My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 273 Break into the realm of submarine civilization\r

Tang Ke's words made Zhang Yaxuan a little confused.

She was asking her husband's dream, how did it involve herself?

After thinking about this question in her mind for three seconds, she finally reacted.

Tang Ke's dream is Zhang Yaxuan!

"Oh, this doesn't count, I'm asking about career!" Zhang Yaxuan suddenly denied it.

She finally won a game.

As a result, I asked a non-painful question, I feel so bad!

She lost a lot of games to Tang Ke before, and she chose all the big adventures.

All the cheeks were kissed with saliva...

"How can I default on my debt? It would be better to win another round." Tang Ke said speechlessly.

"I don't care, I'm going to start again, um~ okay~ Xiao Kezi~"

The coquettish Zhang Yaxuan made Tang Ke a little uncontrollable.

It's really interesting that a royal sister acts like a little girl in front of you.

"Okay, okay, you ask, but this is the last chance."

Tang Ke reluctantly agreed, who made her his wife?

"Humph!" Zhang Yaxuan's attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees.

She snorted softly and asked the ultimate big problem: "My mother and I fell into the water at the same time, who will you save?"

"Huh? Don't you know how to swim?"

"Assuming we don't! Who will you choose to save?"

"Is there any..."

"No! There is nothing, only you can save!"

Zhang Yaxuan's face showed success, she was not interested in Tang Ke's answer.

Because she was 100% sure that as long as she was a normal person, she would avoid this topic.

She just wanted to see Tang Ke's tangled appearance. After the hour, she would take the initiative to kiss her and not give Tang Ke a chance to answer.

Just enough is what a good wife should do.

However, Tang Ke's next sentence disrupted Zhang Yaxuan's plan with one punch.

"Of course I saved you. My mother's colleagues are none of my business, and I don't know each other." Tang Ke said lightly.


Zhang Yaxuan was confused by Tang Ke's words again.

"Oh, I'm not talking about colleagues, but at the same time!" Zhang Yaxuan puffed out her cheeks and said aggrievedly.

It seems that I can't fix Tang Ke in my life, and I feel that this guy is my nemesis.

"Huh? Then you can't blame me. I wanted to ask, but you didn't ask me, hahaha..."

Tang Ke touched the back of his head and smirked smugly.

In this duel between husband and wife, he once again ended in victory!


Zhang Yaxuan snorted softly and wrapped her arms around her chest, looking angry.

Before he could make a sound, he was hugged by Tang Ke.

Coaxing a wife is easy, hug, kiss, eh?


As the two frolic, the submarine continued to descend.

I don't know how long it took, and finally touched the bottom of the abyss.

"Origin, how deep is it now?"

"30,000 meters under the sea!"

Hearing this number, Tang Ke was also surprised.

It turns out that there are such deep seas in the earth, and human exploration of the sea is really too little.

Fortunately, the empty silver metal is strong enough, even if the water pressure is 30,000 meters under the sea, there is still no abnormality.

"Dude, where are we now?"

"Located in the Pacific Ocean."

At the same time as Origin answered, he also gave a coordinate map so that Tang Ke could clearly know where he was.

Although there is no satellite signal, Origin can calculate its exact location based on the distance it has sailed.

Tang Ke saw that there seemed to be flat ground nearby, and it seemed that the exploration mission was about to officially begin!

The reason why they choose to search and explore in the deepest sea area is not random exploration without a target.

But the origin is based on images captured by satellites.

After chasing after the dozen or so giant ships in the Neon Kingdom, they sneaked all the way to this place.

The current investigation is the most dangerous.

There is a high probability of encountering those strange creatures...

As soon as Tang Ke's thoughts flashed by, he heard the sound of the origin.

"Master, there is something unusual in the sea area ahead, like something is stirring the sea water."

"Mix seawater?"

This is the deepest part of the sea, and there should be no whirlpools.

Tang Ke's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of the previous scene when the waves engulfed the Neon Kingdom.

At that time, the sea water was like being manipulated.

Could it have anything to do with the stirred seawater in front of you?

In other words, the goal he was looking for in this trip was just ahead!

"Will it affect the submarine?" Tang Ke asked immediately.

Yuanyuan replied: "According to data monitoring, it will slightly affect the forward speed."

"Slightly? Or the speed of the impact? Rush for the Lord!"

Hearing that it only affects the speed, Tang Ke suddenly laughed.

I thought it was something awesome, but that's it?


The sound of origin fell, and the invisible submarine drilled into the swirling seawater.

There was a slight vibration in the submarine, but it was quickly adjusted by the built-in gravity system and stabilized again.

At the moment when the submarine passed through the vortex, a layer of light blue ripples appeared between the submarine and the vortex, as if the small squares were constantly shattering.

The deep sea, which was originally shrouded in death and darkness, began to radiate splendid brilliance

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan couldn't help but open their mouths, shocked by the scene in front of them!

What is in front of you is no longer a dark underwater abyss, but an underwater city illuminated by various neon lights!

In addition to the dazzling light, there are also those strange creatures photographed by satellite images.

Looking around, there are tens of thousands of strange creatures living in this special space.

They were swimming freely in the sea, talking and laughing like human beings, which shocked the hearts of both Tang Ke and Tang Ke.

There are also many strangely shaped buildings in the distance, and there is no end in sight.

Buildings stand quite tall, about two hundred meters long.

A complex of luminous objects resembling coral.

This is why this place emits light, because their buildings are built with these luminous objects.

When the Tang Ke submarine entered here, there was a piercing sound not far away.

This is their siren, and once someone enters this territory, it will sound all over the place.

All creatures enter a state of alertness at this moment.

They looked around vigilantly, but found that there were no intruders here.

In fact, Tang Ke's submarine is parked nearby, but in stealth mode, these people can't see it.

Tang Ke manipulated the holographic projection and wrote on the panel: The alarm system is powerful, but it cannot detect invisible paint.

Looking at the bustling city in front of him, the shock in Tang Ke's heart gradually turned calm.

The fact that the other party has technology is not a shocking thing.

The most important thing right now is to calmly analyze whether the other party's technology is stronger than his own.

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