Wizards who specialize in plants generally do some auxiliary work in plane wars and rarely participate in frontal battles.

It's not that they are incompetent in combat, because it depends on who they compare with. If they are both wizards, they are indeed a little worse than those who specialize in the blood system, soul system, element system, etc.

This is a common situation, but there are some special plant wizards who are very powerful and not weaker than other wizards.

The reason lies in the implant fusion procedure.

This technique was invented by a great wizard who was proficient in both the plant system and the alchemy system.

Lu He once also studied the level 0 spells in a book written by this great wizard: Sharing of Plant Variants.

This alien sharing is quite interesting. It can use the vitality and organs of plants to attack or treat, but it is very limited and must be near a large number of plants.

The more plants there are, the stronger the ability.

The sharing of plant-based alien bodies is just a casual work of this great wizard, but the implant fusion technique is different. It is the culmination of his wizardry and can be said to be a representative work.

Strictly speaking, the implant fusion technique is not a spell, but an alchemical transformation of the human body.

Simply put, the transformation of this technique is to combine a special extraordinary plant with the human body to form a symbiotic relationship between flesh and blood and the implant, using the extraordinary characteristics of the plant to strengthen itself, thereby gaining powerful strength.

The most critical point is extraordinary plants, because not all extraordinary plants can be used for transformation, which involves issues of alien adaptability and life pollution.

Therefore, there are not many extraordinary plants that can be used for transformation, and the Black Crystal Poison Vine Tree is one of them.

Lu He put away the black crystal poisonous vine seed.

It was an unexpected surprise, but to other plant wizards it was a treasure, so to him it was just fine.

He is not only specialized in botany, he also specializes in fire element science, blood science, and soul science. In any of these three subjects, he is no worse than botany, and the fire element is even better.

In addition, extraordinary abilities should be refined rather than miscellaneous.

The third-level bloodline in the body has not yet been developed to its extreme, the ninth-level Black Prison Peacock Soul Seed has just begun, and the growth-type archery talent has just been solidified...

So there is no need to transform yourself into a vegetative state.

But it was not useless. Lu He had a vague idea in his mind, which was to see if he could use the plant-based light technique to forcefully spawn the black crystal poisonous vine seed, and then transform and upgrade the Earthfire soldiers to enhance their combat power.

It's just that this is a complex large-scale transformation experiment that also involves alchemy, and it will definitely not be completed in a short time.

Lu He looked at the remaining things a few more times and found that they were all of little value, so he turned and left.

You're missing something important.

Already reaching the door of the collection room, the eye of inheritance in his mind that never spoke actively spoke.

The sound is still so mechanical and stiff.

Lu He was stunned and retracted his right foot, catching Rudy who was following behind him off guard and almost hitting him.

Are you doubting my vision???

There is no doubt. I mean you missed it, not that you saw it wrong.

Does that mean I'm blind!?

The Eye of Heritage stopped talking again, which disappointed Lu He who wanted to continue communicating with it.

Rudy was confused when he saw the owner of the house who suddenly stood still turn around and walk to the third row of shelves again, then picked up the items on them and touched them carefully one by one.

From time to time, he would come up and sniff with his nose, or he would close his eyes and make famous gestures with his fingers in the air.

He was stunned for a moment.

Is this what you're talking about? Lu He asked in his mind.

He was holding a gray cone-shaped skull in his hand. The skull was in a state of decay, with deep and shallow cracks all over its surface, and there were even traces of insect bites in some places.

There is a dark gray-brown spot the size of a fingernail on the back of the skull. It is very inconspicuous, just like a water stain, with several similar spots mixed together around it.

It was this dark spot that he was staring at right now.

Yes, so I said you missed it.

It's not that I missed it, I just didn't pay attention.

you're right.

Lu He still refused to admit that he did not notice the dark spot. His attention was on the skull at that time.

He judged this cone-shaped skull to be the skull of some kind of third-order creature, but he couldn't tell what species it was.

Its value should have been great, but the skull was very old, at least ten thousand years old, and the extraordinary characteristics and life information on the skull had long since dissipated.

Lu He judged it to be worthless.

His judgment was correct. The skull was indeed worthless. What was valuable was the gray-brown dark spots on the skull.

It was a bloody mess.

Lu He recited a few spells silently, his eyes faintly glowed with fluorescent red light, and then he stared at the dark spots and observed them carefully.

Ten minutes later.

The red light in his eyes dissipated, and his consciousness asked faintly in his mind: What kind of creature do you think it is?

Blood of the Bronze Giant.

You're right. Lu He nodded.

He didn't distinguish them, and you can't blame him. There are so many types of extraordinary creatures in the endless world. Although he has a good memory, he can't possibly know them all.


Another reason is that the dark spots are also very old and are from the same time period as the skull, so various features are not apparent.

Sifting information on the Bronze Giant.

Lu He ordered in his mind and pointed at a chair made of unknown wood beside the wall.

The Eye of Heritage is very fast.

By the time Rudy brought the chair, the information about the bronze giant had already been sorted out in his mind.

There is not much information, only a thick book called the Collection of Humanoid Extraordinary Races.

That's all? Lu He asked doubtfully.

In the past, when he was sifting through information, he would always pile it up like a mountain. Basically, all aspects of information were available.

Insufficient permissions.

Lu He didn't speak anymore, sat down and started to read.

Bronze Giant: In the Nightmare World, a humanoid extraordinary race entrenched in the poisonous fire hills.

Their bodies are a hundred meters tall, and they are the veritable overlords of the Poisonous Fire Mountain. Because their skin is a bronze color similar to metal, they are called bronze giants.

The Bronze Giant is cruel and cunning in nature, and likes the frightened and desperate expressions of its prey most when they run away. Therefore, it often deliberately pretends that it cannot catch up with its prey, giving them a glimmer of hope of escape, and then rips them apart and chews them until the last moment.

Lu He felt terrified when he saw it.

What is the concept of a hundred meters high? If ordinary people stood at the foot of such a terrifying body, they would probably only be able to see a mountain, and they would not be able to see the entire mountain at all.

Fortunately, such creatures do not exist in the current world, at least not in the past few thousand years.

If it existed, it is impossible that the books collected by the Soros family would not contain information about the bronze giant.

There is also a book saying that the bronze giant is entrenched in the poisonous fire hill in the nightmare world.

Lu He didn't ask where the name of this world or place was. He knew that the answer from the Eye of Heritage must be those four words.

Keep reading.

Bronze giants belong to the legendary terrifying species. The lowest bronze giants in their childhood are the second level, and they reach the fourth level as adults, and the king among them can reach the top level of the sixth level.

Special abilities: huge strength, poison, fear ray.

The introduction to the Bronze Giant's abilities in the book is only a few words, and there is no detailed explanation.

The first two are easy to understand, but Lu He doesn't know what the specific abilities of fear ray are.

The bronze giant is not a creature of this world, so is this third-level creature?

If so, why does a drop of the bronze giant's blood appear on the skull of this third-level creature?

Only those who have reached the fourth level are qualified to walk in the mother river without being corroded. However, they are only qualified. There is no guarantee of safety. Just like shrimps and fish in the river, there is always the risk of being swallowed by other things anytime and anywhere.

So, if there is a bronze giant that has ever come to this world, it must have been at least level five or above.

Several thoughts flashed through Lu He's mind, then he slowly closed the book, and his consciousness retreated from the Eye of Inheritance.

After signaling Rudy to go out, he stretched out his hand and began to slowly outline a complex miniature talisman array in front of him.

The fingertips were like paintbrushes, leaving a series of bright yellow lines in the void. After a while, two three-dimensional conical talisman arrays with opposite tops were quickly outlined.

The upper and lower conical arrays of the talisman array slowly rotated in opposite directions, getting faster and faster, and finally formed a vortex shape, like a yellow vortex.

The center of the vortex was facing the blood stains on the bones.

At a certain moment, the entire talisman array suddenly shook, and a huge suction force came from the vortex.

The already solid blood slowly melted into a trace of cyan liquid, which was absorbed by the vortex bit by bit.

Eventually they all disappear.

The Eye of Heritage is right.

The bloodstains were important to him.

The skulls of third-level creatures have completely decayed under the erosion of long years and have lost their value.

But the drop of blood left by this bronze giant of level five or above still has a trace of activity.

This is not surprising, because there is a huge gap between the third level and the fifth level, which can be described as an essential change. It is normal for the blood to still be active.

Lu He has already extracted the active part of this drop of blood, and the next step is to see if it can be activated.

If he can successfully activate it, he has many ways to use this drop of blood to improve himself.

There is no need to worry that after activation, it will attract the attention of the blood-body bronze giant just like it once provoked the evil god on the earth.

Because although the bronze giant is very powerful, it is still not as good as the evil god. The king of the species can barely reach the tip of the evil god's tail, and cannot attract the attention of the main body like the evil god by relying on the life information in a drop of blood.

Divided by mother rivers.

Only those at level 4 are qualified to move in the Mother River, and those at level 7 and above can completely escape the influence of the mother river itself.

Lu He knew this already on Earth.

He then spent another ten minutes checking the items on the shelves.

Leave only after confirming that no more items will be missed.

When leaving this time, the Eye of Inheritance did not speak again.

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