My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 483 Weird climbing process\r


Gong Juren's head was full of black lines.

Although he is a death row prisoner, but now he is undercover, can't his attitude be better?

Gong Juren floated to the void stairs with a black face, and stepped directly on the first stairs.

There was no abnormality, and there was no discomfort.

His climb was watched by the higher-ups of the Earth Federation, and the Tang Ke family also watched Gong Juren's ascent through the multiverse broadcast.

"Aren't you worried that he will reveal information about our Earth and then attract an attack from the Protoss?" Zhang Yaxuan leaned against Tang Ke's arms and asked lazily.

Her appearance is extremely moving, and her jet-black hair, like Tang Ke's, exudes a gleaming shimmer.

The beautiful eyes, which are already captivating, seem to contain thousands of universes and are full of charm.

Zhang Yaxuan is the second powerhouse on Earth to unlock Level 6 genes.

Under the influence of Tang Ke, every time she took the genetic medicine, she reached the genetic limit, and the promotion speed was only a little slower than Tang Ke.

After unlocking the sixth-level gene, Zhang Yaxuan became more beautiful.

In addition to the changes in appearance, the temperament is even more beautiful.

Tang Baobao was extremely envious when he saw his mother so beautiful.

So under the drive to become beautiful, she increased the amount of daily training.

Not to get stronger, just to take the sixth-level genetic medicine as soon as possible to become more beautiful...

What a strange dynamic.

Tang Ke looked at the broadcast screen with a relaxed face, and said indifferently: "The Earth Federation has analyzed this person's greed side, he will not reveal the earth's information so quickly, even if he does, our earth is not afraid of the Protoss. ."

The reason why Gong Juren was sent to be an undercover agent was just to prevent the clues from being cut off.

Gathering Protoss intelligence is just an option.

Earth will definitely fight the Protoss eventually, it's just a matter of time.

It's good to be able to collect intelligence.

But if the intelligence information of the Protoss cannot be collected, and the Protoss goes to war directly, the Earth will be ready to fight!

The reason why the soldier was rude to Gong Juren was precisely because he knew that the next Gong Juren would most likely become a traitor.

It is very likely that the war started directly after Gong Juren became a member of the Protoss.

Faced with such a situation, how could the soldiers be polite to Gong Juren?

Of course, if Gong Juren is really loyal to Earth, the Earth Federation will definitely give him more benefits.

Like changing the death penalty to life imprisonment or something...

"If the Protoss attacks us, I will definitely let them have no good fruit to eat!"

Tang Baobao waved his little pink fist fiercely, not looking like a goddess at all.

Seeing her father's brows slightly wrinkled, she hurriedly said, "Dad won't allow me to stop me this time, I have unlocked the fifth-level genes, plus the anti-protoss armor, it is no problem to kill a sixth-level civilization creature, you know! "

Saying that, she habitually shrank her neck.

No way, Dad's majesty is too strong, can you not be afraid~

No matter how good you are, when you look back, you will find that Dad's talents and abilities in all aspects always overwhelm you.

Let me ask, who dares to contradict such an awesome old man?

the student surpasses the master?

Every time he heard others comment on her like this, Tang Baobao felt a pain in his heart.

The so-called better than blue, the premise is to be able to beat Caixing!

My father is like a hang-up. Dad will understand what she knows, and what she invented will be understood in seconds after reading it.

But she doesn't necessarily understand what Dad understands, and what Dad invented, she has to study for several years! ! !

How does this win? Better than a ghost in blue~?

"Hmph, I know how to fight and kill all day, and I suspect that I have given birth to a son."

Tang Ke snorted lightly and said indifferently: "If there is a real battle with the Protoss, I allow you to participate in the battle, but you can't be too far from your mother, do you know?"

"Why? Didn't my mother fight too much..."

"You can underestimate her. When a war breaks out, don't hide behind her and dare not come out." Tang Ke sneered.

It's not that he is exaggerating, but his wife's fighting talent is really powerful.

In daily life, Zhang Yaxuan is a sweet and moving literary woman.

When taking care of children, she is a gentle and gentle wife and mother.

But when it comes to the battlefield, she will become a god of killing, and she will traverse the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

It can be seen from her calmness when she was kidnapped back then to her decisiveness when she first shot to save Jin Yumeng.

Zhang Yaxuan is a strong woman who is calm, decisive, and fearless of difficulties.

Her fighting talent is exceptionally strong, and even though she has not experienced much fighting, she can achieve a record far exceeding that of the soldiers.

Even the speed of gene unlocking is second only to Tang Ke.

But she must not ignore her past brilliant achievements because of her usual gentleness and elegance.

"I won't, I'm super brave!" Tang Baobao said unconvinced.

Tang Ke heard the words, looked at his wife and smiled, and didn't say more.

In the broadcast screen, Gong Juren has already begun to climb the void ladder.

The Earth Federation asked him to bring a camera to climb the stairs, so everyone could see Gong Juren's climbing.

At the beginning, Gong Juren didn't feel anything.

When the height of the climb gradually increased, he felt a pressure, as if his whole body was being pressed by something.

After all, he is also a Level 4 gene unlocker, and this pressure is nothing to him for the time being.

Gong Juren continued to climb, the weight on his body was slowly increasing, and his forehead was sweating constantly.

When I looked up and stared, the picture I saw was still an endless golden staircase.

Looking back, what I saw was the same golden staircase.

Looking at the scenes on both sides, the original cosmic starry sky has suddenly become a ladder with no end in sight.

Gong Juren felt like he had fallen into a dream of endless reincarnation.

He couldn't see the starting point or the ending point, and the golden light almost blinded his eyes.

In desperation, he could only grit his teeth and move forward.

I don't know how many stairs he climbed, but the armor on his body started to crack!

There was no sign, only the crackling sound of cracking.

The camera in his hand propped up a force field to resist the strange energy from the void ladder.

Gong Juren's consciousness also became more and more awake as he climbed the stairs.

At first, he would report his feelings to everyone in the camera, but when he got to the back, he became incoherent, and his eyes gradually lost their luster, like walking with corpses.

Half an hour later, Gong Juren's armor was completely shattered, and his clothes were rapidly decaying.

Seeing everyone tremble with fear!


The picture occasionally freezes and blurs, and Gong Juren goes higher and higher.

His originally strong body was gradually withering, and his bronzed skin became darker and darker, as if his essence had been drained.

Tang Ke and the others widened their eyes, knowing that the main event was coming.

A terrifying spiritual force was condensing around Gong Juren, and even the camera was floating.

It's not that the camera has its own flight function, but Gong Juren subconsciously used his mental power to hold up the camera.

He climbed slowly with a hunched posture, without saying a word.

There is still no end to the top, and the camera stops frequently.

This is a camera specially built by the Earth Federation with the best materials, so it was not destroyed by the power of the void ladder.

However, the interruption of the signal was slightly beyond everyone's expectations. Fortunately, Gong Juren's situation was still clearly visible.

He has been climbing the golden stairs for more than an hour, and his hunched body was pressed against the stairs by the energy.

From walking to climbing...

Gong Juren was as thin as a skeleton, but his grim face revealed excitement.

The terrifying picture made everyone fall into silence, frowning.

What others don't know is that there are more and more bewitching voices in Gong Juren's ears, as if cheering for him.

All kinds of beautiful pictures were presented one by one in front of him.

Money, wealth, beauty, power...

All kinds of desire-filled images and sounds, these illusions are as real as they are, making people irresistible.

"Climb up, it will be the end soon..."

"There's everything ahead, everything you want is there..."

"Become a god and you can have the whole world! Let go of everything in the past and you will have everything!"

"The enemy will be abused by you in front of you; beautiful women will become your playthings in front of you; strength in front of you is just something that can be easily improved!"

"Climb up quickly and climb this supreme throne!"

Gong Juren became very crazy. He felt that his speed was getting faster and faster, his body was getting lighter and his strength became extremely powerful.

He felt that he was about to become a god and dominate everything in the world.

He crawled faster and faster, crawling and crawling as he stood up and ran fast on the void ladder.

Then from the running state to the flying state!

He felt that he had broken the speed of light and teleported on the golden ladder!

However, from the perspective of Tang Ke and others, Gong Juren has become a mummified corpse, lying motionless on the golden stairs.

A looming phantom took over his crawling work.

Then this phantom gradually solidified, from crawling to running, then to flying, and then from flying to teleportation.

When he flew up, the phantom had become a reality.

It is Gong Juren's consciousness!

It is also Gong Juren's spiritual power!

It is the soul of Gong Juren!

At this moment, he became a Protoss!

The camera also fell on the golden ladder, and the picture was completely interrupted with a squeak!

No one saw the top screen of the Void Staircase, and no one knew what happened to Gong Juren.

But there is no doubt that after climbing the void ladder, he directly became a member of the Protoss!

Before the screen was interrupted, Gong Juren's ecstasy and excitement could clearly be felt, and he couldn't wait...

But the whole process is quite weird and horrifying, like a crazy believer who has been brainwashed, even life can be ignored.

Tang Ke and others witnessed how the normal Gong Juren became a mummified corpse step by step and condensed his consciousness.

"It's terrible, this void ladder seems to have magic power, making Gong Juren crazy!"

Tang Baobao was a little frightened, she felt that Gong Juren's brain was completely abnormal.

Even though he was about to die, he was still so excited.

This void ladder is also quite strange, actually sucking a sturdy man into bone!

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