And the hostage rescue that claims to never compromise, would rather kill the hostage than compromise, okay okay, this basically shows the character of the fighting nation.

However, Ivanov really didn't want to kill Ronald, ah, kill Ronald, his daughter is estimated to be completely divorced from the father-daughter relationship with him from now on, and they will never communicate with each other.

This is definitely not the result he wanted "stop it for me"

Ivanov's hoarse shouting had no effect at all. Amidst his shouting, the dozens of bodyguards were still rushing towards the ring one by one, looking like a red-eyed bull that was unstoppable.

"Lev, draw a gun to see which uh"

The furious Ivanov wanted to let his bodyguard chief fire a warning shot, but at this time, the scene in front of him completely stunned him.

I saw that Ronald, who was standing in the center of the ring at this time, faced the bodyguards who had already pounced, and kicked them down one by one.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang sound of body collision, every time there is a collision, there is always a strong figure from the ring, Ronald kicked down here, the bodyguards rushed forward one after another, there Luo Nader was as easy as playing a game of whack-a-mole, kicking them off the ring one by one, "Uh, Lev, wait, wait, wait"

Looking at Ronald's actions in the ring, Ivanov couldn't help but tremble in his heart, "Perhaps, my daughter has really found a treasure."

And at this time, Lev also discovered the different behavior in the ring.

When I grew up, I couldn't close for a long time, "Am I dreaming?"

"If you're dreaming, I think what we should be dreaming now is a dream."

Ivanov took a deep breath and muttered: "Is the legendary Huaguo Kungfu real?"

"I don't know but I know, maybe he won the game."

Lev silently pointed to the bottom of the ring, and Paul was kicked off the ring by Ronald, holding his stomach and moaning and rolling, "Yeah, they all lost."

At this moment, Yi couldn't believe the scene he just saw.

At this time, Ronald in the ring looked at the messy gym and shook his head speechlessly. They were too weak.

Not to mention him, even an ordinary great knight would be able to abuse these so-called masters of bare-handed fighting.

No way, the so-called bare-handed fighting relies on physical fitness and strength.

As far as strength is concerned, an ordinary big knight who can easily move five tons of heavy objects completely abuses these so-called fighting highs.


No matter how good your skills are, how can you break five with one punch? After sighing for a while, Ronald easily jumped off the ring, stepped in front of Ivanov, and said with a smile: "I think, I'm probably Passed your test, right?"

"Uh well, I admit you gave me a big surprise."

To be honest, Ivanov, who was looking at Ronald at this time, was also a little bit hurt. The idea that he wanted to give Ronald a slap in the face, so that he would not dare to bully his daughter in the future, was completely bankrupt.

What should Nima do? It's really hard to shoot him to death. Don't be funny. If he doesn't want to fall out with his daughter, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed.

Forget it, just like what his wife said, children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren, and he can't control it. By the way, his current wife is a flower country.

"You passed my test but, boy, don't be complacent."

Ivanov said and forced himself to Ronald, word by word: "If I knew that you treated my daughter badly and made her cry, then I would definitely kill you. Believe me, you Never want to know how brutal a billionaire's revenge is."

"I don't think you'll ever have this chance."

Ronald chuckled and said that Ivanov stared at Ronald's eyes, as if trying to tell whether he was telling the truth or fooling himself.

After a while - "Hahaha"

Ivanov laughed and patted Ronald's shoulder hard, "Okay, I believe you can go, let's have a good drink."

Saying that, Ivanov grabbed Ronald's shoulders and walked out. Although Ivanov was over [-] meters tall, standing beside Ronald still looked a little short. So—the way he hugged Ronald looked a little, er, funny, but no one cares about these things now. Lev silently looked at the back of his boss and Ronald away, and sighed.

The boss can go, but he has to stay here to clean up the mess With two glasses of vodka, I dare to say that I can kill a team of SEALs with one arm. Now dozens of people are beaten by a flower country guy and can't get up. It's really pitiful.

Don't mention that Lev is here to call the medical team, and the matter of helping these guys to be treated is only on Ronald's side.

This time, when returning from the barracks to the villa area, Ivanov did not walk with Ronald again.

The reason why I chose to walk just now was to let Lev run over to prepare in advance, but now, there is no need for that...necessary.

Ivanov drove an all-terrain vehicle directly and took Ronald towards the villa area.

When the all-terrain vehicle they were riding in stopped at the gate of the villa, Fayna's slender figure had already appeared at the gate of the villa.

As soon as she saw the two figures, she immediately.

Fei also rushed over, hugged his man's arm, and looked at his father vigilantly, "What kind of father did you just lead my man to be?"


Chapter 3 Vodka from my father-in-law... [3/[-]]

Facing the questioning of his daughter, Ivanov showed an embarrassed smile on his face.

"My daughter how could I possibly do to your man"

"It's just that Ronald said he prefers fighting, so I just took him to Sergey's place to see."

Having said this, Ivanov hurriedly hinted at Ronald with his eyes.

"If you don't believe me, ask your man"

Ivanov, who couldn't hide anything, knew that his daughter was not an idiot. If she had any doubts, she would go to the surveillance room on the island to check the surveillance video.

Unfortunately, the entire island, except for some private areas, is almost under surveillance, including the gym in the military camp.

Instead of lying and being blamed, it's better to throw the pot at Ronald.

"Is that so dear"

Fayna turned her eyes to her man in disbelief, "Don't try to hide anything for my father"

"Of course it is"

Ronald chuckled lightly and lowered his head to block Faina's remaining words.

Seeing his daughter being bullied like this by Ronald right in front of his eyes', it would be a lie to say that Ivanov is not angry, but there's no way he can't tell him now.

If nothing else, Ronald would have absolutely no peace if he told his daughter the two choices he had given him.

"Okay, let's go in. I believe that you definitely didn't feed my lovely daughter on the plane. Do you want your man to be hungry?"

"of course not"

Fayna smiled sweetly at Ronald, took his hand, and walked towards the villa.

"Dear, I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you, I believe you will like it"

"Uh, what about me, daughter, what should I do?"

Ivanov asked curiously.

"Dad, you can come in by yourself"

"Okay okay, sure enough, my daughter is someone else's person."

Seeing his daughter's cheerful back disappear into the villa, Ivanov sighed speechlessly.

Here, Ronald was pulled into the villa by Fayna. The entire villa is quite large. A living room is more than [-] square meters in size, and there are restaurants, entertainment rooms, billiard rooms, audio-visual rooms, etc. next to it. Room.

And in the living room, as soon as he entered the door, Ronald was stunned, there were two brown bears more than two meters tall, sitting on the carpet in front of the sofa, looking at him naively.

Damn, Maozi really keeps bears at home.

"Honey, this is Anfisa"

Fayna smiled and led Ronald to the front of the two brown bears, pointed to a brown bear with white fur in front of Hungary and introduced: "It's my sister, this is Anfiya, it's my sister."

The two chubby brown bears tilted their heads and looked at the man who was brought by their little master, who was the man with an unfamiliar smell. "This is my man, and it is also your master who is bluffing him, do you know?"

Fayna held her waist with seriousness, stood in front of the two brown bears, and introduced: "If you are not good, I will never let you in the villa again."


Not to mention, these two brown bears are still very spiritual. They actually nodded their heads and looked at their naive looks. Ronald couldn't help but laugh, "Is this Xiong Da Xiong 2?"

"They are girls, how could they be Xiong Da Xiong Er 2"

Of course Faina knows

What is Xiong Da Xiong Er in the mouth of his own man: "Besides, how can Xiong Da Xiong Er 2 be as cute as our Anfisa Anfiya sisters?"

"All right"

Ronald nodded noncommittally, "They are indeed much cuter than Xiong Da Xiong II 2"

"Of course"

Hearing her man compliment her pet, Fayna is as happy as she is complimenting herself.

Just then, Ivanov's voice came from a distance, "It's lunchtime, my dear daughter."

"Honey, let's go eat"

Hearing her father's words, Fayna smiled and hugged her man's arm, and walked towards the restaurant next to her.

At this time, Ivanov had already sat on the main seat of the dining table, Fayna pulled Ronald and sat directly at the dining table, looking at the long dining table. It was strange that there were only three people sitting on Ronald. , where did everyone else go.

Fayna obviously saw what her man was thinking, she whispered in his ear: "When we usually eat at home, Sasha and the others don't eat with us, they have their own restaurant and Only our family members can eat here”

Hearing Fayna's explanation, Ronald nodded knowingly. At this time, several maids came in with various dishes.

Well, here in Maozi, what is popular is the meal-sharing system that is almost the same as in Europe. They are used to distributing food to each guest's plate.

In fact, there are not many dishes, that is, some kebabs, caviar, brown bread and the like, but I have to say that Maozi's dishes have one taste in Ronald's mouth, that is, they are super greasy and super sweet.

Just as Ronald resisted the desire to complain and ate these foods, Ivanov said with a smile.

"Come, try our famous dish, ping pong"

Ping Pong Ping Pong Just when Ronald was a little confused, a maid came over with a plate. When he saw the contents of the plate, Ronald was completely dizzy. Nima called it Ping Pong. Dumplings? And, it's still that kind of... A small dumpling with a fork and a dumpling, put it into the bowl, and Ronald instantly had the urge to explode.

It's not too delicious, but the special code is too unpalatable.

Have you ever eaten dumplings filled with potatoes? Do you know what gluten feels like when you take a bite? Ronald almost doubted his life.

"Is it tasty"

Ivanov looked expectantly at Ronald, who had tasted authentic dumplings. Of course, he knew how bad the so-called ping pong was, but he did it on purpose. He just wanted to see Ronald suffer. the look of the face.

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