction.

This submarine looks like a spaceship, and the electromagnetic thrusters on both sides are equipped with Konen cannons.

At the same time, laser cannons and rail guns are installed in multiple positions of the submarine using compression and folding technology.

When in attack mode, it will automatically fold up and rise.

"There are both offensive and defensive means, but there seems to be a lack of hidden means!"

Tang Ke touched his chin and suddenly remembered an invisible paint used by Dong Kaile when he invaded his house a long time ago.

That thing has many shortcomings, it can only shield the detection of the instrument, but cannot shield the human eye.

Once contaminated with blood, it will lose its effect instantly.

But Tang Ke has a black technology system, he can process and transform this kind of thing, making it a real invisible paint.

To explore the ocean, Tang Ke must have hidden means.

With a clear direction, Tang Ke began to invest in the research and development of invisible coatings.


Unknowingly, several months passed.

Humans seem to have become accustomed to the extreme cold, when the temperature starts to warm up.

People didn't show much surprise.

Especially the people of the Dragon Kingdom, they seem to be a little used to the current life.

In the north country, in the closed laboratory in the dungeon, there was a loud bang.

Flames soared into the sky, and the hard door of the laboratory was blown open on the spot.

A dark figure jumped out of the thick smoke.

But what greeted him outside were hundreds of lasers.


Crimson laser rays are fired one after another.

This figure turned into a ghost, and while dodging the laser light, he ran quickly towards the exit of the dungeon.

As long as you run outside, you can successfully transmit the signal.

But at this moment, a mesh-shaped laser shrouded from all directions.

The figure suddenly paused, and the speed increased again, locking on the wall and punching out.


The wall shattered, and he hurriedly got in through the hole.

Unfortunately, he was still a step behind.

The mesh laser had already cut through his skin, revealing the mechanical skeleton inside!

Yes, the figure in front of him is actually a simulated robot.

He was trying to escape the Northland dungeon, but on the other side of the wall.

There were two men in mechanical exoskeletons standing there.

The strong muscles contracted, swinging the giant axe emitting crimson light, bringing a strong wind, and it fell heavily.

After several consecutive chops, the whole body of the simulated robot was chopped to shreds.

They have done this many times...

"It's really tiring. Every time I kill these artificial robots, I have to work hard."

One of the northern men with a giant axe let out a long sigh.

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