Although the sixth-level civilization is extremely rare, and in most cases, no trace can be found.

But this does not mean that the sixth-level civilization will not come out.

In case a sixth-level civilization and the Protoss get along well and find that the earth is blocking the void ladder, they will definitely stand up as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, the Protoss is just a sixth-level civilization achieved by special means, and we are the real sixth-level civilization. If there is a sixth-level civilization that has a good relationship with the Protoss, they will definitely weigh the pros and cons." Tang Ke is confident said.

He is the founder of the sixth-level civilization.

For the God Race, which relies on small means to achieve the sixth level, it is a contempt from the bottom of my heart.

In his opinion, the Protoss are just a group of cowards who cannot break the rules of the universe and thus opportunistically.

Tang Ke believes that as long as it is a sixth-level civilization that has achieved the right path, it will definitely look down on the Protoss.

Between the Earth and the Protoss, these sixth-level civilizations may not help the Earth, but they will never care about the Protoss.

Therefore, Tang Ke believes that there is no need to worry about a sixth-level civilization coming to stop them.

In addition, the sixth-level civilization itself is rare, and the probability of encountering it is extremely low.

This allows the high-level officials of the Earth Federation to do it more confidently and boldly.

They directly drove all the cosmic creatures near the void ladder with a strong attitude.

Who dares to disagree?

Tens of thousands of interstellar warships traveled directly from other universes, surrounding all those who disobeyed.

If the other party dares to do it, the Galaxy Alliance will throw out a restart coin to kill the chicken and warn the monkey!

After a week, the void ladder was completely blocked by the Galactic Federation.

On the Earth Federation side, a death sentence was also successfully selected.

Gong Juren, the fourth-level gene unlocker.

In pursuit of power, he became an interstellar killer, traveling through major galaxies to complete killing missions.

Whether it is a ferocious beast or a baby without resistance, he can ruthlessly complete the task.

The parents are alive at home, no wife or daughter.

Because of accepting the employment task, he killed the innocent underage girl in Long Kingdom and brought the body to the employer to violate.

Sentenced to death!

This person is willing to accept any task for the sake of strength.

Even if he did something to an innocent girl, he still didn't change his face.

This person's heart is extremely indifferent, and he has no sympathy for his compatriots, as if he has only become stronger in his eyes.

After the Earth Federation has adopted various methods and means, the death row inmate has become a loyal undercover agent.

Of course, there is a high probability that the opponent will be countered.

After all, he desperately pursues power, and the God Race's method of becoming stronger is very simple, which is completely in line with his philosophy.

However, the high-level officials of the Earth Federation still showed a look of extreme trust, and treated Gong Juren like a hero, and his family also received the most generous benefits.

The high-level officials of the Earth Federation are still very kind, knowing that the other party will become a double agent.

But still treat him as a hero, there is not much that a hero and martyr can have.

Although the trust is fake, the rest of the treatment is real!

The purpose is to ensure that Gong Juren will continue to provide information to the earth after being instigated, instead of running away directly after becoming a Protoss.

With Gong Juren's pursuit of power and money.

Being a double agent can get the benefits of both sides, and he will never choose to run away!


My name is Gong Juren. I took on any task and committed a heinous crime, and was finally sentenced to death.

Just when I thought this was the end of my life, the Earth Federation was going to choose one of us to be the dead man.

This is my perfect opportunity to roll over!

The so-called dead man may not necessarily die.

As long as you have absolute strength, you can easily survive.

And I, Gong Juren, is a powerhouse with absolute strength!

Sure enough, after many trials and tests, I was transformed from a death row prisoner to become the only dead man in the Earth Federation.

Then it's time for me to flex my muscles!

I heard that they want me to go to the multiverse, climb the void ladder, and as long as I can reach the top, I will become a member of the Protoss.

And my identity as a dead man will also be turned into an undercover agent.

One day, I may stand on some rooftop and shout to the Protoss members: I'm sorry, I'm an Earthling!


It's ridiculous, I've become a Protoss, how can I still work for the earth?

However, if you provide information to the earth, you can get a lot of benefits, and the job seems to be not bad...

"Gong Juren! What are you still in a daze, we've arrived at the place, come down quickly!"

Suddenly, a soldier with a gun suspended in space and shouted to Gong Juren, who was still in a daze in the battleship.

Gong Juren came back to his senses, and found that he had arrived at his destination.

The splendid golden staircase seems to lead to heaven, and the dazzling light makes this staircase look extremely sacred and makes people yearn for it.

Gong Juren flew out wearing armor, looking at the golden stairs standing in the void, an inexplicable voice sounded in his heart.

"Cut off the past and become the supreme god!"

Gong Juren knew that this was the Void Staircase, and if you stepped on the top, you could become a god!

He was a little excited in his heart. It was extremely difficult to become a sixth-level civilized creature. Not only did his spiritual power have to be strong, but his physical body had to reach the limit.

Otherwise, the limit life cannot be broken!

At the beginning, many people didn't know about it, so a lot of Level 6 genetic medicine was wasted.

It turned out that if you want to meet the conditions for taking the sixth-level gene medicine, you must reach the limit of the fifth-level gene!

Those who never exercised and took the medicine from the first-level medicine to the fifth-level medicine directly, whether it is physical or mental, are quite far from the limit of the fifth-level gene.

Although such people are Level 5 gene unlockers, their strength and speed are at most the level of Level 3 or Level 4 genes.

The effect of their use of the sixth-level genetic medicine cannot be broken for tens of billions of years.

Then each level of genetic medicine can only be taken once.

In other words, if you take the sixth-level genetic medicine without reaching the fifth-level limit gene, you cannot break the 10 billion-year lifespan!

It is impossible to live more than ten billion in the future!

After learning this news, those humans who used money to get to the fifth-level gene began to exercise.

Only after the physical body and mental power have reached the limit of the fifth-level gene, can one dare to take the sixth-level gene medicine!

This also resulted in a very small number of Level 6 gene unlockers.

After all, like Tang Ke, there are almost no people who take medicine after each level reaches the limit...

It is still very difficult to become a sixth-level civilized creature.

But now another way has emerged.

An avenue that can make Gong Juren instantly change from a fourth-level creature to a sixth-level creature is just in front of him!

And he was still ordered to climb the void ladder, how could he not get excited?


The soldier slapped Gong Juren on the back and scolded impolitely, "Hurry up and climb the stairs, don't be slow!"

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