For this reason, he is still: This morning, he specially ordered the kitchen to make the kind of... potato stuffed dumplings ping pong that he hadn't eaten a long time ago.


Ronald forcibly swallowed the so-called ping pong. Although Ivanov felt relieved when he looked at Ronald's uncomfortable face, it was not enough. Next, it was the highlight.

"I know that in the food culture of your flower country, wine is a very important thing. In our country, wine is also a very important sign. We can go without water for a day, but we can't go without vodka for a day. I have the best vodka for you, trust me, my lovely son-in-law, you will love it"

Chapter 1 The assist from the mother-in-law... [3/[-]]

Severe headache, and intense thirst, tormented Ivanov from his sleep.

"Arigena Arigena pour me a glass of water"

Before opening his eyes, Ivanov began to shout at the top of his voice.

He is not unfamiliar with this unpleasant taste, or the unpleasant feeling after a hangover, he tasted it almost every day more than ten years ago.

It's just that with the take-off of his career, Ivanov has not been drinking in such a situation for a long time.

After all, his social status is different and there are not many people who can let him sacrifice his life to accompany the wine, and - because his business is getting bigger and bigger, he does not dare to act so recklessly, after all - maybe because of a certain drunkenness In other words, he will lose hundreds of millions of dollars in profits.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, he actually drank to this level again. Moreover, the person who drank him like this was not someone else but his son-in-law. I have to say, this is really interesting.

Just as Ivanov closed his eyes tightly, while feeling the headache caused by a rather nostalgic hangover, while laughing at himself in his heart, a footstep sounded, and a familiar scent came to his nostrils.


Smelling this familiar perfume, Ivanov knew who was coming without opening his eyes.

It was none other than his wife, Cai Yuling.

"How to drink so much"

Cai Yuling looked at her husband distressedly, sighed helplessly, and then helped him up from the bed.

"Drink some water"

"Thank you"

Ivanov smiled, and with the help of his wife, he sat up, took the glass that his wife handed over, and drank it.

"Where's Faina?"

"She has gone with Ronaldinho"

Cai Yuling glared at her husband angrily, "Why did you drink like this yesterday?"

Hearing his wife's words, Ivanov immediately stood up staggeringly, "How could I just leave like this, I haven't given that kid a look?"

"You, take a good rest."

Cai Yuling dragged her husband down immediately.

"What else do you want"

"That boy, how could I just let him take away my lovely daughter so easily? I have to beat and beat him so that he won't bully my Fayna in the future."

Ivanov said, and wanted to stand up again, "Okay, when Fayna left, I left a video for me to tell you to watch it when you wake up."

Said, Cai Yuling took out her mobile phone from her pocket and put it in front of Ivanov, "She said, if you want to go back on it, then she will never forgive you for the rest of her life."


With a bewildered face, Ivanov took a video from his wife's hand marked Fayna's message, and clicked play.

"From today, today you, you Ronald are my son-in-law of Ivanov Kabuschin"

"I'm telling you, if your brother or daughter beats you, come back and tell me I'll scold her to death"

"Come on, brother, have this drink, another drink"

Looking at the video, he and Ronald crossed each other's shoulders and called themselves brothers. Ivanov had an urge to cover his face. How did he drink into such a ghost? He only remembers yesterday, He wants to teach a lesson

Ronald, for some reason, started playing roulette and drinking vodka after glass of vodka.

What happened in the end, he has no memory at all.

Just when Ivanov was a little depressed, his daughter suddenly appeared in the video - "Dad, but you said, Ronald will be your son-in-law from now on, don't go back."

"Also, in order to keep you healthy, Dad, I can only take my family Dede back to the capital in advance, let's not say goodbye to Dad"

For his health Cai Yuling, who looked at her husband, a dignified man, had a depressed look on her face like a little boy who had lost his beloved toy, and couldn't help but chuckle, "Okay, dear Fayna has grown up, She knows what she wants, so stop meddling with her."

"I know Fayna is getting older, but, that... Ronald is really too busy"

Ivanov rubbed his hair depressedly and said, "I'm just afraid that Fayna will be killed in the future."

"Hehe Kuzyatina Orlova Ilchenko"

Hearing the names of these girls popping out of his wife's mouth, Ivanov was immediately stunned, "Cough dear, listen to me and explain that you understand, I have a lot of entertainment in business, and those are just for fun."


Seeing her husband's panicked appearance, Cai Yuling couldn't help sighing, "I know I just want to remind you that you are not a good man yourself, do you want your son-in-law to be a good man?"

"But I have money"

Ivanov defended weakly.

"People are handsome"

Cai Yuling said calmly.

Hearing his wife's words, Ivanov was instantly dumbfounded, okay, he had no room to refute this sentence.

As far as being handsome is concerned, he has no way of refuting it.

The ghost knows why the son-in-law that his daughter found for him is so handsome. Cai Yuling looked at her husband who was still a little unwilling, and sighed softly, "Okay, dear, enough is enough, don't you have to force the law? Will Inna be happy if she never comes back in the future? The girl is older. Maybe in the future, she will realize that Ronaldinho is not the home she wants. So, now we just need to watch her from a distance and protect her. ”


Ivanov pondered for a moment, then sighed deeply, "Well anyway, as long as my baby feels happy, I will listen to you and stop interfering with them."

Speaking of this, Ivanov suddenly remembered one thing, "By the way, where are they now?"

"I have signed a transfer order to let Ksenia, Valentina, Zina, Natyusha, Koseleva, five of them 55, return to the team, and be incorporated into Sasha's protection team. Fayna went back together"

Speaking of this, Cai Yuling smiled at her husband, "I heard that they plan to take the 03 international express, all the way to the capital of Huaguo, are you really not going to say goodbye to your daughter?"


Chapter 2 A carnival about to start... [3/[-]]

In the Vladivostok Railway Station - at this time Fayna was holding her man's arm excitedly, surrounded by Sasha and the others, walking towards the platform, and the one happier than her was Ke Xie, who was surrounded by her. Nia and all the girls.

You know, no matter what, at least when she was in the capital, she could still talk to her own man every day or something, and Ksenia and the others would have completely cut off contact if it wasn't for the rings on their fingers, If you gave them courage and confidence, maybe they would have left everything long ago and searched thousands of miles for their husbands.

Until then, it will be funny.

When they saw Ronald at their training ground just now, they rushed forward like crazy, hugging their man and kissing wildly.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still a lot of women around at that time, it is estimated that they would have been desperate to pick up their men's clothes and have a life-and-death battle with him.

At this moment, the girls' faces are filled with happy smiles. For them, as long as they are beside their men, even if they are thrown into the icy and desolate Siberia, they can smell happiness.

I have to say, if you don't get to Maozi, you don't know that there are so many beautiful women.

This is indeed a country with [-] million single women.

For a while, Ronald at least saw several combinations of one-to-two and one-to-three.

As for whether they are a couple, Ronald is not very clear.

But, no matter what, the whole Maozi country has more women than men, that's for sure. Along the way, Ronald can't remember how many smiles and winks he got.

Of course, the Fayna girls are quite dissatisfied with this. For them, Ronald is their man, and he is not the one who can interfere with the Bitchi. So, whenever this happens, The girls headed by Fayna will use their murderous eyes to turn back the wink of those Bichi who seduce their own men. Although Fayna and Sasha have enough aura and murderousness. However, they also felt quite strenuous facing those Bichis who went forward one after another.

But the good thing is - it's finally getting on the train soon, and it's much better.

This train from Vladivostok to Moscow, the whole journey is seven days and seven nights, passing through 8 time zones, 3 regions, and 14 provinces, with a total length of more than [-] kilometers, spanning the entire Siberia.

And this trip was Fayna's dream. Today, she finally realized her dream. The most important thing is that the person who accompanies her is the man she loves the most.

How could this not make Fayna excited and happy? Even when she boarded the train car with luxurious boxes, she forgot all the bad things she encountered along the way.

"Thank you dear for taking the ride with me."

"It should be me thanking you, baby, you have never been blaming."

Ronald chuckled lightly and lowered his head to peck at Fayna's little crocodile.

"My dear lady, please don't show your love here?"

Naqiusha pouted and said dejectedly: "We also want to talk to my dear."

Natusha didn't say the rest. After all, there was a train conductor next to her.

But the other girls had already understood and they all laughed coquettishly.

In fact, it is not only Na Qiu

Sha missed Ronald and tossed herself, even they thought about it.

No way, when you haven't tried that thing, you'll feel curious before, but you won't be addicted.

However, after trying it, they felt that they would never be able to do without the joy of Ronald's electrostatic mini-game, which ordinary women don't understand.


Seeing the girls pursing their lips and chuckling, Fayna couldn't help laughing, "Okay, okay, let's go up, I know you can't wait"

Saying that, Fayna cautiously stepped into the train compartment.

For this perfect journey of seven days and seven nights, Fayna specially customized a special train for luxury boxes.

For others, there may be some problems, but Fayna has no problems at all.

No way, who called her father a mining oligarch? Ores are basically transported by trains, which also led to the relationship between Fayna's father and the railway department, which is not generally good.

Fayna just acted coquettishly in front of her little mother, and then she got the right to use this super-luxury private train that was temporarily attached.

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