My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 288 Unlock the shackles of the human body, quadruple the limit\r

A fitness person who exercises regularly, unlocks the comprehensive attributes of the body after unlocking the first-level gene.

It will be much stronger than a person who does not exercise every day.

Gene medicine will bring property surge to the human body, but how much.

It will vary from person to person.

Humans who have been strengthened by genetic medicine can also become stronger with subsequent training.

As for whether there will be a power limit, this still needs to be verified before we know.

After all, Tang Ke doesn't know what the limit of human first-level genes is.

Anyway, when taking the second-level genetic medicine, the stronger the body strength, the stronger the gain effect.

So after unlocking the first-level genetic medicine, it does not mean that you can lie down every day.

If you want to be stronger, exercise is the last word.

Next came the speed test. Zhang Yaxuan ran fast on the treadmill, so fast that it was blurry, dragging out several afterimages.

The specially-made treadmill below made a whirring sound, and above Zhang Yaxuan was a series of holographic projected numbers.

Real-time feedback of her running speed.

She then went through various tests.

The average level of each data is more than twice the known human limit.

Not only is her physical fitness strong, but Zhang Yaxuan's mind has also become more flexible.

She can do complex arithmetic problems at least ten times faster than before.

As soon as I finished reading the topic, a lot of solutions popped up in my mind.

After the brain is strengthened, the computing power of the human brain is directly improved, and the speed of learning things is also fast.

Even eyesight, hearing, and reflexes have been greatly enhanced.

Even the bullets in the shooting can be easily dodged.

Zhang Yaxuan was frightened by her own abilities.

She thought that she might become a bit powerful, but she didn't expect to become superhuman!

"Amazing! Awesome! All attributes are twice the current limit of human beings, and more than ten times higher than their own strength."

Looking at the property panel, Tang Ke was quite satisfied with this.

I don't know how much he will improve if he takes the genetic medicine himself.

"I'm so good, I feel like I've become a superwoman."

Zhang Yaxuan walked out of another laboratory with excitement on her pretty face.

"Am I not good?" Tang Ke asked rhetorically.

"mua~ Husband is the best~" Zhang Yaxuan immediately hugged Tang Ke and kissed her.

One can imagine how excited and excited she was at this moment.

Tang Ke's ability to invent such things as genetic medicine can no longer be described in words.

"Is there no discomfort?" Tang Ke asked casually.

Zhang Yaxuan shook her head: "No, I feel very good. Go get yourself a bottle of genetic medicine. If you feel uncomfortable, I will tell you."

"Okay, I'll go get another bottle."

Without his wife's reminder, Tang Ke himself can't wait.

Zhang Yaxuan left silently, leaving Tang Ke to develop genetic medicines in the laboratory.

After the first experience, the preparation of the first-level genetic medicine is much simpler and faster.

In three hours, Tang Ke successfully prepared the second bottle of the first-level genetic medicine.

The golden medicinal liquid entered his throat, and Tang Ke felt the sensation when Zhang Yaxuan swallowed the medicinal liquid.

The whole body is cold and comfortable, and every cell in the body seems to be breathing, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Tang Ke's breathing rhythm began to change slightly and became more prolonged.

The surrounding scene seemed to have a layer of filters, and he could see more things.

Even the dust floating in the air, if you capture it carefully, you can clearly see the floating traces.

"Good guy, the welfare of myopic people."

Genetic medicine strengthens all parts of the human body, and even diseases can be cured at this moment.

While this is a strengthening potion, it can also be regarded as a holy medicine for healing.

As long as it is an internal problem in the body, it can be repaired by genetic medicine.

However, the injury cannot be repaired.

Perhaps the later genetic medicine can do it.

Tang Ke was about to move, and walked into the next laboratory to test his various attributes.


Rumbles echoed in the laboratory.

A string of terrifying data made a beeping sound and was presented in a holographic projection above Tang Ke's head.

After a comprehensive test, Tang Ke's average body is four times the human limit!

The power of a punch reached 800 kilograms, and a car would be sideways sideways by his punch.

If you add a certain distance forward, the car will be blasted away by him!

"It feels a little worse than wearing Heike armor. In this way, the physique of the Hai people should be stronger than that of humans who have unlocked first-level genes."

Tang Ke measured it a little and calculated the physique of the sea people.

If you guessed correctly, the sea people may have developed genetic medicine long ago, so they have such a strong body.

According to the level of genetic medicine, it is between 1.3 and 1.6.

It's a pity that even if the first-level gene is unlocked, it is still unable to compete with the Keneng Cannon.

So technology is the strongest means of attack and defense!

Of course, the strength of one's own strength is equally important.

It allows people to better deal with a variety of special situations.

After the test, Tang Ke took a hot shower and wiped away the water stains.

His stomach was already grumbling, and the Glory Steward prepared a sumptuous dinner for them.

"Come out? How? Is your strength higher than mine?"

Zhang Yaxuan sat at the dining table and waved to Tang Ke.


Tang Ke wanted to tease his wife, so he walked over with a frustrated look and sighed.

"What's wrong? Did it fail? Or is it not as powerful as me?" Zhang Yaxuan asked with concern.

Seeing her husband's dejected expression, her heart sank for a moment.

It was the first time she saw Tang Ke make such an expression.

Did an accident happen?

Zhang Yaxuan immediately leaned on Tang Ke, hugged his body, and comforted, "It's okay, I'll protect you from now on."

Tang Ke hugged his wife's delicate body, sighed again, and said, "It's okay, it's only twice as tall as you."

After all, he smiled complacently.

I thought Zhang Yaxuan would beat him angrily.

But what she never expected was that Zhang Yaxuan laughed instead of being angry.

He just tapped lightly on his head, and said with a chuckle, "So you were kidding me. I thought you failed to fuse the genetic medicine, so I was worried to death."

Tang Ke wondered: "Huh? I'm mad at you on purpose, aren't you mad?"

"Why are you angry, you succeeded in blending the potion, I'm too happy to be happy." Zhang Yaxuan said gently.

Tang Ke opened his mouth and was stunned for a while.

"What's the matter? Silly, eat quickly, or the food will be cold~"

Zhang Yaxuan smiled sweetly, and offered Tang Ke a piece of roast goose: "It's time to eat, you idiot!"

Tang Ke was stunned for a while, and then he came back to his senses.

Immediately afterwards, he smiled relievedly, no more words, grabbed his rice bowl and feasted on it.

Some things don't need words to express.

Tang Ke realized that he underestimated his weight in Zhang Yaxuan's heart.

Ya Xuan is so nice~

(In order to prevent misunderstandings by small partners, I specifically declare that Tyson's real data is about 224 kg per punch.)

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