My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 406 Involves half a cosmic civilization\r

The action of the Ancient Insect Alliance this time is determined to eradicate all the enemies at once.

There have been countless large-scale wars in the universe, but never on a scale as large as today.

In the war of the galaxy alliance, hundreds of civilizations will be at war at the same time, and trillions of beings will be caught in the flames of war.

And the galaxy alliance war started by the ancient insect alliance this time directly affected tens of thousands of civilizations, and they were all forced to join this war!

Those galactic alliances who are just acting want to explain that they are innocent.

But at this time, the Ancient Insect Alliance would not listen to anything.

Because they don't have time to verify, it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

The approach of the Ancient Insect Alliance is that it would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

When these galaxy alliances were involved with the Galactic Alliance, they were already listed as enemies by the ancient insect alliance.

These galaxy alliances are deeply regretful in their hearts, and the things they get from Tang Ke are not worth the consumption of the war.

It's just a loss to grandma's house!

In desperation, the civilizations of these alliances were forced to join the battle against the invasion of the ancient worm alliance.

They all began to suspect that all this was planned by Tang Ke.

"Tang Ke knew from the beginning that the Ancient Insect Alliance would not let any civilization go, and he wanted us to share the pressure!"

"We were all put together by Tang Ke. We thought we were all on the same floor, but he was on the third floor."

"It shouldn't be so sophisticated, it's all in the atmosphere!"

"It's useless to say anything now, who would have thought that the Ancient Insect Alliance had made such adequate preparations to directly set off a dimensional war at the cosmos level!"

"Damn, we were attacked by a fourth-level civilization on our side. Fortunately, there are fourth-level civilizations from other alliances that came out and helped us temporarily hold it back."

In the face of such a behemoth as the fourth-level civilization, the third-level civilization has no resistance.

They can only look for the fourth-level civilization to come to help, but from the attitude of the Ancient Insect Alliance, it seems that they do not intend to end here.

Even if there is a fourth-level civilization to persuade, it is difficult to let the Zerg stop.

More and more civilizations and alliances that have nothing to do with this matter are involved.

It was originally to negotiate this matter, let the other party stop and let go of these innocent civilizations.

However, the civilization on the Zerg side turned over some old accounts.

For a time, the wars in various parts of the universe not only failed to be alleviated, but instead caused other conflicts.

Some civilizations of the Ancient Insect Alliance were held back, and they didn’t have time to be happy if they didn’t fight the first time.

However, due to some conflicts in the past, conflicts broke out directly on the scene.

From the grievances between the Galactic Alliance and the Ancient Bug Alliance, it evolved into a cosmic war.

Even some fifth-level civilizations were alarmed, and they came out from the four-dimensional space to find out.

They did not choose to take action, nor did they stop it.

For the first time in history, a cosmic war of this magnitude involves too many things and too many positions.

No one is right or wrong, and other civilizations are not easy to intervene.

To put it bluntly, the fifth-level civilization does not want to go up and find trouble.

If it is really uncontrollable, there will naturally be other fifth-level civilizations.

Most fifth-level civilizations hold the same idea.

If their ideas are known by low-level civilizations, they will definitely be scolded by countless civilizations for hypocrisy.

The fifth-level civilization likes to protect the low-level civilization, but it can face the battle of the third and fourth-level civilization, but ignore it.

But thinking about it carefully, advanced civilization does not seem to have the obligation and responsibility to maintain the order of the universe.

They will protect low-level civilizations, but they just don’t want the phenomenon of civilizational faults in the universe.


The fourth dimension, the plane of the immortal race.

Li Yan and the two students looked at the picture in the third dimension, and their hearts were calm.

"Teacher, the Ancient Insect Alliance has launched an attack on Earth, why don't we go down and help them?" the female student asked while pouring tea.

"No hurry~"

Li Yan took a sip from the teacup and said with a light smile: "The war has just begun, and there are too many civilizations involved, so it's hard for us to intervene."

This battle of the galaxy alliance has already affected half of the civilization of the universe.

As the saying goes, the spear is the first bird, and the immortals don't want to be the first civilization to run out to quell the war.

That would only get burned and cause a lot of trouble.

"Wait until the critical moment to make a move to make the earth more willing to obey our arrangements. Immortals need talents like Tang Ke. As long as he and his family are not in trouble, everything can be said."

"Tang Ke and his family?"

The male student was puzzled and could not understand why Tang Ke's family was involved.

Li Yan smiled and said, "I have known Tang Ke for a short time, but I know that this person places great importance on his relatives, so his family can't have an accident, especially his wife."

Saying that, her eyes turned to Zhang Yaxuan on the projection screen.

In this huge war, Zhang Yaxuan also accompanied Tang Ke, which is enough to face how important her position in Tang Ke's heart is.

Li Yan has always been very accurate in seeing people, and she believes that her guess will not go wrong.

"But if we go out at the last minute, will we be suspected and hated by the people on Earth?" the male student asked again.

"There is such a possibility, but we can't go out and stop it now. The earth is not affiliated with the immortal race. And there are too many civilizations involved. We immortal race alone cannot quell the anger of the ancient insect alliance."

If it is not an affiliated civilization, the immortals have no legitimate reason to protect the earth.

If they go to protect the earth on the grounds of cooperation, the ancient insect alliance will not give up.

Although they will fear immortals, they can also look for fifth-level civilization to check and balance immortals.

The outside world is spreading the news that the immortals got the news of 'that kind of thing'.

This rumor alone has put a lot of pressure on the Immortal Race.

Once the fifth-level and sixth-level civilizations are caught, the immortals will be unable to protect themselves!

The two students nodded slightly, realizing they were thinking too little.

After all, a teacher is a teacher!


The third dimension, the solar system.

The three Zerg killed all the way to Saturn, unstoppable.

This is the most difficult interstellar war ever fought by the Earth Federation army.

It's easy for the green mantis and the devil to deal with it, but when facing the demon civilization, they are helpless.

The colored magic filaments launched by Chang Mo seems to possess magical power, and if it hits any object, it will shatter like glass, reflecting colored rays of light.

Once these broken glass appear, it symbolizes that within five meters, it has become a two-dimensional space!

The humans on earth suddenly realized that the racial talent of the demons is likely to be a dimensionality reduction blow!

"Racial talent is a dimensionality reduction blow, do you want to be so perverted?" Zhao Yunqing, who was wearing armor, twitched slightly at the corner of her mouth.

She is responsible for guarding the defense line of the space station. After the war broke out for so long, she stood on the space station and never left her post.

As a soldier, you must obey the command and must not leave without authorization.

If you act indiscriminately, you will make a big mistake.

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