My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 275 The origin of the sea clan\r

"Contact alien civilization..."

Tang Ke pinched his chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

Suddenly, he thought of the strange fluctuations he encountered when he dived into the deep sea for 15,000 kilometers.

It was that kind of fluctuation that affected his signal with the outside world.

Could it be that……

"That mysterious fluctuation is actually a connection to alien civilizations, or is it a signal wave for cosmic communication?"

Tang Ke fell into a brief contemplation and looked at the large amount of data recorded on another projection screen.

This is their data collection of this particular fluctuation when they were 15,000 kilometers deep in the ocean.

The more Tang Ke thought about it, the more he felt that this kind of fluctuation was very likely the signal wave used by higher civilizations!

This kind of thing above electromagnetic waves is simply not within the grasp of human beings at present.

If it wasn't for Tang Ke's extremely powerful detection system, he wouldn't even be able to detect such fluctuations.

"The energy fluctuations that cut off our signal are the means by which the sea clan can contact other civilizations?"

Zhang Yaxuan is not stupid, through the conversation just now and Tang Ke's muttering.

It's easy to tell all this.

"Yeah! I really didn't expect that human beings lost to the advanced signal wave." Tang Ke sighed with emotion.

If human beings could grasp this kind of fluctuation earlier, I am afraid that they have already received information about how many alien civilizations they do not know.

Maybe some enlightening information can be obtained from it, so that the earth's technology can make leaps and bounds.

The Big Bang of Technology!

In fact, these technologies that Tang Ke came up with can be regarded as a kind of technological explosion.

He has successfully made the technology of the earth rise rapidly from a short period of time, jumping for hundreds of years at once!

"They said just now that we are a race that betrayed the ocean. Could it be that our ancestors actually came from the ocean?" Zhang Yaxuan asked.

Tang Ke replied: "This possibility is very high, but it does not rule out the misunderstanding of the Hai people."

After all, no one can testify about history.

Unless it is a civilization with a long lifespan that has witnessed the rise and development of the earth along the way.

Or Tang Ke invented the time machine and traveled back in time.

Otherwise, everything can only be recorded in writing, or passed down from generation to generation in words.

If the Earthlings and these sea clans were once the same race, then the sea clan could also be said to be human!

As for what the books say, humans evolved step by step through apes.

These things are just evolutionary, not 100% sure things.

What is even more outrageous is that more and more ancient human fossils have been excavated, which has further overturned the time node of the theory of evolution.

There are too many theories about the origin of humans.

It is even said that human beings are actually put on the earth by alien civilizations, and this possibility is not impossible.

It's just that there are more endorsers of the theory of evolution.

Under the widespread dissemination, more and more people gradually believed it to be true.

At present, the information obtained by Tang Ke is less and somewhat hazy.

So he spent a few more days to continue collecting information on the sea clan.

The Hai people speak unscrupulously, and their entertainment is not rich. What they do every day is to build houses, research technology, and chat...

No TV, no computer, no mobile phone...

No music, games, movies, etc.

Their chat is entertainment, so Tang Ke has more amazing information here.

Each piece of information shocked him and gave him a whole new understanding of Earth.

The first is the origin of the sea clan. They are not pure ancient civilizations like Tang Ke imagined.

It is a new race created by the combination of ancient civilization and Atlantis civilization!

According to Tang Ke's understanding, this ancient civilization is the first group of creatures on the earth.

It can be said to be the most primitive sea clan.

They are afraid of sunlight and high temperature, so they have been surviving in the deep sea.

But some creatures like challenges. They try to land on the ground day and night, sacrificing countless companions along the way.

In the end, a small number of creatures successfully landed on the mainland and called themselves the Earth Race.

They are still afraid of heat, and in order to overcome this shortcoming, they alternate between land and sea.

Hide in the sea during the day and come to the ground at night.

Over time, their genes gradually began to adapt to the ground, no longer afraid of heat, and even their own body temperature rose.

With the evolution and efforts of generations of creatures, there is today's human beings!

This is why, the Sea Clan will call the Earth Clan the traitor of the ocean.

Because human beings lose the ability to survive in the deep sea after they land on the ground.

Even exploring the deep sea requires tools.

The sea people did not have the courage to challenge the ground, and they still stayed in the deep sea to survive.

But his heart gradually began to envy and yearn for the ground.

But they don't have the courage to challenge the high temperature, even if there are some brave people who are willing to challenge.

However, it was regarded as a marine ghost by the people of the earth tribe after countless epochs, and suffered various injuries.

Because of this, the Sea Clan still hates the Earth Clan.

Soon after, the Hai people thought of another way.

That is to obtain genes that can adapt to the surface temperature through the combination of the two Haitian tribes.

So, they launched a great prehistoric flood!

The legendary Atlantis was their target.

The technology in this place is extremely advanced, and the Hai people have taken a fancy to their wisdom and genes adapted to the surface.

All the people of Atlantis were submerged by this great flood, and then they were rescued by the sea tribe.

The Atlanteans, who were unknown at the time, were forced to live in the ocean.

Provided its own technology, and gave birth to a new life with the Hai people.

There is reproductive isolation between races, but Atlantis and the sea people are actually human beings, but the races are different.

Just as humans have yellow skin, white skin, and black skin.

"Understood! The sea people are sea skin! So they are also human, but they look more... um, single!"

Listening to Yuan Yuan and Tang Ke's explanation, Zhang Yaxuan suddenly interrupted.

Tang Ke's mouth twitched slightly, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be nothing wrong with the metaphor.

It's really just a human with a new skin.

The origin of the incarnation of the little loli was projected on the opposite side of the two, shaking her white calves.

Then he said: "Then the race that was born from the union of Atlantis and the sea people is the new sea people outside."

Obviously, this racial combination plan did not succeed.

Although the sea people have acquired the wisdom genes of Atlantis, they have not been able to get their genes to resist the heat of the surface.

The Hai people are still trapped in the deep sea and have been unable to land on the ground.

This incident made all the Hai people feel pity and unwillingness.

That's why the giant ship of the Neon Kingdom was captured during the super storm.

After mastering their technological capabilities, they decided to seize the people of the land to conduct genetic research and decipher their genetic code.

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