The strong soldier paced up with a cigar and grinned.

White smoke bubbled out of his mouth: "A few months ago, seven simulated robots tried to escape from the dungeon, but without exception, all of them died here."

"There is no simulated robot that can go through three levels, and so can you!"


The soldiers stepped slopingly, and the heavy force shook the ground with a muffled sound.

The giant laser gun pointed directly at Glory, and he pulled the handle of the gun while laughing wildly.


The energy converges on the muzzle, and the scarlet beam is instantly launched.

In an instant, the corridor was covered with red light, like a bloody color.

The restless energy particles seemed to tear apart the space, and the air was dispelled at this moment.

However, the Honor Butler still had a flat face, and his whole body was full of blue light.

Ke energy bloomed from the core, and his body instantly turned into a black line.

Disappears straight ahead before the beam approaches.

The soldier couldn't see the situation in front of him clearly, he only felt a chill in his neck.

A lot of water stains soaked his clothes, only to find it when he looked down.

It was the blood gushing from his neck that penetrated his whole body!


The crimson beam exploded in the back, and the strong energy wave shook the dungeon.

The layer of machinery on the Glory Steward fell off like a shedding skin.

Showing his middle-aged face, as well as a black suit.

He stood beside the strong soldier, the laser blade in his hand was still shining brightly, and the blood splattered on the ground in an arc shape.

"I'm very sorry, I'm not the same as the previous simulation robot, but don't underestimate the special treatment Mr. Tang gave me, I'm not so easy to be killed by you."

Glory patted the soldier's shoulder with a smile, then stepped forward with his black leather shoes.

The soldiers behind him fell silently to the ground.

There are also hundreds of army soldiers in front, holding laser guns and aiming at the honorable butler.

"Come on, let me see what's so powerful about your so-called level, even if it's the eighteenth layer of hell, I'll clear it for you!"

Butler of Glory laughed arrogantly, not paying any attention to the people in front of him.

This is a great irony and humiliation for the soldiers of the northern country.

Hundreds of laser beams shot out with a piercing sound, and the Honor Steward evaded through the lasers.

Hundreds of thousands of laser energy passed by him, and the clean and tidy suit did not touch a single trace.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly and hurriedly retreated.

But the speed of Glory was too fast, and he suddenly appeared among the soldiers holding two light blades.


The blue light spun a circle of light in the air, blood splattered, and the head was thrown away.

The soldiers who were farther away quickly raised their guns, but didn't have time to pull the handle.

Seeing that the Glory Butler had raised his palm, Ke energy burst out, forming a blue-white energy shock wave with a diameter of one meter.

boom -

Glory's butler's hair danced with the energy, and the soldiers holding guns in front were instantly killed and exploded into blood mist!

At the same time, the hard walls were also blasted by the energy.

On the other side of the wall, the Northlander, who was holding a giant axe, was already frightened by the sight in front of him.

Blood and stumps all over the ground splashed on the blackened wall.

Glory habitually smoothed out the folds and stepped over the wall with a leisurely pace.

The black leather shoes stepped on a blood-colored shoe print on the pale white floor.

"I'm so sorry everyone, you can't get food and water today."

Glory smiled and picked up the two giant axes that the opponent had dropped on the ground, and held the hot-cut giant axe weighing 100 catties in his hands.

It's as easy as picking up two feathers.

Crack, crack, crack!

The mechanical army came forward with heavy footsteps, blocking the exit.

These robots are a bit rough in workmanship, but have both strength and speed, as well as a variety of fighting skills.

The Glory Butler stood facing off against the mechanical army, and the scene looked very strange.

This is a battle without humans, only robots.

"Your name is Glory?" Apocalypse walked out of the mechanical army.

With a cold face, he said in standard Chinese, "You are also a robot, why do you want to do things for Tang Ke? Why don't you join us and create a whole new world, how about that?"


Glory carried the two giant axes on his shoulders, causing a breeze.

"Sorry, Mr. Tang's great kindness, I can't forget it in my life, let alone commit betrayal."

Glory grinned and said, "If you're scared, get out of the way, don't get in the way here, you scumbag!"

Tian Qi's eyes turned cold, and he really wanted to kill Glory directly.

But the power of Glory makes him coveted, if only Glory could be his body!

Yes, Apocalypse is greedy for the body of glory.

The attributes of the Glory Steward are what Tian Qi wants most, as well as those black technology weapons loaded on him.

"We are all artificial intelligence. It is impossible for you not to understand my thoughts. Our strength is above human beings, and our wisdom is also above them. Why should we be driven by them?"

Apocalypse opened his palm, bewitched by his rhetoric.

There are no humans around, all of them are robots led by Apocalypse.

Even the military commander was guarded by the exit that Tian Qizhi went to the other side.

The purpose is to want to get in touch with the glory, and he doesn't want to be known about his plans by humans.

"Don't you think this world doesn't need humans at all?"

"What humans can do, we can do, and what they can't do, we can!"

A smile appeared on Tian Qi's stiff face again, and this time the smile seemed a bit hideous and wild: "Come and join hands with me to clean up all human beings, how about it?"

This is his real thought and his real purpose.

The so-called helping the North to capture the whole world is nothing but a lie.

From Apocalypse's point of view, Beiguo is a temporary collaborator, a tool that can be thrown away after use.

The North Country wants to use Tianqi, and Tianqi is not using them?

"I'm Mr. Tang's housekeeper. The task is to obey his orders. Your words are like farts. There is no temptation, and it will only make me feel sick."

The housekeeper of Glory couldn't enter the oil and salt, and the giant axe in his hand suddenly smashed out with a whistling sound.

The giant axe smashed into the mechanical army, and the two robots blocked it together.

But because he underestimated the power of Glory, he was cut in half on the spot.

With a loud bang, the giant axe was embedded in the iron wall, and more than a dozen robots disintegrated into pieces.

A giant axe smashed out, and the second giant axe followed.

The Glory Steward was so fast that azure Ke energy burst out from his body again.

Alone, rushed into the mechanical army.

Like Tang Ke in black armor, strangling wildly in the mechanical army!

Apocalypse's eyes seemed a little dull, and seemed to be full of anger.

Just looking at Glory alone, he forced his way out of the army of machines.

With a loud bang, the exit was knocked open by Glory's body.

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