My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 442 The truth, the event of becoming a god\r

Ten billion years is called a cosmic year, not for the convenience of calculation, but a hurdle!

Level 6 civilizations are called cosmic civilizations because they are no longer restricted by the rules of the universe.

Restart technology is a means of breaking the rules of the universe, forcing the galaxy civilization to reverse the flow of time.

Ten billion years is the limit of the lifespan of creatures in the universe. Those who can exceed the lifespan of ten billion years are breaking the rules of the universe.

The limitation of the rules of the universe is this hurdle!

Only the sixth-level civilization has the ability to break the rules of the universe.

The last is the means of traveling through the multiverse!

If you want to travel through the multiverse, you must break the cosmic wall.

In the final analysis, it is still necessary to break the rules of the universe.

That layer of invisible wall that wraps the universe is the rule of the universe.

If you cannot break the rules of the universe, you will never be able to go to other universes, and it is not worthy of being called a cosmic civilization.

If you want to break this layer of wall film, you must use cosmic energy to do it.

Tang Ke has a cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the cosmic energy is above the universe, which is not difficult for him.

But the earth also has a long way to go if it wants to enter the sixth-level civilization, not to mention the immortal race?

The crisp page-turning sound of the time book reverberated in the air, and the images of the planets of the Immortal Race were changing rapidly.

From ancient times to the present, their buildings have maintained the ancient style, which is the clan rules left by their ancestors.

The purpose is to preserve the history of the earth.

Time quickly came to 50 billion years ago.

Tang Ke and Cai Lao's mental power were released at the same time, and they didn't want to miss any details.

Because the location of the two is on the fairy planet.

Therefore, the pictures they can see move with the planet and cannot follow things outside the planet.

Even if the planet is pulled from three-dimensional space to four-dimensional space, it will not affect their viewing.

Tang Ke will follow the planet into the four-dimensional space, but the viewing angle can only move on the planet.


The screen reverted to before the immortals came, and a deafening dragon roar swept over.

The turquoise five-clawed dragon exuding a majestic aura descended from the sky, and with a long howl, it caused torrential rain.

It manipulates the seawater of this planet and cleans the entire planet.

Then a super-giant warship flew in slowly. This warship was extremely huge, like a thousand buildings of 100 meters.

It hovered on the ground and walked down tens of thousands of humans one after another.

These people are the ancestors of the Immortal Race!

"It turns out that the immortals of the year were not created by Zulong..." Cai Qionghua said with a slightly open mouth.

"Ancestral Dragon can only cultivate a good ecological environment, but without the ability to create life, even a sixth-level civilization cannot do it!" Tang Ke said indifferently.

The two stopped talking and continued to watch.

Their purpose is to find out who the sixth-level civilization that restarted the earth is.

"Finally found a planet suitable for our survival, it is more suitable for human beings than the earth!" A young man in the picture sighed.

When the people around him heard the words, their expressions changed slightly.

"Shh! From now on, we will be called Immortal Clan. Don't mention the name of the former planet again, lest one day if you accidentally say something, it will attract the attack of the group of rebels!" An old man scolded in a deep voice .

Hearing the words, the people around him lowered their heads subconsciously.

It can be seen that this old man should be their leader.

There were tears in the corners of the young man's eyes just now, choked up and said: "Those rebels are not human at all, they are obviously of the same race, but they have disappeared everything on the mother planet, my parents are still on the planet. up!"

"Hey... These people are simply inhumane. Why is there such a group of beasts born on our planet, even ignoring the lives of their parents?"

"Hmph, they directly discarded their fleshly bodies, claiming to have taken away everything, and their bloodlines were cut off because of this. From now on, they are no longer human, but gods!"


People were full of indignation and abuse, but the work in hand did not stop.

The first time they landed on this planet, was to build a house.

Throwing a tiny capsule in your hand will automatically form buildings or materials on the ground.

Some people use their own houses to move in directly.

Others threw out materials and rebuilt their own homes.

Listening to the speeches of these people, Tang Ke raised his brows, and Cai Lao stared at the screen without saying a word.

The two watched the scene of the past year in a row, and learned everything about that year from these people.

Regarding the past of the earth and the immortals, Tang Ke finally got a complete answer!

These human beings on Earth, who were renamed Xianzu, took Zulong on a mission, so they escaped the catastrophe.

Before their mission, there was an ongoing conflict on Earth that never got resolved.

After they traveled, this conflict broke out completely...

Earth civilization has been in the fifth-level civilization for a long, long time, but no matter what, it cannot break the cosmic wall and go to other universes.

Originally, this kind of thing could not cause any conflicts. After all, the level of technology is not enough, that is the problem of ability.

But one day, a researcher named Luo Tian discovered a way to pass through the cosmic wall.

Give up the flesh!

As long as you give up your physical body and keep only your soul form, you can easily pass through the cosmic wall!

The soul form is similar to the Eldar, but because of the nourishment of the flesh, the human soul form has become a unique existence.

Between the human race and the spirit race.

Luo Tian called this form a god!

The form of a god can not only easily cross the cosmic wall, but also break the limit lifespan of tens of billions.

After becoming a god, you can live for at least ten billion years, or even hundreds of billions of years!

But this method is equivalent to destroying the physical body, leaving only the human brain, and then surviving time in the form of mental power.

Therefore, it was unanimously opposed by the high-level executives of the Earth Federation headquarters, and the contradiction occurred.

Luo Tian felt incomprehensible about this. This was an opportunity before him to become a sixth-level civilized creature!

He thought there was something wrong with these people's brains.

People at the Earth Federation headquarters cannot understand him, and there are always people on earth who can understand him.

Therefore, without the permission of the Earth Federation Headquarters, Luo privately announced the news of becoming a god to the global human beings.

It caused a global uproar for a while.

Luo Tian also announced the method of becoming a god, as long as he is willing to give up his physical body and possess spiritual power.

You can make your own god device, or come directly to him for help.

Luo Tianhui will provide everyone with the opportunity to become a god for free, and become a sixth-level civilized creature with everyone!

The entire Earth Federation headquarters was furious and wanted to arrest Luo Tian.

In the end, Luo Tian was simply a lunatic. He established the Protoss and became the king of the Protoss.

He has not conducted any human experiments, and directly used himself as an experimental subject and walked into a device.

This device directly disassembled him into eight pieces, leaving only a complete brain, which was packed in a glass jar.

Luo Tian's spiritual power was all poured into another device, forming a white spiritual body, and terrifying energy swept out!

When the personnel of the Earth Federation headquarters broke into the laboratory, Luo Tian had already completed his experiment.

He became a sixth-level civilized creature...

Although there is no physical body, the spiritual power released from the spiritual body is like a super power, turning into countless huge palms, and all the people who broke in are crushed into blood mist!

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