"What a nice day"

Thinking of Gwendolyn, the spectacled woman looking at him with sorrowful eyes when he woke up in the morning, Ronald couldn't help feeling a burst of guilt. Guo was overwhelmed and shocked, "If possible, I really don't want to work hard anymore."

Ronald came to a Ge You to lie down and said lazily.

Seeing the lazy appearance of their master, Mrs. Heidi and Mrs. Donna, the two beautiful servants, couldn't help but laugh and tremble.

They have never seen their master look like this. On weekdays, they always feel that as a Silver Moon Knight, their master is always full of majesty and looks like a domineering and evil villain. Such a lazy look, they have never seen it before.

Seeing Ronald's appearance, Heidi and Donna not only would not feel that the image of their master in their minds had collapsed, but instead had a feeling of being closer to their master.

"Otherwise, Master, let's play cards"

Heidi suggested that recently, she is very interested in the various ways of playing cards brought by her master, and the most interesting thing is the witch-fighting game adapted from the Landlord game. Well, to put it bluntly, Ronald is Let's change the name of Doudizhu game. After all, wizards are the representatives of evil that everyone on this continent shouts and fights.

As for the landlords, every big landlord is a noble. Now Ronald can be said to be the biggest landlord in the entire kingdom. How could he fight against himself? Don't even think about hearing Heidi's advice. Donna's pretty face also leaked. With a smile, "Yes, master, let's play wizard fighting!"

Regardless of

Whether it's Donna or Heidi, both of them are beginners, so-called beginners. When they were just learning, it was the time when their addiction was the biggest. Ronald knew this well. The two maids who looked at him sighed faintly and asked, "I don't care about playing cards or something, but the question is, do you still have something to lose to me?"

As he said that, his eyes involuntarily aimed at the back of the two and saw the evil gaze of his master. The pretty faces of the two women immediately turned red, like a conditioned reflex, and said coquettishly, "Master, are you thinking again? something evil"

"Well, even this time, we won't agree to your evil request."

Looking at the blushing faces of the two women, Ronald couldn't help laughing when he heard their shameful words.

I have to say that, as a vested interest, Ronald feels that the world is not so bad sometimes.

Although there is no TV, Internet, video games and other spiritual food, but there are all kinds of maids, female knights, duchess, countes, and marquis for entertainment. Just be careful about your body. If you don't have a good body, say Maybe in a few days, he will be soaking wolfberry in the thermos cup, but fortunately, Ronald is already on the silver moon rank, he doesn't need wolfberry or anything, the strong physical strength brought by the silver moon rank makes him completely.


Chapter 2 Dangdangdang...Are you surprised? 【3/[-]】

Looking at the cheeks of the two girls getting redder and brighter, Ronald was about to tease them again, but at this moment - in the distance in the sky, there was a roar, followed by a faint silver light. appear in the sky.

Ronald put away his smile and sat up straight, "Heidi, Donna, go take care of Enya and Cathy"

This sound is obviously the movement of the silver moon step flight.

Although Ronald didn't feel the hostility of that... Silver Moon Rank, it's always good to be careful.

And the two women who heard their master's orders, although they wanted to live and die with their master here, they also knew that although their strength was countless times stronger than that of ordinary knights, compared to their master, The two of them are just two fuel tanks.

Thinking of this, Heidi and Donna nodded obediently, "It's the master!"

With that said, the two were going to find their daughter. However, at this moment, Ronald's face leaked a smile. He waved his hand gently and said, "Forget it, don't be so troublesome. Not an outsider!"

Hearing the renegade words of their master, the two women looked at each other at a loss, not knowing what their master meant.

However, it was too late for them to ask.

The silver light in the sky seemed to be slow and fast, but in the blink of an eye, it had already rushed to the sky above Ronald. It was only at this time that the two women could clearly see who the owner of the silver light was. It was a man with long silver hair. The slender figure was in her hands, and she was also carrying an iron box that was three meters long and three meters wide, with a faint silver glow.

At this time, Ronald stood up and faced the... slender figure with a smile and opened his arms.

The figure let out a cheer, threw the iron box in his hand, turned into a silver beam and rushed towards Ronald.

Bang - After the two collided, Ronald was knocked out more than ten meters away, and two deep soil marks were drawn on the flat lawn on the ground.

"Arella, are you going to murder your husband?"

Ronald looked at the chick in his arms with a depressed expression and complained.


Erila Gladys smiled a little embarrassedly, then put her little face into Ronald's arms again, and rubbed "Darling, I miss you"

Seeing Arella's attachment behavior, Ronald sighed speechlessly. In fact, as Ronald's mental imprint in her heart deepened, Arella became more and more attached to him.

Don't say anything despicable, not despicable is the secret of the two worlds, if it is not a person who really trusts, the so-called eternal love that Rhona will never say, hehe, what you can't get is the best, and it will be praised by others ——The recorded history on the earth has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are several unswerving loves that have been handed down. On the contrary, it is the eternal betrayal and empathy.

If nothing else, just look at the increasing divorce rate in modern society.

It can be seen how rare this undying love is.

Anyway, Ronald wouldn't put such important things on the so-called feelings. If he hadn't branded his soul, he wouldn't have said some things anyway.

Gently patted Arella, who was coquettish to her in her arms

Behind him, Ronald responded with a smile: "I miss you too, baby!"

Hearing Ronald's words, Arella tightened her arms tightly around his waist.

Heidi and Donna looked at the way their master and the female knight were hugging each other, and their eyes could not help revealing a trace of admiration, but they also knew that they had no hope of becoming the real wife of their master in their entire lives, and there was no way— —Who told them to marry someone? Arella hugged her man for a long time before letting go of Ronald.

"Are things going well?"

Ronald took Arella's hand, walked to the chair and sat down.

"Bring me a glass of fruit wine, thank you!"

After Arella said this to Heidi, she sat next to her man and replied, "Very smooth, from today onwards, my dear, you can declare that you have won the entire battle. From this moment on, the Kingdom of Bauhinia is yours."

"No, baby, you are wrong. The kingdom is not mine but our great Alderney III!"

Ronald said with a smile.

Hearing Ronald's words, Arella rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Does it make any difference? Do you dare to listen to Roxani? Isn't she afraid that you will hit her?"

"Cough, don't be so direct, I'm a good person"

Ronald said with some embarrassment.

"A good person and a good person will put their nominal wife to bed after sleeping with them?"

As soon as Arella said this, she surprised the two women beside Ronald, what is it like to put the husband and wife to sleep? It's such a crazy thing. Could it be that their master is that? This kind of stuff shouldn't be too meaty and fishy. In the army, I didn't realize that Ronald's mental power is so powerful, how could he not feel the strange look his maid was looking at him? At this moment, he felt that his whole person Spartan "Baby, don't talk nonsense, what is it like to put someone to sleep and then put someone's nominal wife to sleep? Loksani is a woman, okay?"

"Hehe, I didn't say that Roxani is a man."

Seeing her man's hurried explanation, Arella couldn't help but chuckle.

She just likes to tease her man like this. As for the word, it will affect Ronald's image. Stop teasing. Who will be Heidi or Donna Arrera who is present here, but knows how controlling his own man is. , If he hadn't completely controlled these two people, how could he be so reassuring to put them beside him and use them?

Thinking of this, Arella couldn't help her man's face sullen, and immediately hugged his arm with a smile, "My dear, I brought you a gift back!"


When Ronald heard the words, his eyes involuntarily turned to the iron box that had just been rudely thrown to the ground by Arella.


Arella smiled slightly, stood up and walked to the iron box that Heidi and Donna had just caught and put away, raised her hand, grabbed the door of the iron box, and a violent open "Dang Dang Dang Dang Jing" no surprise”

Chapter 3 I heard that you like this one... [3/[-]]

As the door of the iron box opened, Ronald looked over.

I saw, in the iron box - two pale-faced beautiful women were curled up, and in their arms were each holding a little loli who was about five or six years old.

"they are"

Ronald turned his head to look at Arella in a daze and asked.

"They, one of them is the wife of Carlos I, Queen Christina and her daughter - Princess Angelia, and the other is the Marchioness - Princess Fina and her daughter Tina Eston"

Arella said this, and glanced at her man with a half-smile, "I heard, my dear, you like to take other people's wives and daughters as maids, so I saved them and gave them to you. , as a gift, not happy or surprised"

Heidi and Donna immediately became nervous when they heard Arella's words.

After all, they are just slaves, no matter what

Whether or not Arella is their mistress, in terms of identity, they can't fight her at all.

In terms of strength, the strongest Donna is only the strength of a high-level silver knight. How can they beat Erila of the silver moon level? Now, they can only pin their hopes on their own masters, just ask him to think about them For the sake of serving him with all your heart, don't abandon them.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help but look at their master, Ronald, with pleading eyes.

As for Ronald, his face was blank, "Who is spreading rumors? I just think Heidi Donna and the others are too pitiful, so take care of them. Who is so irresponsible who spreads my rumors, let me catch them, absolutely want him nice"

Seeing her man's appearance, Arrell couldn't help but snorted, "Okay, my dear, I didn't mean to trouble you"

As she spoke, Arella opened her arms and hugged her man tightly, "I thank you, my dear, thank you for agreeing to let our children bear the family name of Gladys and revitalize the Gladys family again. So, I do not. I'm not blaming you, I really want to give them to you, and in the future, when they give birth to children for you, they can also inherit the name of the Grid family so that the Grid family will not have no successors."

Hearing Arella's words, Ronald moved in his heart "Thank you baby!"

"Are we still being so polite between us?"

After finishing speaking, the two smiled at each other. Arella took Ronald's hand directly, came to the iron box, and said with a smile, "Look at them, do you feel satisfied?"

Queen Christina and Princess Fina, who were kneeling in the iron box, felt the endless humiliation of them at this moment. One was once a queen, while the other was a princess. They have been looked at with such presumptuous eyes. However, even if they feel humiliated and angry at this moment, they can only endure.

Because the man in front of them is the war duke who destroyed this country, and the culprit who destroyed the entire royal family.

They know what kind of life they are about to face.

However, they didn't have to choose for the continuation of the family blood, they had to endure and raise their children.

So——when they force themselves to face their family's enemies and smile, their strength is not enough, patience is the most important thing. Don't underestimate a woman's tenacity. Although their strength is not as strong as Ronald, their inner tenacity is definitely far beyond that of many people.

Looking at the two women in the iron box

The far-fetched smile on his face Ronald smiled and asked, "You feel humiliated"

"It's a shame you think you're going to be my maid"

After these words, Ronald didn't wait: they replied, saying to themselves: "No, you are wrong and you should be grateful to me!"

"Thank you for killing my husband and taking our country"

Queen Christina couldn't help but stabbed "Hahaha war is war, after war is after war"

Ronald said here, looked at Christina with a smile and said, "Did I start this war?"

"I just gave the war your king wanted"

"Unfortunately, this result is obviously not what your king expected"

For Ronald's words, Queen Christina and Princess Fina were speechless.

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