“Pleasant to work with.”

After the two shook hands and said goodbye, Ronald watched Lawyer Nan Ze walk out of the hotel and stretched lazily.

This is one thing done.

He could understand Komatsu Mikoko's idea that he didn't want him to pay her huge liquidated damages, but he didn't even want to see his woman being treated like a machine, exhausted to death.

It's hard to say who's right and who's wrong. From the firm's standpoint, I spent all my resources to finally train you. You don't want to renew the contract, but stand on Komatsu Mikoko's standpoint. She has already earned money for the firm. A lot of money, why do you get tired like a dog when you are about to terminate the contract? However, Ronald has never been a helpless person who does not help relatives .

In the future, there will be an opportunity to clean up their money. No matter how much money there is, in the face of extraordinary violence, they are just a pitiful wretch.

Why capital doesn't like uncontrolled wars because in that case, the power of capital will be weakened to a minimum.

Cough cough, pulled away Ronald, who had done one thing here, walked directly to his room and walked through the long Japanese-style wooden corridor, Ronald returned to his room.

Swipe the card to enter the room—on the big couch, Nakamura Ayano and Komatsu Mikoko were curled up in the quilt, sleeping soundly. Seeing this scene, Ronald had an urge to move. Impulsive, otherwise, a trip to Kyoto would turn into a hotel stay trip.

That would be boring. After all, Kyoto is still worth playing, so Ronald resisted some kind of impulse and woke the two girls up.

After washing up, the two women ordered room service: the authentic Japanese breakfast was quickly brought to the room by the waiter.

After having breakfast, Ronald took the two daughters directly to Kiyomizu-dera Temple, their first stop of the day, which is Kiyomizu-dera Temple.

It has to be said that if you play in Kyoto, you cannot do without the two themes of temples and shrines.

After playing Kiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Seimei Shrine, and Inari Taisha Shrine, Ronald had the urge to become a monk.

Of course, this is just a joke. Although Neon monks can eat meat and marry wives, Ronald still has no idea of ​​becoming a monk.

If he really has such an idea, then it is estimated that Nakamura Somai will be happy to death.

After all, in this way, the Nakamura family's Golden Body Temple will have a successor.

After visiting the sights, Ayano brought Ronald and Mikoko to Gion again.

This is the geisha district of Kyoto, where you can experience the neon geisha culture.

It's a pity that, no matter what others say, Ronald doesn't like those geisha who paint their faces pale and pale. He really can't appreciate it.

Chapter 1 Go to Nasushiobara City... [3/[-]]

On Nozomi, the main line from Kyoto to Tokyo - Ronald is sitting alone in his seat, looking out the window.

In the seat in front of him, Komatsu Mikoko was chatting with Nakamura Ayano.

How should I put it, there are always all kinds of topics that girls can talk about.

From cosmeceuticals to fashion, from shopping to gossip.

Perhaps because she had no siblings since she was a child, Ayano felt very novel about her sudden addition of a sister.

No, or it should be described as happy.

After all, both of them have done things that many siblings have never done.

Like coughing.

Now, Ayano is teaching Mikoko a little common sense about living in the flower country.

After all, it doesn't matter whether the flower country or the neon

There are many differences in human and social relationships.

Ayano is using her own experience when she first arrived in the flower country to teach Mikoko how to quickly adapt to the flower country life.

The two were there, talking in low voices, Ronald could hear Mikoko Komatsu's surprise.

"Eh!! Really?"


Seriously, sometimes Ronald doesn't know what's so powerful about it. For example, many people from Huaguo are super capable of eating spicy food, such as people from Huaguo who are super hardworking, and many girls from Huaguo, etc., etc. Nader seems to have become accustomed to things, and he can get a [Squaw one] comment from Komatsu Mikoko.

Ronald couldn't help but laugh at this.

Let the two girls communicate by themselves there.

After all, most of the time his understanding of the country of neon is based on information obtained from videos and documentaries.

He knows more about the neon girl's body structure than the ecology of the neon society, there is no way - who said Ronald is such a straightforward man.

This time, he stayed in Kyoto for three days. In addition to having a good time in Kyoto, he also received permission from Ayano's parents.

Not only that, he also solved the problem of Komatsu Mikoko's contract by the way.

Now, the work visa that Komatsu Mikoko has been able to apply for is a work visa. Of course, Ronald also asked Zhang Lan to issue an entry permit to Komatsu Mikoko in the name of her company.

This will make it easier to get a work permit

Nozomi Express, it takes two hours from Kyoto to East.

Two hours is neither long nor short.

But for Mikoko, the hour went by too fast because, when she got to Tokyo, she was going to be separated from her man.

Tokyo Station - "I don't want to be separated from you" on the platform

Komatsu Mikoko hugged Ronald tightly, crying like a child.

Infected by her emotions, Ayano, who was standing beside her, also had red eyes, Xiao Yan trembled, and seemed to want to say something when she opened and closed.

Seeing the performance of the two girls, Ronald was speechless for a while and was only temporarily separated for a long time. Is it necessary? Of course, he just thought about these words in his heart, and saying it was a sign of insufficient emotional intelligence.

"If it goes well, we may be back in the afternoon."

Ronald comforted Mikoko Komatsu softly, and said, "I'm going to bring you back."

Perhaps Ronald's persuasion worked, and Komatsu Mikoko gradually stopped her tears, "Then you promise to come back in the afternoon, okay?"

Uh - this, Ronald really can't guarantee it.

He didn't know what the outcome of this investigation would be.

"I'll be back by tomorrow morning at the latest, okay?"

"you promise"

Komatsu Mikoko looked into Ronald's eyes with beautiful tearful eyes, that pitiful appearance was like a puppy begging for food from its master.

Seeing the appearance of Mikoko Komatsu, Ronald sighed speechlessly and nodded: "I promise"



"really true"

"really true"

After a while, Ronald finally sent Mikoko Komatsu out of the station.

How should I put it, women are the most annoying when they part, this sentence is indeed true.

Watching the figure of Mikoko Komatsu turned back and walked out of the station three steps at a time, Ronald shook his head, turned around and walked towards the ticket office with Ayano in his arms. His next stop was Nasu Shiobara City.

Speaking of Nasushiobara City, many people may not know where it is, but if you talk about the great monster Tamamomae in the neon legend, everyone probably knows it.

Nasushiobara City is where Tamamomae fell, Nasuno.

It is only [-] kilometers away from Tokyo, with pleasant scenery and rich products. It is one of the favorite vacation areas of Tokyo people.

After buying the tickets, Ronald took Ayano Nakamura to the station to transfer to the Tohoku Shinkansen to Nasushiobara City.

Perhaps because today is not a legal holiday, there are not many people in the car.

In the huge carriage, there are only seven or eight scattered passengers.

Nakamura Ayano snuggled tightly beside Ronald and asked softly, "Tedoku, why don't we take Mikoko to Shiobara City?"

"Some things, it's not time to tell them"

Ronald said and sighed "what's the matter"

"Why can't you tell Mikoko?"

Hearing her man's answer, Nakamura Ayano became a little curious. She could see that Mikoko, like herself, had already regarded her man as a being above everything else.

Perhaps it was this kind of empathy that made her feel uneasy for Mikoko.

"It's not that I can't tell Mikoko, but it's not time yet"

Ronald naturally heard the dissatisfaction in Ayano's words, and explained with a smile: "Have you ever heard a sentence, chaos is born, then words are considered rank.

If the ruler is not secretive, he will lose his ministers, if the ministers are not secretive, he will lose his life.

Therefore, the gentleman is careful not to go out.”

"what does that mean"

Although Nakamura Ayano has been in the flower country for a long time, it is still difficult for her to understand these classical Chinese characters.

"It means that if the monarch cannot keep secrets, he will harm his subjects, if he cannot keep secrets, he will die, and if he fails to keep secrets, he will affect his success."

Speaking of this, Ronald sighed leisurely, "Secret is not an easy thing, especially those secrets that cannot be told to anyone.

That's why I don't let Mikoko follow me, because I don't want to involve her yet."


Although Nakamura Ayano still felt a little vague about her man's explanation, she knew that she seemed to be asking questions that shouldn't be asked.

But now, regret is useless, all she can do is to hold Ronald's hand tightly with her own hand, and transmit her power to him through this.


Chapter 2 Ronald, who gets to the bottom of it... [3/[-]]

Why did Ronald go to Nasushiobara City? Of course, he didn't want to see the ruins of the battlefield where Tamamo-mae died in battle, and he didn't want to go on vacation.

It was because he drew a message from Nakamura Ayano's description.

That is - Nakamura Ayano's transformation was after a serious illness in middle school, and in this one, Ayano's experience during the school trip that Ayano participated in is particularly suspicious.

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