The immortals are most concerned about Zulong.

Regarding the fact that the ancestral land is the earth, there was a fierce debate among the immortals at that time.

After all, the earth tens of billions of years ago did not even have a human figure.

How could such a weak civilization be the ancestral land of Zulong?

Under that debate, two groups of people were formed in the immortal race.

A group of people believe that the earth is definitely not the ancestral land of Zulong, let alone the origin of their immortal race.

They felt that the ancestor dragon came to earth, it was just a coincidence.

Or the ancestral dragon could not find the ancestral land, so a new ancestral land was temporarily created on earth.

Another group of people felt that the earth was probably the origin of the immortal race.

It's just that in the distant past, something happened on the other side of the earth, so there was no life on the earth, and it became a vast ocean.

They felt that it was impossible for Zulong to sleep on a strange planet!

As the Immortal King of the Immortal Clan, Cai Lao has not made any statement on this matter.

But her thinking is more inclined towards the latter.

After listening to Tang Ke's words, Cai Lao was silent for a long time.

The cloudy eyes stared at the teacup for a long time without saying a word, as if recalling something.

Tang Ke was not in a hurry and tasted the tea slowly.


After a long time, Cai Lao sighed and said, "I believe that Mr. Tang Ke will not talk nonsense."

"Actually, half of the people in the immortal race know that the earth is likely to be the origin of our immortal race, but..."

"No one wants to accept this fact! Ten billion years ago, the earth was just a vast ocean, but our immortals have a history of 50 billion years."

Cai Lao's voice paused and said solemnly: "But there is one thing that very few immortals know about...that is, when immortals were first born, they were already level 5 civilization!"

"Until today, 50 billion years have passed, and our immortals are still at the fifth level of civilization, and we have never been able to enter the sixth level!"

This is the biggest secret of the Immortal Race!

Only when the Immortal King succeeds will he be informed by the previous Immortal King.

The civilization development history of the Immortal Race has been level 5 from the very beginning, and the history before level 5 is blank.

"Why did this matter become a secret? What is the history before the fifth-level civilization? The old man is not clear, but before the establishment of the Immortal Race, it seems to have fled in the universe..."

Cai Lao's words made Tang Ke instantly grasp the key information, and many conjectures emerged in his heart.

In the beginning, the immortal clan was not called immortal clan, it was the name they gave later!

Five billion years ago, the Immortal Race still had a name.

Immortals were just born with the fifth-level civilization, so they must have obtained the inheritance of the fifth-level civilization.

And the reason for concealing this news is combined with the escape, and the answer is about to come out.

This civilization is avoiding the enemy. For this reason, it has been incognito, abandoned its former name, and changed its name to 'Xianzu'!

And the previous name of the Immortal Race, Tang Ke can be almost 100% sure that it is the Earth!

Tang Ke picked up the teacup and put it to his mouth to take a sip of the tea.

He slowly stated what he had seen and heard under the time book.

Cai Lao sat opposite and listened quietly.

The content of what Tang Ke said was focused on the last moment of the picture.

He shared his speculations and thoughts with the other party.

The immortal race should be the humans who have not returned to the earth in the past, in order to avoid the sixth-level civilization that is like a god.

These humans had to remain anonymous.

Take Zulong to establish a new civilization together, which is the current immortal clan.

The reason why they were a fifth-level civilization from the beginning, the inheritance is almost exactly the same as the earth.

It is precisely because of their inheritance and technology that they all come from the earth before the restart!

Cai Lao listened without saying a word, his face seemed calm.

But the trembling palm has exposed her excited heart at the moment.

"So it is! It is so! No wonder the immortal race was a fifth-level civilization from the beginning, and it will become the secret of the entire immortal race, and only the immortal king is allowed to know..."

Cai Qionghua's old voice was trembling, and all the doubts he once had are now answered.

The mission of the Immortal Race is to ensure the continuation of human inheritance!

If the immortal race started out as a fifth-level civilization, it would be spread out.

It will definitely attract the attention of the former sixth-level civilization, thereby revealing the identity.

"Hey, as expected, there can't be so many coincidences in the universe. The earth is similar to the immortal race? Hahahaha... It's really self-deceiving!"

Cai Lao laughed at himself, and the maid who poured tea beside her looked puzzled.

Only then did Tang Ke notice that the maid was deaf. No wonder Cai Qionghua was not afraid that she would hear the conversation between the two.

However, with the technology of the immortals, curing a deaf person is not a problem at all. Why do deaf people still exist?

After Cai Lao finished laughing, he also noticed Tang Ke's eyes.

She took the initiative to explain: "Qian'er was deaf because of an accident, and some of her family members were also injured to varying degrees in the accident. Since there was no money to pay for medical expenses, the old man asked her to come over and pour tea. After a while The old body will pay her enough to treat the whole family."

Cai Qionghua took the initiative to explain that this was showing his favor to Tang Ke.

She didn't want Tang Ke to misunderstand Xianzu.

It means that she has accepted the identity of the immortal race as a human being on earth, and completely regards Tang Ke as her own.

Tang Ke nodded and said indifferently: "I thought it was a coincidence, but I didn't expect you and I to be the same clan!"

"In this way, we are afraid that we will face the same enemy! I wonder if there is any relevant record in the immortal race that used the restart technology on the Earth's sixth-level civilization?"

Hearing this, Cai Qionghua thought for a moment and said, "Our immortals have not recorded this matter, but..."

She paused and stared at Tang Ke with her old eyes: "I heard that Mr. Tang Ke has a time machine that goes against the current for ten cosmic years. You might as well use this technology in the Immortal Race, and let's see what happened that year. !"

The time when the Immortal Race appeared was only five universes ago, which was more than enough for the Time Book.

"Yes!" Tang Ke nodded with a smile.

He informed the Glory Steward through Origin and asked him to bring the Time Book.

There was a stargate teleportation, and in less than three minutes, the time book was sent to the front of the housekeeper of glory.

Tang Ke is no nonsense, with the help of the immortals, the time book connects the energy devices in the immortals.


The time book was turned on again and the pages were turned quickly, a pale white light enveloped the audience, and the scene of the reverse flow of time reappeared.

For 50 billion years, the Immortal Race has hardly changed.

It's not that they didn't study technology, but that the fifth-level civilization is quite far away from the sixth-level civilization.

The gap here is equivalent to the difference between the zero-level civilization and the fifth-level civilization.

If you want to become a sixth-level civilization, the first and most important thing is to restart the technology.

The second is to break the lifespan limit of a cosmic year. What we need here is the sixth-level genetic medicine!

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