My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 410 Kill the Zerg battleship\r

Under the continuous attack, the Demon Insect leader was beaten all over his body and blood splashed.

Tang Ke looked at the fast approaching Zerg battleship, and tens of thousands of circular vehicles flew out of it.

If you take a closer look, you will find that these aircraft are actually Zerg with mechanical armor!

With these armors, they can move quickly in four-dimensional space as long as they don't stop.

Not all Zerg specialize in genetics like the Black Zerg.

Many Zerg, like other cosmic creatures, specialize in technological weapons.

Zerg can also wear armor to adapt themselves to more combat scenarios.

"Stop these monsters from supporting, Yunqing, your commander will solve these battleships with me!"

Tang Ke shouted to Zhao Yunqing in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a large thruster was folded out of the back of his Heike armor, and the pale blue dim light contained vast energy.


Ke energy exploded in an all-round way, and Tang Ke's figure rushed out instantly.

The extreme speed brought the sound of air explosion, forming several air waves in the air.

He slammed into the Zerg battleship head-on, and his spiritual power was blessed on the spear, and the whole body armor was bubbling with blue light.

A shot was fired, and the dragon on the gun barrel was engraved under the projection of the energy light, and it looked looming, as if a blue dragon really flew out.


The long spear bombarded the transparent protective plate of the battleship, easily breaking a large hole in it.

The moment Tang Ke broke into the Zerg battleship, all the surrounding magic insects were scanned by Origin.

Tang Ke's figure didn't stop, the spear in his hand immediately waved, and the cyan energy Changhong swept away.

The magic worm standing beside Tang Ke, before he recovered from the shock of the enemy's intrusion, was instantly stabbed to the point and died on the spot!

Tang Ke seemed to have turned into a phantom, and after eliminating the enemies beside him, he disappeared from the spot.

When it reappeared, it was already a hundred meters away.

The magic insects behind him have all fallen down and become corpses one by one.

The bright red blood flowed all over the ground, and the pungent fishy smell made the jellyfish body of the demon worm tremble slightly.

"Not good! It's an enemy attack!"

"Stop this human race, he wants to destroy the core reactor of our battleship!"

"So fast!"

The Demon Zerg made a sharp cry, and all the Demon insects in the battleship moved in an instant, like a swarm of bees.

Facing the overwhelming monsters, Tang Ke's face was calm, and the speed of Ke's energy advancement did not weaken in any way.

Under the influence of mental power, these high-speed flying monsters are all in a slow state in his eyes.

He relies on the power of the fourth-level limit gene, plus the blessing of Heike armor.

The speed reached more than 100,000 meters per second, and the whole person was blurred into an afterimage.

The moment the two touched, Tang Ke's spear suddenly burst into light, and blue energy rays shot out from the spear head.

Suddenly, several rays of light flashed through the swarm of demon insects.

Tang Ke passed through the swarm of demon insects in an instant, and headed towards the depths of the battleship without looking back.

Hundreds of thousands of demon swarms in the back were frozen in place for three seconds, and then the heads fell to the ground one by one.

Bright red blood shot out of them, and the ceiling was splashed red, making this area look like a monster purgatory, shocking!

Tang Ke is currently the only one with a fourth-level limit gene in the earth.

As long as the Zerg leader is not in front of him, he can easily kill them in seconds.

The magic bug's talent is black atomization, but because this is a four-dimensional space, their racial talent is directly invalid.

Demon insects without the ability to atomize can be said to be very handy to kill.

Get one, cut one!

Come to a group, kill a group!

In less than ten seconds, Tang Ke had already gone from the top of the battleship to the front of the battleship's reactor.

The Zerg corpses under his feet were piled up like mountains, and the stumps and broken legs were scattered all over the ground.

Tang Ke didn't stop, the long spear in his hand swept again, and the beam formed by Qing-level energy directly slashed on the energy reactor of the battleship.

Boom, boom!

A terrifying series of explosions ran through the entire battleship, and the hot flames spread around!

When Tang Ke flew out of the energy explosion, he also did not forget to absorb the energy of the explosion to help fill the armor.

Zhao Yunqing and others also rushed out of other Zerg battleships, and tens of thousands of Zerg battleships exploded into flames in the four-dimensional space.

The broken battleship collided with other battleships, and the restless energy interacted with each other, and successively destroyed several surrounding battleships.

The armored swarms of monsters all flew towards the leader of the monsters.

However, the elites of the Earth Army stopped them.

The two sides floated and fought in the four-dimensional space, and various pictures in the space kept flashing.

Chaotic battlefield, changing space screen.

Makes both Zerg and humans feel dizzy.

Some magic insects slammed into the picture of the four-dimensional space without a trace.

If it weren't for the origin support in the human armor, it is estimated that it would be no different from the monster.

Tang Ke smashed five Zerg battleships in a row in the same way.

Just when he was about to go back and get rid of the Demon Insect leader.

A huge mouth suddenly opened in the four-dimensional space, and the Kuangbo robot and the green mantis swarm broke in at the same time.


Kuang Bo kicked a green mantis flying, but his arm was also cut off by the opponent's blade.

Kuang Bo flew several times in the four-dimensional space, and just landed next to Tang Ke to stabilize his body.

These green mantis swarms that poured into the four-dimensional space were all imprisoned in mid-air, unable to move.

"Kang Bo, what's the situation? How did you guys come in?" Tang Ke, who was almost hit by Kuang Bo, frowned slightly and asked through the voice built into the armor.

"Huh? Master?!"

Kuang Bo's face was slightly startled: "I'm very sorry, Chang Mo used an ascending dimension weapon, and we were forced to fall here."

"Shang Mo used an ascending dimension weapon?"

Tang Ke glanced at the imprisoned Green Mantis Swarm: "How did they throw their teammates in?"

"We brought in the green mantis forcibly. After we kill all the green mantis, we will go out immediately." Kuang Bo smiled awkwardly.

As soon as the words fell, a crack opened again in the four-dimensional space.

One hundred million Zerg warships jumped in, and they did not attack Tang Ke and others for the first time, but flew in the direction of the demon worm leader.

"So much fighting for a demon leader..."

Tang Ke's eyes flickered, and he suddenly thought of something.

He immediately shouted through his voice: "Everyone listens to the order and goes all out to kill the leader of the demon insect!"

The zerg must keep the leader of the worm at all costs, which can only explain one problem.

That is, all the demon insects need to follow the instructions of the demon insect leader. Once the leader dies, these demon insects will become headless flies.

Either leave on the spot, or attack indiscriminately.

They won't follow the command of the Sangmo civilization or the Green Mantis civilization!

Although they are all Zerg, they are not a civilization.

In particular, the Zerg group is particularly dependent on the leader.

Unlike the human race, if the leader is lost, there will be a next-level leader to lead the team.

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