My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 259 super soldier program\r

Inside the Northland Underground City.

There are tens of millions of robots, forming a mechanical army standing in line.

Above them, is the conference room headed by Apocalypse.

The purpose of this meeting is to find a way to obtain global information.

It is very simple to invade other countries, and Apocalypse can easily break through the firewalls of various countries.

But there is a country's information and intelligence network that is the most troublesome existence.

That is the Dragon Country with Tang Ke in charge!

Apocalypse just tried to challenge the origin, but unfortunately ended in complete failure.

This is also the first time he has seen the power of Origin.

"Can't invade?!"

The people around were startled and secretly said in their hearts: Sure enough!

Apocalypse has always been a pirate, and is simply powerless in the face of the world's first artificial intelligence.

Apocalypse, who has a simulated mechanical body, seems to be aware of the views of the people around him, and his eyes become more and more cold.

This body is made by him himself, although it looks realistic.

But the material and structure are completely different from Tang Ke's simulated robot.

It's just that the exterior of the machine is covered with a layer of bionic material.

Whether it is weight, touch, skin color, etc., it is very different from humans.

"If you can't get information, then attack hard. I can provide you with a new type of armor, provided that someone is willing to accept the test."

Apocalypse unplugged the network cable connected to the brain, and glanced at the soldiers present.

A smile suddenly appeared on his stiff face.

The smile was a little stiff, but this was the first time an expression appeared on Tian Qi's face.

For some reason, everyone around them felt cold.

The military commander asked: "What new type of armor, why have I never heard you mention it?"

Tianqi leaned back and smiled stiffly: "This is something I only came up with recently. It is a technology that combines the human body and machinery, and at the same time adds some biological genes..."

The combination of the human body and the machine is not the most dangerous, but some parts of the body are replaced by machines.

But the final addition of biological genes is the most deadly!

This is a cruel and inhuman experiment, and it is also an anti-gene biological experiment.

It allows humans to have excellent genes from other animals and become a super soldier.

But this kind of thing is also only in theory.

Apocalypse is to use living people to do experiments to create this theoretical thing.

Among them, there must be no less sacrifice, and it is the kind that makes people die in excruciating pain.

Such an experiment, even in the northern country, would be opposed by most people.

The military commander looked at Tian Qi with a gloomy face, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

It should have been observed for a period of time in the first place to confirm that there is no problem with this artificial intelligence, and then take it out.

Now that Apocalypse is connected to the network, the North Country has no ability to restrict Apocalypse anymore.

He also gradually began to show his indifference to life to the Northern Army.

The commander-in-chief wanted to oppose and even impeach Apocalypse as the president of the North Country.

But now, it's all too late.

Only by obeying Apocalypse's arrangement can they let Apocalypse stand on the Northern Front to fight against the mighty Dragon Kingdom together.

"Such an experiment remains to be investigated..."

"No, in my capacity as president, I'm starting this pilot program immediately with the active participation of the best fighters in the military."

Before the commander's words were finished, Apocalypse interrupted it directly, and no objection was allowed.

Because right now he's the president!


The military commander glanced at the people around him with an ugly expression.

Everyone in the room looked ugly, but when they looked at the commander, they all had the same meaning.

That is not to fight against Apocalypse, their only chance to turn around is Apocalypse!

"Okay, just do as you said, but I hope your genetic modification can be done in one step, instead of repeatedly sacrificing our soldiers!" The military commander said solemnly.

"Don't worry, there will never be too many sacrifices. After all, the soldiers still need to go to the battlefield." Tian Qi's mouth rose.


At the door of this conference room, there are two mechanical guards standing.

One of them suddenly turned and walked towards the exit.

The mechanical guard beside him was stunned for a moment, thinking that it was a program error, and he was about to force the other party to shut down.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly turned around and pressed his palm on the kinetic energy position of the mechanical guard.


A light blue energy burst out from the palm, and the core kinetic energy of the mechanical guard ran through the front.

The hustle and bustle outside caught Apocalypse's attention.

In an instant, the door to the conference room slammed open.

Apocalypse's mechanical body was as fast as lightning, and rushed out of the door in an instant.

I saw that the attacking robot was rushing towards the exit, and a red alarm sounded in the silver-white iron-walled corridor.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The gates closed one after another, blocking the robot's retreat.

But in front of this robot, such a door is like a thin paper, and it is directly smashed with a punch!

"What happened?!" The military commander also rushed out with a solemn face.

"It's a simulated robot..."

Apocalypse's eyes turned on the perspective function, and it was detected that the inside of the machine was a human body and face.

Under the perspective again, Apocalypse saw the machine in the opponent's body spinning again.

"Simulated robot? How could a robot be mixed in and no one found out? Stop him!"

With the commander's order, the soldiers in the entire dungeon took action.

Even the mechanical army at the bottom began to take the elevator to the top floor, blocking the escaping simulation robots.

Butler of Glory brought the information just collected.

Directly turn on the rescue mode and rampage in this vast dungeon!

A few months ago, the moment when the robot chip shattered.

The Honor Butler immediately sensed that there were several simulated robots, and they encountered an accident in the northern country.

He immediately relayed the matter to Tang Ke.

Tang Ke frowned and asked Heike Company to terminate all transactions with the people of the Northland.

And sent the Honor Steward to the North Country to investigate the cause of death of the simulated robot.

After a long period of investigation, Glory successfully infiltrated the dungeon and obtained all the information about the dungeon.

The mechanical army of the dungeon, the origin of the artificial intelligence apocalypse, the rise plan of the North Kingdom, and the just-established super soldier plan!

These were all checked by Glory!

However, it is not easy to escape from here.

All the simulated robots were planted here, and the Northlanders also did not think that Glory could escape from here.

Heavy footsteps with a rumbling sound came from the front.

"It's been a long time since I fought with a simulated robot, it's really nostalgic!"

A strong soldier came from the front wearing a mechanical exoskeleton, holding a giant laser gun in his hand.

Glory was expressionless, still running at the same speed.

The whole body blooms with blue light, as if it has endless energy.

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