My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 297 Accidentally crashed into the big guy's space station\r

time flies.

The order of the earth is gradually stabilizing, and human technology is also developing at an alarming rate.

They successfully dived 20,000 miles to the bottom of the sea, and to their astonishment, there is light in the depths of the sea.

After careful investigation, I found that it was not light at all, but magma and flames!

"It turns out that the bottom of the sea is actually flames and magma. It's incredible!"

"Tang Ke has explored the deep sea before. Could it be that he is looking for something in this flame?"

"No, these flames contain a lot of radiation, a bit like nuclear fusion energy!"


"Why is there nuclear fusion energy in the deep sea?"

The people of the exploration team exclaimed, and at the same time, they transmitted the special scene in the seabed back to the land.

In the deepest part of the deep sea, there is nuclear fusion energy!

This amazing discovery spread around the world.

This fusion energy can be reused by human beings and is invaluable.

More and more submarines have entered the deep sea, using the technology of manipulating sea water to build deep sea passages.

The deepest part of the sea has thus become one of the wonders.

Some tourism groups have their eyes on this place and decided to make it a tourist attraction.

Spend huge sums of money to build a viewing submarine and bring people to appreciate the charm of the deep sea.

Humans have entered the first-level civilization and have explored the deep sea.

Finally, he set his sights on the vast universe.

Someone has created a lithium-ion thruster that makes traditional rocket propulsion completely obsolete.

This is the second time humans have used lithium-ion thrusters to fly from Earth to the moon.

All aviation personnel have aviation experience, so this time into space seems quite calm.

The spacecraft quickly flew out of the atmosphere and headed for the moon driven by lithium-ion thrusters.

However, at this moment, their aircraft shook in vain.

The people at the Dragon Country Research Institute were all frightened by the shock.

It can be seen from the camera footage that the aircraft hit a transparent membrane.

This was the one just hit, and there was a slight energy fluctuation that made them realize that there was a transparent diaphragm in front of them.

If the diaphragm is not touched, there will be no energy ripples at all.

Not to mention discovering the existence of the diaphragm!

The next second after the aircraft collided with the diaphragm, all signals disappeared instantly, as if it was blocked by something.

"What is this?!"

"I don't know, we seem to have hit something invisible!"

"Quickly notify the space agency and report the situation to the past!"

The astronaut looked shocked and hurriedly asked Longguo for help.

But no matter what they did, there was only a rustling sound on the screen, and they couldn't connect to the space agency at all.

And what made them crash the most was that the aircraft was being swallowed up by something unseen in front of them.

The three suddenly panicked, and in the face of this unknown, they subconsciously thought.

This is definitely an alien invasion of the earth!

"No! No!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Can you two stop yelling?"

The third astronaut had black lines all over his head, and he was obviously equally afraid in his heart.

But the strange cries of the two partners made his thoughts complicated.


The aircraft slowly passed through the transparent mask, and the panic among the three became stronger.

But when they passed through the mask, a picture full of strong sci-fi color appeared in front of them.

A huge space station is suspended in the center, surrounded by a large number of aircraft shuttles back and forth.

The brightly lit holographic projection picture outlines the place as a city of technology.

A magnificent fort seems to have the power to destroy the world, aiming at them.

There are more than a dozen interstellar warships docked on the space station, and different types of robots are carrying out construction work on these warships.

This is a space station and a space city.

The vision of booming sci-fi leaves the three astronauts sluggish.

"This day, are we crossing over?"

"Outer... Alien civilization?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be an alien civilization, look at those robots!"

An astronaut exclaimed, and the other two immediately cast their eyes.

They actually saw the big white robot!

what's the situation?

Are aliens actually big white robots?

The thought flashed by, and the astronauts slapped themselves immediately.

Because they have already understood that the space station in front of them is most likely made by Tang Ke!

"Damn it! This is the space station that Tang Ke made? When did he build such a big space station, I remember that I didn't see it last time!"

"I'm a good guy, do you want to be so dreamy? I just said why Tang Ke hasn't appeared for such a long time, so he was secretly in space and made such a big space station?"

"That person seems... to be Big Brother Tang Ke!"

The astronaut points to the handsome man standing on the distant space station.

He was looking at this side with a smile, wearing only a white casual suit, like a fitness worker who had just finished running, without even an aviation suit or oxygen cylinder.

The vehicle slowly approached the space station.

Tang Ke waved his hand, and the signal was connected to the device inside the aircraft.

"I'm really sorry for the three of you. I was negligent. When I expanded the scope of the force field shield, I accidentally covered your lunar exploration trajectory."

His voice echoed inside the astronaut's vehicle.

The three stared blankly at Tang Ke, not knowing how to speak for a while, feeling inexplicably nervous in their hearts.

At the same time, my mind was blank.

The three were going to the moon, but suddenly they encountered a huge space station.

Then Tang Ke in Earth just stood there, without any protective equipment.

He also apologized to them for accidentally occupying their flight track.

It feels weird.

It's like a group of adventurers going to a mysterious island, looking for the secret of the giant footprints.

As a result, the mountain next to it suddenly moved.

The adventurers suddenly discovered that the mountain was actually the body of a super-giant.

When the giant saw the adventurer, he sneered and said, "I'm really sorry, I just fell asleep and didn't press you down, right?"

The three astronauts at this moment are completely stunned.

"Are the three of you okay? I see that your faces are a little bad. Should I send you to the moon? Or will I send you back to Earth?"

Tang Ke jumped lightly, jumped on top of the aircraft, and knocked on the glass window.

The three astronauts suddenly woke up.

One of them took a deep breath and tried to calm down: "Well, then please Mr. Tang Ke, send us to the moon, then we can return by ourselves..."

Good guy, between the moon and the earth, send people at will.

Is this the tone of the boss?

"Okay, I'll just push your aircraft up."

Tang Ke chuckled and jumped back to the space station from the aircraft.

"Okay, okay, thanks Mr. Tang Ke, right, this space station..."

"You can report to Long Guo. The reason why it is hidden is to prevent it from being spied on by alien civilizations."

"Ah this... an alien civilization?!"

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