My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 298 Connect to the cosmic network\r

The three astronauts felt like they had heard something remarkable, but they didn't wait for them to ask questions.

A flying vehicle had already supported their aircraft and rushed out of the force field shield at an astonishing speed.

Tang Ke waved goodbye to the three astronauts with a smile on his face.

The opponent would break into his force field shield, which was actually Tang Ke's intention.

And the last sentence was also deliberately said to them.

The purpose is to remind the global human beings that there are really alien civilizations in the universe.

Many people on earth treat aliens the same way they treat demons and evil spirits, and they don't believe it at all.

To be honest, Tang Ke has some difficulty understanding the views of these people.

It is understandable not to believe in demons, ghosts and evil spirits, but it is very ridiculous to directly hold a negative attitude towards the existence of aliens.

Alien is not a superstition, but a real life form.

Humans have never stopped searching for alien civilizations. Failure to find them does not mean that alien civilizations do not exist.

Every time we talk about aliens, there are always people who scoff at it.

Thinking of the performance and reactions of these people, Tang Ke could only shake his head helplessly.

If researchers have the same attitude, once they encounter the invasion of alien civilization, the whole world will be cold.

Tang Ke was about to come into contact with alien civilizations, so he deliberately revealed the existence of aliens to the astronauts.

I believe that after these people go out, they will definitely inform Long Guo of everything that happened just now.

"It's time to connect to the cosmic network!" Tang Ke turned and walked into the capsule.

Space stations, weapons, starships, he's all done.

Finally have the ability to log in to the universe network!

"Are we going to contact alien civilizations? If we directly expose the coordinates of the earth without the consent of the people of the earth, will it cause any bad reactions?"

Seeing Tang Ke coming back, Zhang Yaxuan couldn't help but express her inner thoughts.

Once the earth coordinates are exposed, the level of civilization here will also be exposed.

The probability of being invaded by other civilizations will be greatly increased.

"The people of the earth will not agree, and the Dragon Kingdom will not agree, because they do not have the strength to compete with other civilizations, and they do not have the courage."

Tang Ke shook his head and said, "The earth won't really put all its hopes on me, because they don't know my abilities or my technology level."

Only he knows his abilities.

His biggest secret is the black technology system!

Even Zhang Yaxuan, who is closest to him, is completely unaware of this secret.

It is because no one knows how powerful he is, so no one will pin all their hopes on him.

Earthlings can't bet their lives on Tang Ke.

When he announces the universe network, it will definitely become the focus of public opinion.

However, Tang Ke is ready to be attacked by people all over the world!

"At that time, you may be pushed to the forefront and abused by countless people." Zhang Yaxuan's pretty face was full of seriousness.

Tang Ke lay down in the virtual game cabin and smiled smartly: "As long as you don't blame me, wife, other people's opinions are just floating clouds."

"What time is it, still stubborn!"

"Hahaha! Well, I'm going to log in to the universe network, this will be the first appearance of the earth, wait for my good news!"

Tang Ke closed his eyes, and under the operation of Origin, his consciousness instantly connected to the cosmic network.

The way to log in to the universe network is the same as logging in to a virtual game.

Human consciousness will be presented in the network, there is a virtual network world.

To log into this network, you must build a consciousness pod.

This consciousness cabin is actually similar to the virtual game cabin invented by Tang Ke.

So Tang Ke just needs to transform the virtual game cabin and then receive the cosmic signal waves.


In an instant, Tang Ke felt as if his whole body had lost its gravity, and he felt like his soul was soaring.

Even though he was lying down, he seemed to be lifted up by something and flew into the boundless sky.

The light gradually appeared in front of him, and countless lines outlined a picture.

The colorful colors were rendered, and Tang Ke did not know when he was in a vast square.

There are countless creatures walking by, and they have long been used to Tang Ke who suddenly appeared, and they have no intention of paying any attention to it.

Tang Ke froze in place, feeling an unprecedented shock.

The creatures walking in front of them all look strange, and they are not a species at first glance.

There are glowing creatures that look like octopuses, and there are giant gray humanoids.

There is also a ghost-like existence that penetrates directly from the building.

The expressions on their faces are quite indifferent, and they don't even glance at the people around them.

The only thing that makes Tang Ke feel a little familiar is the surrounding buildings.

These buildings are similar to the sci-fi buildings imagined by Tang Ke, full of modern technology.

But there are also a few buildings that look quirky and beautiful.

It is like a circular building floating in the sky, surrounded by hundreds of small spherical buildings, rhythmically moving up and down.

Through the window, you can see that the creatures inside are calmly discussing matters, as if they can't feel any shaking.

The sound nearby was a bit noisy, the gorgeous lights on the building flickered regularly, and strange electronic sounds sounded together.

A projection panel appeared in front of Tang Ke's eyes, prompting Tang Ke to fill in the information, otherwise he would not be able to leave the place for half a step.

"Name, planet, race..."

There is very little information to fill on the panel.

Tang Ke filled in his name, and then wrote the word 'Earth' on the planet.

At the moment he logged into the cosmic network, the coordinates of the earth had been entered into the panel.

It's just that the planet is in an unnamed state, and Tang Ke took the initiative to write the name of the earth.

As for race, Tang Ke was at a loss.

How to fill in this, write human?

Instead of filling it out in a hurry, he used the universe network to conduct data inquiries.

Although the account has not been registered, it does not prevent him from reading the information.

The people who created the cosmic network were very thoughtful and knew how to take care of the novice who entered the cosmic network for the first time.

Tang Ke inquired about the race classification, and when he saw the race above, his mouth opened slightly, slightly surprised.

Not too many racial categories, but too few!

The creatures in the universe are divided into four races: Human Race, Zerg Race, Orc Race, Spirit Race!

"Good guy, the network I log in is really the universe network? Not some virtual game?"

This racial classification is so casual and simple, it feels like choosing a race in a game.

Tang Ke's mouth twitched slightly, and he clicked on the information of the human race.

In an instant, the full screen of Terran classifications gave him a strong impact.

He suddenly realized that he was a little naive.

It turns out that it is not that there are few races, but that all humanoid creatures are classified as human races.

The dense classification of human races makes Tang Ke dazzled.

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