In addition to the guards, the armor of other knights can be said to be various.

The Marquis of Eston chose this knight, and he was not wearing the standard armor in the court, but the armor he carried.

After summoning the knight to his side, Marquis Eston took out a few sackcloth strips dyed red and tied them to their respective gauntlets.

Then he led them towards the checkpoint at the crossing.

At this time, there were more than [-] knights on duty at the checkpoint. Their purpose was not to stop Carlos I from escaping, but to ring the alarm bell to inform the army after discovering the trace of Carlos I. The Marquis of Eston.

And the letter bird officer in the military fort will release the letter bird and there will naturally be someone to support it at that time.

After all, there will definitely be silver knights in Carlos I's team, and these ordinary knights are just serving food.

It is precisely because they know that their position is a near-death situation, so these knights are very vigilant.

After all, they can retreat as long as they find enemy trails and sound the alarm.

The Marquis of Eston and the others were just approaching the post when they heard a loud shout, "Who is there?"

"Nobody's here!"

Hearing this answer, the knights at the sentry were relieved-because this was the password tonight.

This password is really insidious. If someone who doesn't know hears this sentence, they will definitely subconsciously feel that they have been exposed, and they will never think that the answer to the password is [No one is here.

】After answering the password, the knights did not relax their vigilance, but swung the bronze mirror beside the bonfire and shone in the direction of Marquis Estun. This was a simplified version of the searchlight.

When they can see who is coming, they are really relieved.

"grown ups"

"grown ups!"

Marquis Eston walked to the sentry with ten knights in full armor, "There is nothing unusual tonight!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The leading knight replied respectfully.

"That's good"

Marquis Estun had come to the midst of the knights unknowingly, and at this time, the knights guarding the post were all focused on Marquis Estun, they did not pay attention to those who were following Marquis Estun at all. Before they knew it, their personal soldiers had already arrived behind them.




With the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the throat, one-third of the guards at the post were the first to attack.

At this time, the leader of the knight at the post also noticed something was wrong. He turned around and ran to the outside. At the same time, he threw the flail in his hand according to the alarm bell placed on the side.

Unfortunately, he didn't run away, and the flail he threw was stopped halfway.

"Big, why is it?"

The leader of the knights, whose heart was pierced by the stabbing sword, covered the wound with his hand and questioned the owner of the weapon.

"Because I cheated"

Marquis Eston sighed faintly, "The Duke will not let your traitor go!!"

After saying this, the knight captain's neck crooked, and he died completely.


Chapter 3 Carlos I, died... [3/[-]]

"No, you are the real traitors and I am not"

Looking at the deadly appearance of the knight captain, Marquis Estun sighed faintly and sent a signal to Carlos I in the distance. Marquis Eston led ten 10 knights to remove the roadblocks that blocked the crossing. .

Moments later—the evacuees led by Carlos I passed the crossing of the Swamp of Death, which stretches for thousands of miles, spanning six 66 countries, and the narrowest point is hundreds of kilometers wide. No one knows how this long and narrow Swamp of Death is. The formed world only knows that the drowning swamp is full of monsters and full of danger.

But it has to be said that the power of greed is incomparably huge.

It is precisely because of the existence of this natural moat that the trade between countries is so lucrative that it is staggering.

The price of the magic gum, which is unique to the Bauhinia Kingdom, has skyrocketed by more than [-] times when it was transported across the long and narrow drowning swamp to the Kingdom of Buriana.

Things that no one cares about in the Kingdom of Bauhinia are as precious as gold in the Kingdom of Buriana.

It is also the rich returns from country-to-country trade that drove those merchants to forge a relatively safe road in the drowning swamp.

And this road was named the Model Road - which translates as the Golden Road.

Of course, the so-called relative safety only reduces the number of deaths in the drowning swamp to half. That is to say, if you are lucky, ten caravans enter, and five caravans can reach the opposite country safely.

But it's still the same sentence - high-risk high-reward business, some people do it and everyone thinks that they are the pig's feet of destiny, and they can win the half of the survival rate.

However, for Carlos I, this road is relatively safe.

After all, the so-called unsafe worth is just the endless swamp monsters in the drowning swamp, and the most dangerous natural trap in the swamp has disappeared because of the development of the golden road.

Carlos is not afraid of the so-called swamp monsters. After all, in addition to him, there are many silver nobles in his team. This is a very powerful monster with ordinary power and does not need to be concerned.

They don't need to pay too much attention to the army of demon mosquitoes in the swamp.

Moreover, the most critical one is that this golden road has four 44 forks leading to different countries, especially in the swamp, which is often filled with fog, and it is almost impossible to detect the ground situation in the sky.

This is also the reason why Carlos I must go here. Once he completely disappears into the swamp of drowning, no matter how powerful Ronald is, he will never find them.

After entering the drowning swamp, Carlos urged the team to speed up their progress. At this time, he didn't care about concealment or not. He directly ordered the team to light the torches, and the light of the torches dashed all the way through the slightly white sky. At that time, the team of Carlos I finally reached the fork in the golden road.

Just when Carlos I felt that he was about to escape, suddenly, in the silent swamp, a melodious female voice hummed.

The melody is melodious and beautiful, with a little exotic color, which makes people feel calm and unspeakable sadness at the same time.

"Everyone be careful"

Carlos ordered in a low voice, and walked forward with a group of silver nobles.

After reaching the front of the team for a while - Carlos finally saw the figure humming a melodious tune - it was a silver-haired woman in a skirt and armor, and she was sitting on a dead tree trunk next to the golden fork at this moment. , a pair of strange things were still pinned to her ears. Seeing Carlos and the others coming, the silver-haired woman opened her eyes and two silver lights flashed from her eyes, instantly dispelling the mist in front of her.

When seeing this silver-haired woman for the first time, Marquis Omar Eston's face revealed a look like a mourning wife.

The noble stabbing sword clenched in his hand clapped and fell to the ground.

"Greg, Lord Gladys"

Hearing the words of Marquis Estun, Carlos I's heart seemed to be only held by an invisible big hand, and he was a little breathless for a while.

In addition to the commander-in-chief of the East Road Army, the former silver genius of the Bauhinia Kingdom, Erila Gladys, who else is qualified to let Marquis Estun call Lord Gladys "It's true what you said dear"

Erila Glatis slowly stood up, walked in front of Carlos I, and said unhurriedly: "Marquis Estun, you really are a traitor"

"No, I'm not a traitor, I'm just swindling, I'm loyal to the royal family"


Erila Glatis looked at Marquis Eston who was struggling to explain, and sneered twice, then said: "If you are loyal to the royal family, then you will naturally turn your back on my lover, so you should be damned!"

The voice of "Damn you" just fell and a silver light appeared out of thin air in Gladys's hand, and instantly penetrated the eyebrows of Marquis Estun.

Taking this as an opportunity, Carlos I shouted: "run separately"

Taking the lead, rushing towards the swamp on the side is indeed a dangerous area, but at this time, it is only possible to survive, while the others are in a mess. Some people launch a fearless charge towards Gladys, and some turn around and run.

However, the actions of these people, in the eyes of Erila Gladys, seemed so ridiculous. She calmly waved her hand and chopped down a few fools who were charging towards her, and then raised her hand to surface the body of Marquis Eston. The silver seeds that came out were collected.

After doing all this, she waved her hand again and put the body of Marquis Estun into a space ring and complained, "I really don't know what my dear is thinking, why are you collecting the bodies of these silver nobles?"

Although she was complaining, her speed was not slow at all. After finishing the body of Marquis Eston, Gladys's horns showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"Dear said, Carlos must die, the silver noble men in the team must die, the little mice, the hunting has begun!"

As the voice fell, Gladys' figure burst out with a loud explosion, chasing in the direction in which Carlos I fled.

After a while - there was the scream of Carlos I dying in the distance. Obviously, he did not escape the pursuit of Gladys.

The slaughter is still going on. At this time, Gladys has transformed into a silver god of death, cleaning up the last survivors of the entire Bauhinia Kingdom. The screams continue to sound, dispelling the tranquility of the drowning swamp.

Chapter 1 A rare rest time... [3/[-]]

The city of San Lorenzo - in the gardens of the Royal Palace.

Ronald was half lying on the chair comfortably, looking lazily at Enya and Cathy, the two little loli chasing and playing in the garden.

Behind him, two beautiful women in black and white maid outfits were standing, smiling and looking at the two little loli running in the garden.

These two are none other than the mothers of two little loli, Heidi and Donna, the two ladies who once wanted Ronald to die without a burial, have become Ronald's most loyal at this time. the maid.

There's no way, who makes Ronald this guy not pay attention? He likes to imprint his own brand in the depths of people's hearts when their hearts are the most vulnerable.

When the heart is the most fragile, some people say it is the time when people are most painful, and some people say it is when people are the most excited. Who knows? Anyway, they have become Ronald's most loyal maids at this moment. A rare holiday"

Ronald said, stretched lazily, no wonder he lamented so much after the army entered the city of San Lorenzo, in order to celebrate Ronald's killing the people in the redbud kingdom who were oppressed by the evil Ponia family. They were rescued and held a three-day carnival.

Well, this reason was not actually given by Ronald, but suggested by the nobles who welcomed him into the city.

When those guys said these words, Ronald was still small: he blushed a little, he really didn't feel that he was as great as these nobles said.

This also made him fully aware of the shamelessness of these nobles before they announced their surrender, and they hurriedly wanted to celebrate as if they were victors themselves.

In their faces, you can't see a trace of the frustration and unease of the losers.

In this regard, Ronald can only express that he has been doing good things for three consecutive days of the celebration, which makes Ronald feel that he is countless times more tired than he has been attacking the city all the way.

Fortunately, no matter what, Ronald finally made it through.

Today is his rare rest day. Thinking of this, Ronald couldn't help but stretch his waist. In fact, at this time, the entire Bauhinia Kingdom was in ruins. After the war, there would inevitably be bandits everywhere. The influx into various cities has caused certain troubles to the security of each city. However, Ronald is really not the material to govern the country. At most, he just put forward some suggestions according to the way on earth. The woman, Marquis Gwendoline Gilbert, yes, in order to ease herself, Ronald went back and forth in the middle of the night, from the Duchess Sylvia Aurela, to her adjutant, the Minister of State, Davindolyn. Gilbert was kidnapped for this, and he did not hesitate to make his lovely legal loli, Duchess Silvia, unconscious.

Otherwise, with Sylvia's character, he would never let him abduct his own lazy weapon - Gwendolyn's.

By the way, in order to make the political figure Gwendolyn work harder for herself, Ronald used the silver seeds accumulated in the war while she was asleep to secretly change her class from Silver to Great. A knight, promoted to the rank of the Great Knight Commander of the Silver Light.

It is precisely because of this that she can suppress the old foxes of the Bauhinia Kingdom.

At this time, Gwendolyn was in the government hall, with her government affairs team temporarily selected from the army, wrangling with those old foxes.

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