Lu He walked out of the laboratory and closed the door.

Didn't leave immediately.

Instead, he stretched out his finger and tapped it gently on the door. A bit of white light flew out from his fingertips and disappeared into the door.


A circle of gray-white ripples spread suddenly.

The ripples spread quickly, extending from the door to the outer wall of the small building, and from the laboratory on the first floor to the second floor.

In an instant.

The entire small building was completely covered and spread out for more than ten meters before the gray-white ripples slowly dissipated.

Lu He retracted his hand and looked at the door. On the originally blank gray door, a small red handprint appeared faintly. In the center of the handprint was a big, closed eye.

Level 0 talisman array, empty eyes.

It is a warning array that can identify human aura within ten meters of the small building.

The eyes are closed, which means that this is the normal mode of the empty eye, which means that there is no other human aura within the protection range except him.

If there is other human breath, the eyes on the door will open slightly, absorb the breath, and pass it to him.

As long as he is still in the manor and has not left too far, he can receive the message from Fu Zhen Kongyan.

The remaining eight drops of Brinda's Wraith Tears were placed inside. Although the manor was safe, in this Fragrant Wood City, someone without a good eye might come in, so be careful.

After finishing, Lu He turned around and walked directly to the restaurant.

After a busy morning, I'm a little hungry. At this point, Nicole should be almost ready for lunch.

As soon as he walked out of the small building and walked through the garden, he saw Selya walking towards him from the path. She must have just finished practicing her sword skills. She was wearing a white swordsman uniform.

Under the sun, she wore a white tube top and short hot pants, revealing her round and slender thighs and slender white waist. Her green hair was tied back and she looked very attractive.

Lu He was slightly startled.

This is the first time he has seen Selya dressed like this. In the past, she wore green clothes and a veil most of the time, covering her entire body.

The dress she was wearing now was not very revealing, but compared to before, the contrast was very strong.

I was about to call you to eat. Selya showed a beautiful smile after seeing him and trotted over.

A light body fragrance hits your nose, similar to the scent of alyssum, pure and soft, a peaceful atmosphere.

Lu He smiled. Seeing Selya approaching, he gently stretched out his arms and hugged her waist. The tight and elastic waist skin raised a layer of goosebumps under his hands.

His right hand covered her abdomen, feeling the warm and elastic smooth skin.

There was still a little bit of wet sweat on it.

Selya, you look good dressed like this, but I don't like you dressed like this. Lu He said lightly.

Don't wear such revealing clothes outside in the future. There was an air of no doubt in his tone.

Selya rolled her eyes at Lu He, her cheeks quickly turned pink, and she understood what he meant.

In other words, you can't wear revealing clothes outside, you can only wear revealing clothes in front of him alone.

Selya gently moved her body closer to Lu He's ear and whispered: From now on, I will only wear it for you. I will wear whatever you want to see.

Lu He was slightly excited. Is this still his half-elf?

He was a little skeptical.

But he soon understood why.

During lunch, Yerette came to the restaurant to report to him the effect and extent of the totem enhancement last night. He noticed that there was a vague hostility in Selya's eyes towards Yerette.

Although it was well hidden, Lu He's perception was extremely sharp now, and he noticed it without even looking up.

Only then did he remember the monogamous marriage tradition of the half-elf race, which Selya had once told him.

A bit of a headache.

The wizard Lu He doesn't want to get married, not on earth, let alone in this world.

Marriage is the grave of witches.

This is what he saw in a book about the reproduction of plants written by a great wizard of the plant department.

The name of this great wizard was Bisindawu. He included a lot of private information in the book, saying that wizards should not get married. After marriage, wizards are not called wizards, but slaves of love.

He didn’t know what this great wizard had gone through. If he could meet him one day in the future, Lu He would like to know about it.

Lu He listened to the advice.


After reading the book completely, he decided to just be friends and not get married.

In earth terms, he is a scumbag.

After a quick meal and a few words of explanation, Lu He went to the basement of the manor to check out the collections of the two families.

Push open the stone door.

Lu He suddenly felt that his eyes were pitch black, his pupils shrank slightly, and his vision quickly adapted.

Underfoot is a long black stone passage that extends downward into the seemingly endless darkness.

On both sides of the passage were rows of lit oil lamps, forming two strips of orange-red light in the darkness.

The basement of the Soros family manor was built very deep and large. Rudy said that it was mainly for the convenience of storing some top spices. A dry and cold environment is better.

Without going down, under the leadership of Rudy, we walked to the passage on the right and came to a square stone room.

Master, everything is here, including some strange plants and minerals that you ordered to collect before, but because the time was too short, we didn't find many.

Rudy bowed slightly, took out the luminous pearl from the box on the wall, and placed it on the protruding shelf.

Suddenly, the entire space was illuminated like daylight.

Lu He nodded and looked at the stone room.

It was surrounded by smooth stone walls as dark as ink, with three black bookshelf-like metal shelves in the middle.

What's on each shelf is different.

On the shelf on the left, most of them are weapons such as daggers, battle armor, and swords. They are all engraved with various spell symbols on their surfaces, and their appearance is exquisite and gorgeous.

They are all enchanted weapons.

Lu He lost interest after just one look and said, Take them all out and reward my most loyal and brave knight.

In his mind, no matter how good the weapons are, they are meant to be used instead of being left here to gather dust.

What's more, in his opinion, these are all a pile of rubbish, not as good as the heavy sword he casually forged for the Earthfire soldiers.

Leave the weapon rack and go to the middle rack.

Lu He scanned it again.

There are all kinds of top-notch precious gems on it, basically the ones worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

One of the rubies is even the size of a goose egg, crystal clear, and there are countless red light spots like fireflies flickering inside, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Lu He thought for a while, put it in his pocket, and prepared to give it to Selya at night.

Then comes the third shelf.

It's a mess and has everything. There are a lot of things, nearly twenty items, but they are all strange and weird.

There are green and fluorescent plants, strange-shaped minerals, ancient scrolls with a musty smell, withered black flowers stuck in the soil, cone-shaped skulls of unknown creatures, and purple balls with scale-like surfaces... …

Lu He didn't recognize any of them.

Not surprising, he had seen similar situations like this at the Soros family's headquarters in Highland City.

He was very surprised at the time. After checking everything, he finally found that nothing was useful to him. The foundation accumulated by the Soros family over the generations was all related to knight training.

As for knight training, because he has researched and transformed many knights, Lu He has more experience than the Sky Knights.

He estimated that with this body's bloodline talent and his own understanding, even if he didn't spend much energy, the knight path might break through to the second level before the wizard.

Although it is far from the second level of the wizard, it is indeed.

Lu He swept through these items casually.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a black, shriveled plant seed.

Lu He smiled and reached out to take it in his hand.

Suddenly, the small white-ringed green vine ball between his eyebrows faintly appeared, and it also emitted a stream of fresh air, as if something was causing it to resonate and beat.

It was the gift of plant affinity that reminded him.

In fact, Lu He knew what it was without reminding him. He was a senior student in the Department of Botany, so he knew it naturally.

Black crystal poisonous vine seeds.

Despite its dark and inconspicuous appearance, it is the seed that contains the life information of the black crystal poisonous vine tree.

Among wizards who specialize in plants, it is a treasure.

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