My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 287 first-class genetic medicine\r

Looking at the bottle of golden medicinal liquid in front of him, Tang Ke couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in his heart.

For him, this bottle of genetic medicine is not as simple as enhancing his physical abilities.

Its greater value lies in extending human lifespan!

Tang Ke will want to study genetic medicine, and what he pursues is not power, but longevity.

He wanted to be with Zhang Yaxuan all the time and live out countless epochs.

It is said that the end of mankind is the grave, but Tang Ke wants to break this statement.

This is not wishful thinking, but the genetic medicine gives him hope.

Although the first-level genetic medicine cannot achieve immortality, the more advanced genetic medicine will definitely be able to!

If not, the research on genetic medicine will continue.

Anyway, Tang Ke, who has a black technology system, can create endless genetic medicines.

When Tang Ke's lifespan reaches the limit, it will be the moment when the black technology system will give birth to the immortality potion!

Tang Ke walked to the living room with this bottle of medicine, his thoughts were a little complicated.

Primary genetic agents can be administered by injection or orally.

Once the genetic medicine is used, his whole body attributes will surpass the global human beings and become a superhuman existence.

This whole body attribute, not only strength and speed, but also the brain will be strengthened.

"Bao, I'm going to become a superman."

Tang Ke walked to Zhang Yaxuan and sat down with a smile, shaking the bottle of golden medicinal liquid in his hand.

Zhang Yaxuan, who was watching the drama, blinked, her suspicious and cute look extremely cute.

She looked at Tang Ke blankly, not understanding what he meant.

Are you playing some weird cosplay again?

Tang Ke smiled and sniffed the fragrance on his wife's body, and couldn't help but kiss him directly.

"Why, Superman kiss me for a while." Zhang Yaxuan was dumbfounded.

"Hey, it's nothing, I really want to become a superman. As for why I kiss you, it's because you are so cute, I can't help it."

Tang Ke shook the genetic potion in his hand again: "Did you see this, this is the genetic potion I just made, come and try it?"

Zhang Yaxuan showed curiosity in her beautiful eyes, remembering what Tang Ke had told him at night.

Tang Ke said to invent a genetic medicine, so that she and he can live forever.

At that time, Zhang Yaxuan didn't care too much, and drowsiness swept over her.

Listening to Tang Ke's description of the dream, I fell asleep before I knew it.

"Is this the first-level genetic medicine you're talking about? Have you ever used it? Let me see how powerful it is."

Zhang Yaxuan suddenly became interested, and pinched Tang Ke's arm with her fair fingers.

The small fingers made Tang Ke a little itchy.

"I haven't used it yet. I just made it. I want you to be the first person to eat crabs." Tang Ke's mouth rose.

"Take me as a guinea pig?" Zhang Yaxuan took the medicine with a smile.

Although she said so, her actual actions fully proved her trust in Tang Ke.

"What's a guinea pig? That's because the researchers didn't know the effect of the drug, so they used the guinea pig for the experiment."

Tang Ke tapped his wife's head gently: "My technology is guaranteed, how can I use you as a guinea pig, you are my wife!"

How can you use your wife as a guinea pig?

Even if it is an experiment, it is impossible to use his wife as a test product.

Tang Ke has 100% confidence in this bottle of medicine, and there will never be any problems.

The reason why Zhang Yaxuan was asked to drink it was purely to make his wife the first human on earth to unlock the first-level gene.

"Okay! I know you won't trick me!"

Zhang Yaxuan chuckled lightly, opened the bottle and placed it beside her red lips, raised her head and drank the whole bottle of medicinal liquid.

There is no smell and it feels like drinking regular water.

But there was an icy cold feeling running down from the throat to the stomach.

The genetic medicine spreads extremely fast in the stomach and spreads to the whole body at an alarming rate.

This coldness does not make people feel cold, but it has a feeling of stretching the pores of the whole body.

Zhang Yaxuan opened her mouth slightly, and her beautiful eyes revealed an incredible look.

She didn't know how to describe how she felt at the moment, but it was quite comfortable anyway.

It seems that the whole body is full of power, and even the brain becomes particularly awake.

Feeling every breath is fresh as never before, it seems that all the senses of the whole body have become sensitive.

"How, how do you feel?" Tang Ke asked with anticipation.

Zhang Yaxuan blinked again and said with a light smile, "It's cool and comfortable."

Tang Ke: "..."

What the heck, just two simple sentences?

Can't you use some special words to describe your own feelings?

Those two words that were so lightly described made Tang Ke feel that what he had created was not a genetic medicine.

Instead, I got a bottle of iced fat house happy water...

Looking at his smiling wife, Tang Ke sighed: "How about? Come and test it in the laboratory?"

"Okay, in fact, I don't know what has changed in my body. I just feel that my brain is a lot more awake, and I feel like my body is full of power, that's all."

It's not that she doesn't want to say more, but Zhang Yaxuan herself doesn't know what has changed.

The genetic medicine did not make her feel any discomfort, nor did she imagine the pain of the evolutionary process.

There is no such thing as black impurities in the body as said in the novel.

Tang Ke was also a little surprised. Is evolution so simple?

As for the evolutionary failure, he didn't think about it at all.

Because it is impossible to fail!

Tang Ke brought Zhang Yaxuan to the laboratory and asked her to follow the prompts from the origin to perform various physical fitness tests.

A huge instrument was placed in front of Zhang Yaxuan, which was used to test boxing strength.

According to Zhang Yaxuan's previous record, a punch weighed more than 40 kilograms.

She exercises regularly at home and has also practiced some fighting techniques.

When he performs supernormally, it will reach more than fifty, or even sixty kilograms.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the laboratory.

Tang Ke raised his head in amazement. When he saw the data on the display, he was dumbfounded.

Five hundred and thirty-seven kilograms!

"Fuck! Is it so fierce?" Tang Ke exclaimed.

What is this concept?

The punch of a heavyweight boxer is only more than 200 kilograms.

Zhang Yaxuan's punch was twice the opponent's! !

Looking at Zhang Yaxuan's graceful figure without any change after taking the genetic medicine, Tang Ke couldn't help but twitch.

No one would have thought that such a petite body could burst out with such terrifying power!

This completely upends the balance between human body and power.

Tang Ke knew that unlocking the first-level gene was very scary, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

When genes are unlocked, not everyone will meet the same standard.

It does not mean the strength of this person, the highest can only reach so much.

Different people will have different strength gains after unlocking genes.

After unlocking the genes, you can also further increase your human strength through follow-up training.

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