As long as the leaders of the three Zerg civilizations are eliminated, tens of billions of Zerg will be scattered.

In a war with the Zerg, the most direct way to win is to kill the Zerg leader!

It is precisely because of the importance of the Zerg leader that the other two Zerg ran so desperately to save the demon leader.

They don't want to lose a Demon Zerg, which will increase their pressure.

Following Tang Ke's order, everyone rushed in the direction of the Demon Insect leader.

At the same time, there were many cracks around the Demon Insect leader.

The Zerg are racing with Tang Ke and others, trying to save the worm leader before them!


Heike's armor broke out again, Tang Ke's speed was faster than anyone else, and under the blessing of spiritual power, it turned into a streamer and flew out.

While flying, slaying demon insects, blood and stumps floated in the four-dimensional space.

However, just as he was about to approach the Demon Insect leader, a space crack suddenly appeared in front of him.

This crack appeared too abruptly, even the origin didn't have time to stop, Tang Ke slammed into it directly.

The surrounding picture returned to normal again, the vast universe deep space, the shimmering stars.

as well as……

The tens of billions of Zerg surrounded him!

"Hehehe...Human, I admit that you are very strong and your reaction is fast, but you are always a step behind." The leader of the demon and the leader of the green mantis were suspended side by side.

Tang Ke stands in space, surrounded by overwhelming Zerg.

The demon insects turned into a black fog covering the sky, blocking all his escape routes, and no light penetrated.

The outside world can't see what's going on inside the swarm.

The green eyes of the Green Mantis Swarm stared at Tang Ke.

The two knives sharpened, ready to tear Tang Ke apart.

In the dark space, only the Zerg battleship and the swarm of demon insects with their own light source will shine.

The location where Tang Ke is located can be described as a net of heaven and earth!

The crack just now passed him directly to the center of the Zerg, that is, in front of the leader of the demon!

In the eyes of the Zerg, Tang Ke is completely finished.

In the face of such a siege, no creature can escape.

Tang Ke, who was under Heike's armored mask, said blankly, "If I guessed correctly, you two are the leaders of the Zerg."

"'s quite calm."

The turquoise green mantis leader sneered: "We are the Zerg leaders, but you probably won't be able to take our heads."

"I don't know if you regret it now. From the moment you offend my Ancient Insect Alliance, your civilization is doomed!" The leader of Chang Mo slowly floated in front of Tang Ke, less than ten meters away from him.

It doesn't worry about what Tang Ke will do to him at all. In the eyes of the Zerg, Tang Ke has become a turtle in a urn and can be manipulated at will.

The dimensional space crack opened again, and several armored monsters dragged their leader out.

The worm leader regained his mobility.

Seeing Tang Ke being surrounded, he couldn't help laughing wildly: "Hahahaha! Damn Human Race, let's see where you run now!"


More than ten tentacles stretched out at the same time, tying Tang Ke up again.

"You still have a smile on your face. If it weren't for your conceit, we wouldn't have bothered to save you." The leader of the demon scolded coldly.

The original plan was quite perfect, Chang Mo and Lu Tang dealt with the battleship, and the magic bug directly destroyed the earth.

As a result, not only was the earth not destroyed, but the leader of the demon insect fell into the four-dimensional space.

Hearing the words of the leader of the demon, the leader of the demon worm looked a little cowardly.

Among the three civilization leaders, Chang Mo seems to be the dominant position, while the status of Green Mantis and Demon Insect is a little lower.

Tang Ke looked at them calmly, even if his body was tied, it didn't make him panic.

He also has a lot of di-foil and vector foil on him, and he can escape whenever he wants.

But what he wants is not to escape, but to annihilate the Zerg!

Now he is waiting, after the battle in the four-dimensional space is over, he will launch the dimensional weapon.

There are very few people on this side of the earth who can survive in multidimensional space.

Because the materials for building multi-dimensional armor are very expensive, and the manufacturing time is even longer.

If Tang Ke activates the dimensional weapon now, no one will be able to spare a hand to help.

The end result is that he is surrounded by Zerg again.

"I was careless, this guy was handed over to me to deal with, I'll make his life better than death!" The Demon Insect leader said solemnly.

"Hurry up and kill it, don't waste time, and support other places after you get it done."

The demons don't want to waste time here. Their subordinate civilizations are still fighting on other planets, and they must destroy the earth as quickly as possible.

The longer the delay, the greater the loss.

"Understood." The Demon Insect leader replied helplessly.

The dozen or so tentacles suddenly increased their strength, trying to knead Tang Ke into a puree.

But when it exerted force, it found that it couldn't hold the tiny human race in its hand at all.

It felt that it was not holding a Terran, but a piece of indestructible metal.

"what happened?"

The worm leader looked at Tang Ke with puzzled eyes, and saw that his whole body was emitting blue light, and a layer of machinery moved on the armor.

"The little trick of the eagle, you actually want to escape from my hands twice?!"

The leader of the demon worm sneered and shouted, pulling out a tentacle and stabbing Tang Ke's head

It has been escaped by Tang Ke once before, and now it is ridiculous to use the same move!


The tentacles of the worm leader made a sharp sound in the air, killing Tang Ke with one blow.

"Is the tentacle also called a hand? It feels a bit funny." Tang Ke responded with a chuckle.

When the tentacles approached the forehead, they suddenly stopped.


A strong wind of energy blew past, and the huge tentacles seemed to be pressed the pause button, and even the leader of the demon worm did not move.

The leader of the demon and the leader of the green mantis were puzzled, thinking that the devil had changed his mind.

"What are you doing, why don't you get rid of him quickly?" The leader of Chang Mo said impatiently.

However, the Demon Insect leader didn't respond at all, and just stood there in a daze.

Tang Ke chuckled, and the Ke energy in the armor condensed into a ray burst.

Several blue-level rays penetrate the tentacles and cut clockwise.


The tentacles tied to the body exploded, and the blood splashed directly on the surrounding Zerg.

At this moment, the leader of the demon finally realized that something was wrong.

It found the leader of the demon worm with a dark body, and a layer of deep purple was faintly revealed in the surface skin.

This is a sign of poisoning!

The leader of the demon Chang found the problem, but it was too late!

Tang Ke, who broke through the bondage, directly stabbed the demon leader with a shot.

The energy ray shot out from the gun head, piercing the jellyfish body of the demon leader again!

The cyan light beam extends to kilometers away, piercing a death channel in the swarm.

Tang Ke let out a loud roar, all his mental power applied to his arms and spear, and swept to the right.


The energy ray that erupted from the spear directly cut open the body of the demon worm leader, and bright red blood beads splashed and floated in space!

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