According to Ayano herself, during her school trip, she ate a silver fruit out of curiosity when she was visiting Nasu Ranch.

From then on, something went wrong with her, from the mental depression at the beginning to the general weakness later, to the serious illness when she returned home.

For nearly a month, she was lying on the hospital bed.

Later, Ronald pretended to be curious and asked Ayano's mother what was wrong with Ayano at that time.

Ayano's mother said - the doctor couldn't find out the cause at that time, but an intern was muttering [why is it like a rejection reaction], and was reprimanded by the attending physician at that time:.

After all, although Ayano was born frail at that time, she had never undergone a transplant operation, so the rejection reaction or something was too nonsense.

Later, as Ayano gradually improved, this matter was forgotten.

It's just that in Ronald's point of view, that... the intern may have been mistaken, and it might have been a rejection reaction.

Because in Ayano's description, the silver fruit she greedily ate was somewhat like the bloodline fruit recorded in Ronald's memory.

Of course, the so-called bloodline fruit has been lost for a long time in other worlds. It is rumored that thousands of years ago, ordinary people could also use the bloodline fruit to be given the silver bloodline.

As for what needs to be done to cultivate the Blood Vein Fruit, no one knows.

Ronald didn't expect that he could actually find the bloodline fruit on Earth. Nima is a bit too much.

But then again, since he can find the Ring of Grede on Earth and use it to travel between two worlds, then finding some other things is actually quite normal, isn't it? Ronald was thinking about the Bloodline Fruit in his heart. When the question was asked, Nasu Shiobara station arrived.

Ronald took Ayano to get off the bus and walked out of the station, "Ayano, do you still remember the location of you went to?"


At this time, Nakamura Ayano was so well-behaved as if she had changed her personality.

She felt that maybe she asked something she shouldn't have asked in the car, which kept her man silent until now, and she panicked a lot.

What she fears most is that her own man suddenly says to her, "I hate it.

Don't follow me."

In this case.

If that's the case, then Ayano feels that maybe she really has no choice but to die.

Ronald, who was thinking about the problem, suddenly felt that there was something wrong in his tone, and he turned his head to look in awe, only to see Ayano Nakamura at this moment, with a timid expression on his face, tears rolling in his eyes, looking aggrieved to the extreme.

What a"


What happened to Ronald's sentence, it instantly detonated Nakamura Ayano's emotions. She threw herself into Ronald's arms and choked up: "Dude, I won't ask again, wuwu, don't abandon me!"

"When did I say I was going to abandon you"

Ronald's face was stunned, "woohoo, woohoo, you ignore me all the way"

Hearing Ayano's accusation, Ronald was completely speechless, "I was just thinking about things."


Hearing this, Ayano didn't say anything, just hugged Ronald and cried.

Yes, Tokyo made one cry, and Shiobara made another cry.

What's this called? At this time, the people on the platform were also attracted by Ayano's cry. From time to time, such words came from all around.

"That girl is so poor"

"It must be the man who broke up with the girl to make her cry"

"Hey!! He looks handsome, but he's really a bastard"


Hearing these whispers, Ronald was speechless and paralyzed for a while. What's wrong with being handsome? Does he look handsome and eat your rice? "Okay, baby, if you cry again, I'll be the enemy of the whole people."

Ronald comforted Ayano in his arms softly.

Ayano obviously heard the words of the people around her, and at this moment, she couldn't recognize it with a puff and said happily, "I'll see if you dare to bully me in the future."

"How dare I bully you, Queen of Karate"

As Ronald said, he secretly made up his mind - little girl, you are waiting, when you get back to the hotel, I will let you know what revenge is not overnight.

No matter what, Ayano finally stopped her tears.

Ayano Nakamura is obviously not a weak girl who can make achievements in karate.

But the problem is - she was given by Ronald with a mind imprint.

This imprint domineering changed her nature, making her a lowly lover who took Ronald's preference as the best option.

This is obviously contrary to her own character, but, with her mental power, it is naturally impossible to break free from Ronald's spiritual imprint, so due to the self-protection of her character, Nakamura Ayano becomes a little crying.

Don't think that crying is just a negative emotion, in fact, it is also a channel for emotional venting.

After venting the negative emotions, Nakamura Ayano's spirit will naturally return to its best state.

Ahem, after a small episode, Nakamura Ayano returned to her usual state again. She walked out of the station with her man directly. According to memory, the two rented a car and set foot on the road. The road of Nanqiu Ranch is due to the traffic rule of Neon driving on the left. The driver is Nakamura Ayano. In fact, Neon does not recognize the driver's license of Huaguo, so there is no way, Ronald can only sit obediently. From the passenger seat, watching Ayano drive the car, driving on the road at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, it took more than [-] minutes, and the two drove to Nanqiu Ranch.

The so-called Nanqiu Ranch is actually not grazing, not so much a pasture, but rather a super-large farmhouse. It is divided into various areas, including a picnic area and an ornamental animal area. Here, you can get in touch with animals. ,Drink tea, eat ice cream made from freshly squeezed beef, experience horseback riding, etc.

Because it is not a legal holiday, there are not many people in the parking lot, and most of them are college students who study in Tokyo.

Of course, for Ronald, it doesn't make any difference. He didn't really come to travel. If you want to talk about scenery or something, Yellowstone Park is a hundred times better than here.

After parking the car, Ronald, led by Nakamura Ayano, walked into the farm and walked towards the woods at the southwest corner of the farm.

Chapter 3 I can finally relax... [3/[-]]

In the woods in the southwest corner of Nanqiu Ranch - Ronald is looking at this wood, what should I say, this wood is not the same as ordinary woods in Ronald's eyes.

If there's anything strange about it, it's only one where the trees here are all of that kind...the size of the bowl's mouth and the young trees.

"right here"

Ayano dragged her man into the forest, pointed to one of the empty tunnels and said, "It's there, I found the silver fruit, and it looked delicious, so I gave it to me."


Ronald nodded lightly, then walked to the clearing.

There was something odd about this clearing. Unlike the lush, thriving appearance of the rest of the woods, there was no grass here.

Ronald thoughtfully walked to the middle of the open space and lightly stepped on the ground with his foot.

Seeing his man's increasingly solemn expression, Nakamura Ayano couldn't help but get nervous, "What happened to Dede?"


Ronald chuckled and said, "Ayano-chan, would you like to see me perform a magic trick for you?"

"What, what magic"

Ayano felt a little nervous inexplicably, "Honey, cover your own eyes for a while and don't bark when you see anything, okay?"

Ronald said softly.


Although she was a little nervous, Ayano still obediently covered her own with her hands.

"It's time to witness the miracle"

Ronald smiled slightly, waved his hand, and a silver-white light instantly projected from his fingertips.

At the beginning of the light, it was only the size of a grain of rice, but when it fell to the ground, it rose against the wind and turned into a silver silver tiger more than three meters high in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Ayano was completely stunned, she even forgot to scream.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Qianhuan"

Ronald smiled and walked to Ayano's side and introduced, "It's my weapon and my armor."

"Dede, what the hell are you, alien or"

At this moment, Ayano no longer knew what to say.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I am your man and will never hurt you."

Ronald said, lightly pecked at Ayano's horn.

"Okay, Qian Huan, let's start work and let me see what's in the ground."

Hearing his master's order, Qian Huan instantly turned into an auger bit and a savage burrowed towards the ground.

"it, it"

Ayano doesn't know how to describe her feelings anymore, "Sengen's body is made of magic silver, and it can change its shape with my thoughts."

Ronald committed suicide.

"then you are"

Ayano is most concerned about who is Roti. "As for me, of course, I'm an ordinary earthling."

Hearing Ronald's words, Aya doesn't believe that ordinary earthlings can have such a magical thing, isn't we living in the same era?

Ronald explained: "And, you have that potential too"

"I have the same potential"

When Ayano heard Ronald's words, she was stunned for a moment, then she suddenly remembered the... silver fruit thing that Ronald had been asking about, "Could it be that it's because of that...

a... silver fruit"


Ronald nodded lightly, "That silver fruit is actually a bloodline fruit, it changes your bloodline, and allows you to have a silver bloodline in your body, and the silverlight bloodline is one of the ways to become extraordinary. one"

"Wait what transcendence is"

Ayano asked.

"What is Extraordinary"

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