Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Tang Ke was speechless.

Why don't you come down and buy a cup of milk tea? What's so strange?

There are also many unique and secret milk teas that Dabai can't make and can only buy.

"It turned out to be Big Brother Tang Ke. Does Big Brother Tang Ke also drink milk tea?" said the roasted wing man in surprise.

Tang Ke replied blankly: "I'm human too, why don't I drink milk tea? But the main thing is that my wife said I want to drink it, so I came down and bought it."

"Uh, that makes sense, Mr. Tang Ke really spoils his wife." The winged man's companion laughed.

"It's okay, my wife spoils me even more, buying a cup of milk tea is nothing."

Tang Ke smiled slightly, a happy smile on his face.

The people around felt very speechless. They always felt that Tang Ke was deliberately showing affection, but there was no evidence.

After all, this is the true love of the other party, isn't it still not allowed for the young couple to be so loving and happy?

At the same time, the people also felt that Tang Ke was very down-to-earth.

With such wealth and status, he still talks with ordinary people like them here, without any pretence.

"By the way, boss, you just said that you used technology to investigate..."

The grilled wing man lowered his voice and asked cautiously.

This scientific and technological investigation seems a bit outrageous, could it be...

"Well, yes, I hacked into the networks of various countries and turned over their data."

Before the words were finished, Tang Ke directly revealed his behavior in a generous way.

Everyone was stunned, and looked around with some guilty conscience, sweating for Tang Ke in their hearts.

It's okay to say things like this directly, right?

Tang Ke doesn't take this seriously. With his current status, even if someone knows about this, what can he do?

"My milk tea is ready, let's go first everyone."

Tang Ke took the two cups of secret milk tea handed by the boss, smiled and waved goodbye to the people around him.

Immediately afterwards, his toes kicked the ground twice.

A mechanical sound came from under the feet, and the machine folded and unfolded, turning into a flying skateboard.

The grilled wing man hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Tang Ke, when will this flying skateboard be released?"

Tang Ke, who was about to take off, suddenly stopped, turned his head and smiled: "I almost forgot about this, I will arrange for it to be released in a few days."

After all, a light blue light appeared under the flying skateboard.

Tang Ke soared into the sky and quickly rushed to the city in the sky.

Now that the temperature has returned to normal, the flying skateboard is ready for sale.

With a click, Tang Ke landed vigorously outside the yard, the flying skateboard folded and shrunk under his feet.

It turned back to a layer of silver and wrapped around his shoes.

This is another upgrade of the flying skateboard. Tang Ke compresses it into a thin layer of paper, which will automatically adhere to the shoes.

Just tap your toes on the ground a few times and it will stretch out.

The disadvantage is that you can't play football with this thing, otherwise it's easy to die.

Tang Ke walked back into the house with milk tea, and there was a wonderful singing echoing in the house.

The projection of Origin Little Loli was on the sofa, shaking her fair legs, and singing the song Tang Ke wrote to her.

Zhang Yaxuan was playing with dessert in the kitchen, and when she heard Tang Ke entering the door, she turned her head and smiled slightly.

Although chef Dabai can also make delicious desserts, sometimes Zhang Yaxuan does it herself.

Just like Tang Ke makes technology.

Things made by hand and machines are two different feelings.

"Come back? I got you grilled chicken wings and my favorite pudding cake."

Zhang Yaxuan walked out with a smile, holding a plate in her hand.

She gently placed it on the table and sat on the sofa with Tang Ke, chatting while eating.

Soft music reverberated in the house, and Yuanyuan's tender voice made the songs particularly crisp.

"Super Idol's smile is not as sweet as yours..."

"The sun at noon in August is not as dazzling as you..."

"You who love 105 degrees, dripping pure distilled water..."


Both Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan like to listen to Yuanyuan sing very much. She is an artificial intelligence and her singing level surpasses all popular singers.

In the virtual world, the origin is also the most popular virtual idol.

Suddenly, the sing-song Origin made a light hum.

Her song was suddenly interrupted, and various red alert reminders appeared above her head.


Heike armor suddenly appeared on Yuanyuan, and he shot at these red alerts.

The two sides fought fiercely in the air.

Watching the little loli in black armor, attacking each other with the red alert in the air.

The hilarious picture made Zhang Yaxuan chuckle: "What are you doing? It's so cute~"

Tang Ke said habitually: "It's nothing, it's just that someone invaded the Origin system. The battle scene I added to Origin on purpose can reflect the intensity of the battle between Origin and the invaders."

He took a sip of the milk tea and continued: "It has been a long time since no one has attacked the Origin Network, and it is still so violent, it seems that he is prepared!"

"There's still such a thing?" Zhang Yaxuan was surprised.

Tang Ke said casually: "It's okay, the other side will definitely not win anyway."

This is the origin!

The first artificial intelligence on earth!

Her ability is above all artificial intelligence, if you give her a whole simulation body, it will definitely be more advanced than the Glory Butler.

The reason why I didn't do it was because Tang Ke didn't think it was necessary.

Origin and Red Alert fought for ten minutes, and finally wiped out all the alert army.

She changed back into a Gothic Lolita outfit and sat on the sofa singing songs.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan didn't care too much.

But the Apocalypse robot far away in the northern country frowned, and there was a chill in the cold eyes.

He was sitting in a conference room, in the first place.

Sitting on both sides are the military commander and general of the North Country!

"Lord President, how is the situation?" the military commander asked Tianqi.

After the weather returned to normal, Northland finally ran for president again.

But what is unexpected is that the artificial intelligence Apocalypse participated in this election with a mechanical body!

What shocked the whole country even more was that Tian Qi actually won the presidency with overwhelming votes!

Some people suspected that Apocalypse used his ability to cheat, and they all called for re-election.

But after investigation, it was found that these votes were actually real.

Many people were even on the avenue, holding signs to cheer and shout for Apocalypse.

There are really many people who support Apocalypse!

They think that Apocalypse will treat the people more fairly, and there will be no disgusting capital in it.

At the same time, Apocalypse's ability is above all human beings, and they believe that Apocalypse is the savior of the northern kingdom.

He can lead the people of the Northern Kingdom to surpass the Dragon Kingdom! Beyond Tang Ke!

"Failed, the ability of Origin is stronger than I thought, and it is impossible to invade the Dragon Kingdom network."

Apocalypse's voice is still cold, without any emotion.

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