My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 272 super giant sea beast\r

The picture in front of him also made Tang Ke hesitate a little.

He is not afraid that the submarine will be swallowed by some large creature, but he does not want to disturb all kinds of creatures in the deep sea.

Don't look at all the way down, have not encountered any creatures.

Tang Ke dared to conclude that it was absolutely just that they had not met.

"Origin, go down slowly."

After thinking for a while, Tang Ke decided that it would be better to try it.

Anyway, the submarine is in stealth mode, as long as you don't make too many fluctuations, there will generally be no problem.

If there is an emergency, Tang Ke can also turn on the submarine's combat mode and go directly from the deep sea to the surface.

Received the origin of the instruction and controlled the submarine to dive slowly.

Under night vision detection, there is an abyss cliff ahead.

Their submarine is sinking slowly, and the air bubbles below are gradually increasing.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan in the submarine didn't make a sound, and they both stared at the screen on the screen intently.

Those moss-like things on the walls always give people a weird feeling.

Suddenly, Zhang Yaxuan noticed something.

She grabbed Tang Ke's arm suddenly, her pupils shrank, pointed to the side and whispered: "There...there is something!"

Tang Ke was startled, and immediately stopped the submarine, looking in the direction his wife pointed.

At first he didn't understand what Zhang Yaxuan wanted to say.

Because there is a turquoise wall, and there is nothing else.

But the next second, the wall suddenly moved.

It seemed to have become a skin diaphragm, and it suddenly opened!

An eyeball with a diameter of five meters appeared in front of them like a black hole!

This is not a wall at all, but a large creature, crawling and resting here!

Those so-called bubbles came out of unknown parts of its body.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan couldn't help but swallow their saliva. If an eyeball is this big, what would its complete appearance look like?

"Did it see us?" Zhang Yaxuan asked cautiously.


Tang Ke's tone was flat, and he even raised his volume a little: "Although I don't know what kind of creature this is, it definitely didn't see us."

He has full confidence in the invisible coatings developed with the help of the system.

At the same time, there is also the observation and judgment of this creature, so I dare to be so sure.

If it was seen by it, the creature would definitely react.

Judging from the current situation, their submarine has not been discovered by this creature at all.


As soon as Tang Ke finished speaking, the giant creature moved.

The huge head lifted up, and there was a strange sound all around.

While Zhang Yaxuan was panicking, she wanted to laugh a little.

It was the first time she saw Tang Ke being beaten in the face.

But at this time, laughing is a little out of place.

She suppressed her smile and stared solemnly at the picture on the projection screen.


In the vast deep sea, there was a dull sound of waves.

This giant creature swam, driving the flow of seawater in a radius of 100 meters.

Let this deadly deep sea finally have a trace of life.

It didn't find Tang Ke and them, but after the rest, it went out to look for food.

Its huge body was also captured by the detection equipment on the submarine.

Under the sound of clatter, a creature shaped like a giant snake appeared on the projection screen, with sharp and long thorns all over its body, as if a large number of thorns were bound.

The sinuous body moved quickly in the deep sea, and the surrounding sea water was shocked by it and made a muffled sound one after another.

If it opens its mouth wide, it can really swallow the submarine Tang Ke directly.

Its swimming startled all the deep-sea fish nearby, and a dense group of strange fish gushed out from the bottom of the abyss.

Like dying, they took the initiative to get into the mouth of this giant creature.

Swimming all the way out, all the fish around were swallowed by it.

It wasn't that these fishes swam by themselves, but were sucked in by its pouring mouth.

It is the overlord of the sea in this area, and no creature can escape its mouth.

The terrifying suction also acts on Tang Ke's submarine. Fortunately, the kinetic energy of the submarine uses Ke energy.

Under such ocean fluctuations, it still stopped smoothly in the same place.

After watching the creature leave, Zhang Yaxuan breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately she was not discovered by the creature.

Otherwise, there will be a fight.

"Is that a fish or a snake?"

Zhang Yaxuan let go of Tang Ke's hand, and the fear of the deep sea in her heart also dissipated a little.

Tang Ke smiled, pulled his wife back to the sofa and sat down: "I think that thing should be called a sea king."

Such huge marine creatures can no longer be called fish.

The sea king class in "One Piece" is similar to this thing.

"Neptune? How did you come up with such a strange name."

"On a whim, its appearance also reminds me of another anime, and I'll get it out for you when the time comes."

"Huh? At this time, you can still think of anime ideas?"

Zhang Yaxuan was stunned, she wanted to pry open Tang Ke's head to see.

Now it is 20,000 miles in the deep sea, and Tang Ke still has the heart to think about these things.

After a simple chat, neither of them paid any attention to the giant creature just now.

The submarine continued to dive, and the deep sea fell into dead silence again.

But for some reason, after the appearance of the giant creature just now.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan's depression dissipated, and they were even in the mood to sit and play poker together.

The exploration work is all handed over to Origin.

The purpose of going to the deep sea this time is to explore the strange creatures that appeared on the day of the super tsunami.

It seems to have a certain intelligence, maybe even as much as a human being!

"Wang Zha! Oh yeah, you lost!"

Zhang Yaxuan threw the last two cards in her hand to the table, cheering for victory.

"Ah this..."

Tang Ke silently looked at the four twos in his hands.

You can lose...

"Truth or big adventure, you choose." Zhang Yaxuan asked closer.

"Be honest."

Tang Ke shrugged, he didn't think big adventures were any fun.

He has known Zhang Yaxuan for too long, and they have played various interactions, which is much more interesting than the big adventure.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you some embarrassing questions."

Zhang Yaxuan smiled and rolled her eyes, she was suddenly stunned.

After getting along for such a long time, she already knew Tang Ke like the back of her hand, and she didn't know what to ask for a while.

Truth or Dare is just a game that men and women like to play the most when they first get to know each other.

But for old couples, this thing is not attractive at all.

They all know each other's hobbies, personalities, behaviors, thoughts, etc.

"emmmm, do you think you are far from your dream?"

"Eh?" Tang Ke was startled.

This question was a bit unexpected. He thought Zhang Yaxuan would ask some tricky questions.

Tang Ke smiled and said, "Then do you think I'm far away from you now?"

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