My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 276 was discovered, the mighty sea clan\r

During this time, Tang Ke also found more than ten giant ships that sank in the sea clan territory.

The neon people who rode on the dozen or so giant ships all became the experimental subjects of the sea people.

Judging from the current situation, the Hai people are afraid that they have failed again...

They couldn't decipher the gene that the people of the earth were not afraid of high temperature, and all the experimental subjects were killed by them.

The Hai people were once again in a dilemma.

Even Tang Ke couldn't help but feel tired for them. After working on technology for so long, it has not been able to land on the ground.

With such a weak scientific and technological ability, I am embarrassed to mock the earthlings for not being able to enter the universe...

What is the difference between the Hai people who can't get on the ground and the humans who can't get on the universe?

Thinking of this, Tang Ke shook his head helplessly.

Origin continued: "Their technological capabilities originated from Atlantis, but some of them are not comprehensive. It should be due to the incompleteness of the technology preservation due to the great flood."

Judging from the technology they have displayed so far, it is mainly in terms of construction, transportation, and combat.

These luminous buildings are built with a sense of art, and they have been immersed in water for hundreds of years without damage.

Then there is their transportation. As the sea people who have the ability to roam in the sea, they also have transportation.

After all, their territory is comparable to the size of the Dragon Kingdom!

If you want to go back and forth from both sides, just relying on your own swimming speed, I am afraid it will take a month to swim.

Therefore, they used technology to create a vehicle to sneak in the sea.

The vehicle looks like a huge scallop, with a dark blue color throughout, and adopts a propulsion method that Tang Ke does not know about.

The speed of sailing in the water can be as fast as that of a submarine under electromagnetic propulsion.

The last is their research and development in combat technology, and their weapons are indeed more powerful than those of humans on land.

They have a light energy attack that is no worse than laser energy.

This laser beam does not use electromagnetic energy, but an energy source from the deep sea.

The Hai people extracted a large amount of deuterium and tritium from seawater and created a clean and pollution-free controllable nuclear fusion energy!

The energy of this underwater city uses the energy of controllable nuclear fusion.

Without pollution, it can also provide a lot of energy.

It can be regarded as the only thing in the technology tree of the Hai people that can emit heat.

"On the whole, the Hai people don't like the humans on the ground!"

Zhang Yaxuan frowned slightly, feeling that this was not good news.

The technology of the Hai people is higher than that of humans, and their attitude is not friendly.

If they can come to the ground, they will definitely attack humans, and then seize land and resources.

Thankfully, these Sea Clan couldn't get to the ground.

And there is also a world-leading Tang Ke!

As long as the sea clan dared to come, Tang Ke dared to beat them all away.

"It doesn't matter, their technology is not as good as mine, just take out these news and announce it to the world, let's go."

Tang Ke laughed lightly, completely losing interest in the Hai people.

Although this controllable nuclear fusion is a bit interesting, no matter how nuclear fusion is, it is not as powerful as Ke Energy.

And it is not so much controllable nuclear fusion as it is imprisoned nuclear fusion.

Sea people can only use it to provide energy, but they dare not use it recklessly.

Because there is a high temperature that they are most afraid of, a slight leak is fatal damage.

Therefore, the power of nuclear fusion was imprisoned by them, and it could not exert its real power at all.

And then there are their laser weapons.

Tang Ke believes that these things can't even break the skin of empty silver metal.

He let Yuanyuan control the submarine to leave, and this deep-sea exploration mission was successfully concluded.

The pale blue ripples reappeared as the submarine passed through the vortex diaphragm.

However, at this moment, hundreds of purple rays of light suddenly shot from behind.

Puff puff puff!

The purple light precisely hit the submarine Tang Ke, hitting the empty silver metal with a muffled sound.

Tang Ke looked indifferent and stopped the submarine.


Thousands of shell-like vehicles carrying weapons sailed in to surround the stealthy submarine Tang Ke.

Several strong sea people swam to the submarine with a trident in hand, and the surrounding sea water began to flow strangely.

"Show yourself, invader, tell me which planet you came from and how did you come to our planet?"

A sea clan man holding a trident took the initiative to speak, and his skin was covered with red scales.

There was a sense of intimidation on his hideous face.

After his words were translated by Origin, they appeared on the projection screen in the form of words.

Only alien civilizations can break into their base camp.

The leader of the sea clan subconsciously believed that this was the arrival of an alien civilization.

Tang Ke heard the words in the submarine and said indifferently: "Origin help me translate, tell him that I am a human on the ground, and warn them that if they continue to block, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Now that it has been discovered, there is no need to hide it.

The stealth mode of the submarine is turned off, revealing the dark hull.

The crisp and clear voice of the origin rang out, speaking the language of the Sea Clan, and the standard words made the surrounding Sea Clan people startled.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's complexion changed greatly, and countless eyes converged on their leader.

Unexpectedly, the people who invaded their base camp were actually humans on the ground!

All the sea clan people feel incredible, the mere clan people.

Unknowingly, he broke in, and he also mastered stealth technology!

When did the land people have such technology?

Could it be that such means have been hidden all along?

"Earth clan! Invading our clan's territory for so many days, how can you easily let you go and come out with us!"

The sea clan people with red scales all had cold eyes, and knocked the trident in the sea water.


In an instant, the seawater above the submarine suddenly dispersed, showing an area without seawater.

The trident of the sea people is a technological weapon that can control sea water.

He wanted Tang Ke to take the initiative to come out of it, so he specially removed an environment where the people of the land could survive.

Tang Ke, who was sitting on the sofa, sneered and said, "Get out of the way immediately, otherwise it will be a challenge to me!"

The voice of the origin translation came out, and killing intent suddenly appeared in the eyes of the leader of the sea clan.

He has lived in the deep sea for so many years, but no one has ever dared to speak to him like this.

"It's ridiculous, you are surrounded by us now. If that's the case, then I'll give you some punishment!"


The trident of the leader of the sea clan shook again, and all the sea water under the submarine obeyed his orders and spread out to both sides.

The submarine without the support of sea water fell directly to the bottom.

However, the submarine only dropped two meters and suddenly suspended in mid-air!

An azure light emerged from under the submarine, and the anti-gravity device supported the submarine's suspension.

The magical scene made the Hai people collectively startled.

"What's the matter? How can a submarine without sea water be able to suspend?"

The leader of the sea clan shouted: "This earth clan is not easy, attack me!"

It was the first time that the people of the sea tribe saw the leader's gaffe, and a sense of panic rose in their hearts.

The Tang Ke submarine displayed two technologies in a row that they couldn't understand.

A stealth, an anti-gravity flight.

None of these technologies can be possessed or imagined by their Hai people.

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