My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 405 Dimensional war begins\r

The number of warships and zerg reached terrifying numbers.

The Zerg battleship rampaged, unafraid of the bombardment of energy rays.

The Zerg flying rapidly in space are even more powerful, and ruthlessly devour the earth warships.

The battleship blown up by the reactor melted into a rainstorm of metal.

However, these scorching high temperatures did not even break the Zerg's carapace.

They flew against the metal torrential rain, unstoppable pounce on the next warship.

"Damn, what monsters are these bugs!?"

The warrior who was caught by the tentacles of the Demon Zerg struggled desperately, with a look of pain on his face.

Various weapons were folded on Heike's armor, but even the skin of the Demon Zerg couldn't be hurt.

The Demon Zerg laughed jokingly, squeezed the human tentacles a little harder, and smashed the bones of the human body to make a rattling sound.

Mistreatment of humans is a joy for the Zerg.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"


The screams of the soldiers stopped abruptly, and the head was bitten off by the demon insect.

The bloody scenes were repeated, and the humans hiding on earth felt extremely angry and frightened.

Looking at the explosion scene in the universe, the flames and smoke are like blooming orange-red flowers.

Earth's battle fleet was ruthlessly crushed by the Zerg.

Rip, destroy, explode!

The soldiers continued to sacrifice, but the Zerg side was unscathed.

The earth soldiers did not despair, and the sniper-type warships hidden in the deep space of the universe began to attack.

The bombardment that was dozens of times stronger than the energy ray swept down, forming a thick beam in the endless deep space.

Boom! !

Hundreds of thousands of Zerg were swallowed in an instant, and even the protective barriers on the Zerg battleship were destroyed by these beams.

The eyes of the commander of the Earth Fleet flickered, and he immediately ordered to pursue the victory.

With bayonet battleship as the main, water droplets on both sides of the battleship as a supplement, the collective head-on collision.

The embroidery needle of the God of Death reappeared, turning in space with a red Changhong, deftly dodging the Zerg rays.

boom boom boom boom...

In less than a few breaths, they passed through 100,000 Zerg battleships.

They precisely slammed into the battleship's reactor, causing a series of explosions that affected other Zerg battleships.

Like dominoes, they exploded one after another!

Terrifying energy ripples spread in the universe, and the surrounding meteorites instantly turned into powder, and the nearby planets trembled.

The Earth Army's counterattack has lifted the spirits of the Earth's people.

The scene of being crushed just now really scared everyone.

This is the first time that humans have watched a live interstellar war, and it is also the first time that they have seen the cruelty and bloodshed of war.

The blasting of each battleship is a visual feast with strong excitement for the common people.

At this moment, Chang Mo, who hadn't taken a shot, finally moved.

Countless colored thin lines fluttered out of them, like a boa constrictor twisting its body.

After locking on the target, it flew out!

All the sniper-type warships hidden in the deep space were instantly pierced by thousands of colored thin lines from different directions.

The colored thin lines are like straight spears, nailing these battleships in space, like a still picture!

For any battleship hit by the colored lines, the surrounding space is like shattered glass, reflecting colored light.

The battleship did not explode, and no Earth warriors rushed out of it.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ke couldn't help frowning and said in a deep voice, "It's a multi-dimensional weapon!"

"Multi-dimensional weapons? Dimension reduction or dimensional upgrade?" The battleship commander standing next to Tang Ke was suddenly startled and hurriedly asked.

"Dimensional reduction weapon! If it is an ascending dimension weapon, we can't see the battleship after being hit by the colored line! Start the dimensional battleship immediately and go to the two-dimensional space to bring back the surviving warriors." Tang Ke said solemnly.


After the colored thin line penetrated the sniper battleship, it did not stop there.

In this universe, dense and dense threads criss-cross, like cobwebs.

The bayonet-type warships and water droplets that were rampaging hit the colored lines like moths.

The moment the two collided, the phenomenon of broken glass reappeared.

The screen also stopped for a moment, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

This also made Tang Ke further affirmed that Chang Mo used a dimensionality reduction weapon.

He held many vector foils in his hand, and after thinking for a few seconds, he felt that it was better not to expose the dimensional weapons.

It's one of his trump cards, and it's going to work until the crunch time.

After all, the other party is a fourth-level civilization in three different places. Throwing out dimensional weapons indiscriminately is tantamount to throwing yourself into the net.

The dimensional battleship on the earth's side started, and the moment it took off, it directly escaped into the void.

There is a communication problem between 2D and 3D.

But Tang Ke has mastered the multi-dimensional space survival technology, so the origin can break the dimensional space barriers and exchange information.

"A large number of Zerg battleships were found in the two-dimensional space, and reinforcements are needed!"

Origin's words are concise and concise, and inform everyone on the space station.

Tang Ke nodded slightly to the commander-in-chief next to him. One hundred thousand dimensional warships carrying hundreds of millions of super-elite soldiers and robots rushed into the two-dimensional space.

The multi-dimensional battle has begun!

The interstellar war of the fourth-level civilization is not limited to the current third dimension.

What happened just now was nothing but a tentative attack on both sides.

At the same time that the dimensional battleship entered the two-dimensional space, all the battleships on the space station rushed towards the periphery.

The war between the Zerg and the Earth is imminent!

"The Galactic Alliance army obeys the order, kill me!"

Countless warriors rushed out in armor and pedalling aircraft, and they had to fight the Zerg head-on.

Although the combat power of these Zerg is extremely fierce, this does not mean that humans are completely invincible.

Through the battle screen just now, the origins are all being analyzed and collected.

She has been able to predict part of the fighting style of the Zerg, thus assisting the soldiers to fight.

Gorgeous light blooms in space, and the ripples of energy collisions create a charming halo.

The soldiers roared and rushed to kill, and the weapons in their hands severely cut off the heads of the Zerg.


Blood splattered everywhere, and the energy of the explosion swept through like a turbulent tsunami.

The Green Mantis and the Demon Insects died in large numbers, but the number that fell was insignificant compared to their total number.

The biggest advantage of the Zerg is the number.

Even if hundreds of millions of Zerg were sacrificed, there would be no waves in his heart.

They killed Saturn from the outermost part of the solar system, and countless debris floated into the air, and the explosion has not stopped since the beginning.

A similar scene plays out simultaneously in all parts of the universe.

Whether it is an affiliated civilization of the earth, a member of the Galactic Alliance, or a galaxy alliance that has reached a cooperation with the Galactic Alliance.

Even those galactic alliances that are only playing with the Galactic Alliance have been attacked by the ancient worm alliance.

The Ancient Bug Alliance has united more than 300 galaxy alliances to carry out a siege attack on each civilization with more enemies and fewer enemies!

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