Ronald smiled and said, "The transcendent is, of course, the existence that transcends the mortals. It's like this."

As the voice fell, Ayano felt a flash in front of her eyes, and the figure of her man had disappeared.

"Dude you"

Just when she was about to call out to her man in panic, she suddenly felt that her slender waist was being hugged from behind, and the familiar voice came from her ears.

"Did you see me just now?"

"How did you do it, Dede"

Ayano is already excited. For a martial artist, she knows more than anyone how terrifying it is to have such a speed.

"You only need to activate the Yinhui bloodline in your body, and you will have the ability like mine in the future."

Ronald explained with a smile.

"Activate the blood in my body"

Although Ayano didn't quite understand what Ronald meant, she knew—she might be able to have the speed of her own man. In fact, she still had a lot of misunderstandings about the power of the Silver Knight. , Ronald couldn't show her more Silver Knight's means.

At this moment, Qian Huan, who had already drilled into the ground for more than ten meters, received the news of the discovery of a special object.

Ronald hurriedly sank his spirit into Qian Huan's body, only to see a corpse in front of him.

The corpse had been decomposed into indistinguishable fossils due to the passage of time, but from the pattern of the clothes fragments on the corpse, Ronald could still see that it should be a visitor from another world.

Ronald controlled Qianhuan, drilled out a hole where the mummified corpse was, and carefully looked at the corpse that had been detained.

Judging from the style of clothing on the corpse, it should be a wizard's robe. The muzzle of the corpse was covered by volcanic ash. Obviously, this product should have died from a volcanic eruption.

On his hand, there is also a ring, and although there is no ring on the other hand, it can be vaguely seen that there has been a trace of wearing a ring.

Therefore, this guy should have been the owner of the Ring of Gred.

This discovery made Ronald's whole body tremble and paralyze, and finally found the source.

Although I don't know what happened to make him lose the treasure of the Ring of Gred, but doesn't matter.

The important thing is - with this corpse, Ronald can rest assured, of course, there is no such thing as the inheritor of the other world family to cause trouble for himself. If there is a so-called other world family, then this guy will die here. There shouldn't be anyone to dig him up.

If you want to ask why Ronald is so sure, it’s because—Ronald has confirmed what kind of ring this guy is wearing, and it’s the ring of space. In this world without magic, space The ring is an extremely precious thing, even if it is to take back this ring, his family will not let him throw his corpse into the wilderness.

So——Ronald can finally let go of the stone that has been pressing on his heart for a long time. He can finally let go.


Chapter 1 The message of the visitor from another world... [3/[-]]

Boom—a muffled sound out of thin air resounded in the Nanqiu Ranch.

With this loud noise, the tourists in the entire Nanqiu Ranch felt the ground under their feet tremble slightly.

At this moment, all the animals were frightened and scurrying around, and the tourists even ran towards the open space in a panic.

Neon is an earthquake-prone belt, people have accepted various earthquake prevention drills since childhood, and they have long been accustomed to earthquakes.

Therefore, there was no stampede accident.

Under the command of the ranch staff, the tourists walked out of the room in a disorderly and orderly manner, and went to the open space outside to avoid the possible second earthquake.

Under such circumstances, no one noticed that a man and a woman who ran from a distance mixed into the crowd who came to the open space to avoid the secondary damage of the earthquake.

"Please don't panic"

"Please try not to stay in indoor areas"

From the horns of the ranch, there was a sound of announcements guiding everyone to avoid the aftershocks.

On the other side, Nakamura Ayano, who successfully infiltrated the crowd, was still a little flustered.

The difference from other people is that she is not panicked because of the so-called earthquake, rather than panic, she is shocked.

The man who shocked himself stepped down and stepped on the ground into a huge pit, and the whole earth trembled.

Is that something that humans can do on their own? Ronald next to her, following the staff's instructions, went to the open space to gather, and out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed the expression on Ayano's face.

"Still thinking about what just happened"

Ronald lightly attached to Ayano's ear, and teased softly, "Did you... scare me?"


Ayano nodded obediently. She was really frightened by her man just now. It is no exaggeration to say that she was really frightened and stood on the spot, if it wasn't for Ronald pulling her here If she ran, then she must still be standing in place at this moment.

"Okay, nothing to be afraid of"

Ronald said, patted Ayano's arm lightly, "I'm your man, I can never hurt you"

Hearing Ronald's consolation, Ayano didn't speak, but just wrapped her arms tightly around his arm as if she was afraid that he would disappear in the next moment.

Facing Ayano's performance, Ronald didn't say anything, just let her hug him tightly.

He knew that the impact of this scene on Ayano was too great.

She needed some time to digest all the people in the open space. After being quiet for a while, she found that there were no more aftershocks. After contacting the Seismological Bureau, the staff of the ranch confirmed that the earthquake was just an accidental one. After the small-magnitude earthquake, I was relieved and began to count the damage to people and goods caused by the earthquake as the earthquake alert was lifted.

Soon, the tourists who had just been panicked by the earthquake regained their interest in playing again.

Those who should go to feed the small animals continue to feed the small animals, and those who should go to eat continue to eat.

As if the earthquake just now was just an illusion of everyone.

I have to say that people in this country have long been accustomed to earthquakes that come twice from time to time, and their nerves have been trained to be extremely tough.

And among them, there are naturally people who felt disappointed because of the earthquake and drove away from here.

Ronald and Nakamura Ayano are one of them on the road - Ayano drives the car silently while Ronald plays with a delicate ring in his hand.

It has to be said that the Grid family is indeed a family that has dominated characters, and a space ring brought infinite surprises to Ronald.

This is a [-]-cubic-meter space ring. There are a lot of things in different categories, including books, materials, medicines, and various seeds. The most important thing is that Ronald found hundreds of bloodline fruits. seed.

Also, in the book area, I found the parchment scroll for cultivating the bloodline fruit.

With a thought, Ronald took out the parchment scroll from the space ring, and looked at it in front of Ayano.

Well, this thing is just like the manual, it just states the usefulness of the bloodline seeds and how to grow the bloodline fruits from the seeds.

It doesn't write how to grow the seeds.

But, even so, Ronald was already very happy.

According to the records on the sheepskin scroll, the bloodline fruit was actually specially cultivated by the master of the Gred family, a magic plant for bloodline research.

This thing later did not know why, it became the standard configuration of the Silverlight Legion.

After all, as a cannon fodder-level unit in the plane war, the Silver Knight's advantage is that it can be quickly cultivated and formed into an army.

How can a class of violent soldiers be called a cannon fodder-level unit? Bloodline seeds are used to extract bloodline fruits from those fallen silver knights, so as to quickly cultivate the next generation of silver knights.

The bloodline seeds can purify [-]% of the bloodline power of the corpse, and eventually turn into bloodline fruits.

These bloodline fruits need to be modulated by potions, and finally mass-produced into bloodline medicines.

The corpse of the visitor from the underground other world was the host of the bloodline fruit that Ayano ate.

Normally, the seeds of the bloodline fruit are not aggressive, and there is a layer of witchcraft prohibition wrapped around the seed, and it will not take root and sprout unless the prohibition is lifted.

However, apparently that prohibition has disappeared over time, and the seed has remained alive under the protection of the witchcraft prohibition, and the disappearance of the prohibition has also allowed the seed to take root and sprout on that corpse, and ultimately cheaper Aya Even to say, why... a visitor from another world wants to take out a seed of a bloodline fruit and carry Ronald with him, but he also has some guesses.

Based on the strength of the mental imprint on the space ring, Ronald judged that its owner was just an ordinary first-order wizard.

This is obviously not in line with Ronald's understanding of the Gred family.

A person who dominates a family and runs to another plane with family treasures is actually an ordinary first-order wizard. This is a bit too much. Even if you count the time spent, Ronald feels that the owner of this ring is not at most. Will surpass the third-order wizard.

What the hell was going on, what happened in the other world at that time? Why did a dignified family dominate the family and finally escaped, only a third-order wizard Ronald had a hunch, maybe he would finally step into that... Taling Weiwei When Ann said——【Becked Ambis Basin】, you will get the answers to all your questions.

It's just that he doesn't want to go now because he's not ready yet.

Chapter 2: Shiobara Hot Spring Village... [3/[-]]

While driving the car, Nakamura Ayano secretly watched the various things that the man beside her conjured up from time to time.

Sometimes it's an old parchment scroll full of unknown characters, sometimes it's a gorgeous box filled with strange seeds the size of an olive.

She couldn't figure out the origin of her man.

Ronald also temporarily checked the results of his trip and naturally noticed Ayano's strange gaze.

"What's the matter? I feel like I've become: unfamiliar"

"No it's not"

Hearing Ronald's words, Nakamura Ayano hurriedly explained: "I just feel like I don't think so"

Before she could finish her words, she was directly blocked by Ronald. Fortunately, there were no cars on the road at this time, otherwise, hehehe.

Of course, Ronald doesn't care if he has a car.

After a long while, Ronald let go of Ayano's little girl, "I still think I've become: do you feel strange?"

"No, Dede is still the same... bad guy, I've confirmed it. It's true that he sneaks up on people without looking at the time and place. What if there is a car accident?"

Although Ayano Nakamura complained like this, a bright smile appeared on her face involuntarily.

Seeing Ayano Kamaku's smile, Ronald shook his head with a smile, "Okay, let's go to Shiobara Onsen, we'll stay there for one night today, and we'll go back to Tokyo tomorrow morning."

"But if this is the case, will Mikoko-chan be angry?"

Although Nakamura Ayano said so, she couldn't hide the longing in her eyes.

How could she not want to have a good time with her man in the famous hot spring town? However, she was also a little worried that if she did this, she would make Mikoko unhappy.

"It's okay, I'll have a good talk with Mikoko-chan."

With that said, Ronald directly picked up Ayano's cell phone and dialed Mikoko's number.

After a long while, Ronald made a lot of promises before Mikoko agreed that he and Nakamura Ayano could go to Shiobara Hot Springs for one night.

Always: Ayano Nakamura, who overheard the conversation between the two, after Ronald hung up the phone, she couldn't hold back her joy any longer, she turned her head and gave her man a kiss.

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