"Okay, okay sir, I'll stay away from you now!"

Facing Blalick's scolding, Falco smiled, his sturdy body crouched humbly and stepped back.

Not to mention how funny it looks, seeing Falco's ridiculous appearance, more than a dozen leaders suddenly laughed, "Dung fork, your name is smelly, don't contaminate the noble wizard. now!"

"Hahaha that's right, Jack"

"Last night, weren't you still very good? Why are you so cowardly today?"

"Hey Dung Fork"

When they fought at night, these dozen or so gangs all suffered from Falco's losses, and now they have all been integrated by this... Master Wizard.

No one dared to defy the old man.

And that adult hates infighting the most, so they took this opportunity to be disgusting and disgusting Falco, and took it as a revenge for the loss they suffered last night,,,, Of course, they would not dare to fight the last one. The guy who defied this... Master Wizard is still lying in the tent.

Although not dead, but it looks like life is better than death.

Facing the provocation of the dozen or so guys, Falco ignored the provocation and returned to his subordinates. By the way, the name Falco means in the language of this continent, that fork is similar to the Chinese iron egg. Same purpose


Listening to the clamor of the reckless men behind him, the wizard Bralick really thought of killing them all with a sorcery.

As a third-order wizard, he does have the ability and means to instantly kill all the people in the square.

But he can't - he still needs these vile fellows to spread the plague throughout the Skagen Kingdom, so all he can do now is ignore them.

When the camp was a little chaotic last night, he, who had been lurking here, took the opportunity to use the [Crazy Technique], a fourth-order 4-scale spiritual witchcraft scroll.

I have to say that this large-scale witchcraft is really useful. It was originally just a small conflict caused by food, and it eventually turned into a big chaos that spread throughout the isolation camp. The chaos is only the beginning of the plan. After the chaos, The corpse of the infected is what he wants.

He needs to use these corpses, together with potions, to upgrade the plague.

Ultimately, his goal is to execute the second set of plans to completely wipe out the kingdom of Skagen.

The plan is going very well at the moment, at least so far, and the troops outside seem to be keeping an indifferent attitude to what is going on in the camp.

It's a normal thing to think about, compared to the plague, even if they knew that their chances of being infected were very low, they would not take risks easily.

And the infected people who were abandoned by the Skagen Kingdom here are also full of resentment towards the Skagen Kingdom. This is really an excellent cannon fodder. Thinking of this, the corners of Bralick's mouth can't help but tilt upwards slightly. He can almost see that the hidden The monastery once again stood at the top of the entire continent.

At that time——it will no longer be their wizards hiding like a mouse, but the silver nobles, who will experience their current pain and replace their current status with witch hunting orders. into a hunter's order.

At this moment, Bralick seemed to have seen the bright future of the wizard, and the stench of the Plague Cauldron seemed to become better.

However - at this moment, he suddenly looked up and saw a bright spot on the edge of the distant sky.

Seeing that... bright spot, Bralick's face suddenly changed: it was extremely difficult to see the extreme. He knew that this was the scene of the flight of the silver moon step.


He shouted, his right hand was about to touch his space belt, and he wanted to take out the magic scroll he used to save his life to escape and joke. A mere third-order wizard, even if a fourth-order fourth-order wizard encounters the Silver Moon Knight, he can only escape.

However, when he took out the scroll of witchcraft, it was already too late - no way, it was not someone else who called, but Ronald. At his speed of six times the speed of sound, in a short distance of a few kilometers, right For him, it was just a second or two.

Looking at the scene in the isolation camp under him, Ronald knew that what he was most worried about had happened. Those little mice had already started the second plan. Well, if that's the case, then - destroy it.

Thinking of this, Ronald's eyes narrowed slightly, the silver flames in his eyes suddenly rose, and countless untraceable silver vindictive threads gushed out from his body. Under these vindictive threads, Ronald's surroundings It seems like a cloud of silver mist with a radius of five kilometers has risen to read the underlined version of the novel, please remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 2 The plague that makes people headache... [3/[-]]

This huge silver fog of death seemed to fall from the sky, and as Ronald swooped, it fell from the sky and enveloped the entire isolation camp.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still: the entire isolation camp was stagnant - everyone stopped their movements in this thick silver fog.

A moment later—— Ronald, who landed in the middle of the camp, put away the tens of thousands of vindictive threads emanating from his body.

Everything in the entire camp didn't seem to have changed at all, but everyone's movements stopped as if time had stopped at this moment.

Ronald floated unhurriedly to the wizard Bralick who was holding the witchcraft scroll, and looked down at the witchcraft scroll in his hand.

"It's a pity"

Zhou Ye sighed, and lightly flicked the wizard Bralick's forehead with his hand. Like some weird button, bloodstains burst out from Bralick's face one after another.

Pieces of flesh and blood fell from Bralick's face, and his body kept falling. Eventually - Bralick turned into fist-sized pieces of flesh scattered on the ground, not only him, but more than [-] square kilometers. In the large and small isolation camps, there is no one alive anymore.

Instead, there were piles of meat, piles of rubbish made of tent fragments. With just one blow, Ronald turned the isolation camp into ruins. The noble officers who were monitoring the entire isolation camp outside were dumbfounded. "This, is this the power of Lord Silver Moon Knight?"

Just when he opened his mouth to doubt life, a silver figure appeared in front of him.

Seeing this figure, the noble officer hurriedly saluted respectfully, "Salute to you, my lord!"

"Well, let your men go down and chop more wood around, and prepare for spare!"

After speaking, Ronald said again: "Don't let your soldiers enter the camp, there is still the possibility of infection in it now"

"Yes, my lord!"

The noble officer did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly responded: "I will do as you ordered."

"Okay, wait for the order, I'll go back to the king's tent now!"

With that said, Ronald rose into the air again and flew towards the location of the king tent.

This incident is far from over. Killing all the infected people in the entire isolation camp requires thorough disinfection.

Plagues are so difficult to deal with because they're contagious and can recur if you're not careful.

So, in order to sterilize thoroughly, Ronald suggested that Queen Margaret order the army to cut down trees to make firewood, spread it all over the quarantine camp, and then use the magic water, which is a stone, to contaminate the field with the wizard, throw it on the firewood, and burn the entire quarantine. camp.

At the same time, Ronald also asked Arella to go back to the Bauhinia area first, drop by the Imdar Fortress, and let Sylvia deliver some food to relieve the urgent need.

Of course, these grains are definitely not free, and the Skagen Kingdom will exchange them for livestock at the market price.

Well, a lot of things are simple to say, but actually very troublesome to operate.

For example - Ronald wanted to burn lime and it turned out

But it was found that - in the current situation, with the most primitive means, it takes a week to burn a furnace of lime.

Well, time is not a problem, just need to build more stoves, but here comes the problem - what is most lacking on the plateau is of course the trees and firewood. Where did you ask them to find more than [-] people for firewood, and they searched for more than [-] kilometers in a radius of more than [-] kilometers, and they barely gathered enough firewood to burn the corpses in the isolation camp. If you want to burn limestone, you are not dreaming. The raw material of limestone is not. It lacks, but it lacks firewood.

Someone said, why don't you use oil to burn limestone? You are afraid that you have a mine at home. Anyway, when there is no proven underground oil reserves, Ronald is absolutely reluctant to use oil to do so.

Moreover, the corpses of those infected must be burned. You must know that there are many scavengers on the plateau, such as plateau snow wolves, such as devil-winged vultures. Once these corpses are eaten, who knows if the plague will end there. When they are lurking in their bodies, they can't prepare for a greedy one to eat, and the plague breaks out again, so it's nonsense.

How could Ronald have so many people to bring disaster to these guys. However, after Ronald was busy here, the real trouble came, "Dear you better give me a close, but don't go to see me. The reason is otherwise!"

Looking at the big loli with a pretty face and a heroic appearance, Ronald smiled and opened his arms, and hugged her directly in his arms, "Sylvia, I miss you so much"

Originally, with the idea of ​​​​initiating a teacher to ask for guilt, Grand Duchess Sylvia, who came to find her own man, heard the words Ronald said in her ear, and her body instantly softened.

"Don't be like that, I'm still wearing armor."

"Sylvia in armor is more fun."

Ronald smiled slightly, and without hesitation, he hugged the blushing legal big loli, walked towards his tent, and commanded: "Sandralea, Denia, you go and tell Margaret. Queen, I will not participate in the afternoon royal meeting"

"Yeah - bastard, you let me go"

Sandralea and Denia, the two horse girls, looked at each other helplessly as Ronald hugged Sylvia away.

"Looks like we're going to ask for leave from Her Majesty the Queen again for my dear."

There was a look of helplessness on Sandralea's pretty face.

"Haha, in fact, the rest is nothing important, it's just the little things that end, it's the same whether you go or not."

Having said this, Denia looked at Sandraia with a smile, "Isn't this very good? At least we have another ally to save you from yelling every day and can't stand it anymore."

Hearing Dinya's words, Sandralea's pretty face immediately turned red. There was nothing that could be done. Ronald wouldn't let the meat in front of him not eat. , and also brought disaster to Sandralea.

Maybe it's because of the recent obsession with centaurs. Among the three girls, Ronald prefers to play tricks on the two centaurs, such as tentacle games and electrified games, and he uses them all on their bodies and makes them shout. Can't stand birds.

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety-One Ronald's Vision of Unification... [3/3]

The saying that a long absence is better than a newlywed is still very reasonable. At least, Sylvia has experienced this feeling. After a fierce battle, Sylvia played it out completely, but it was of no use, she was still defeated by Ronald Then it's time to doubt life.

Two hours later——Sylvia snuggled into her man's arms, letting him hold her "darling" tightly


Ronald asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"Loksani can't stand the opposition from the nobles anymore."

Sylvia said softly: "You are too messy. Without the authorization of the kingdom, you actually agreed to sign the land replacement regulations with Queen Margaret."

"Those nobles have long disliked you"

"Especially the nobles who were selected to replace their territories, all clamoring for one by one, you are arrogating Roxani and trying to take the crown on her head."

Hearing Sylvia's words, Ronald smiled, "Then what did Roxani say?"

"Loksani said that if you don't help her again, she will declare her status as a woman, and then in front of all the nobles, she will marry you and let you be the king of this kingdom."

Sylvia said this, and couldn't help laughing, "When the time comes, I will lock you in the palace and not let you go out every day, and I will prepare you a person-high government every day for you to handle."

"Oh my god what a vicious thought"

Ronald couldn't help but stroke his forehead. He definitely doesn't want to be the lord of a country. He doesn't sound like a supreme being, but in fact, he's tired like a dog. A group of nobles constrain who is willing to do and who does. Anyway, he doesn't want to do it. What's the difference between him being a king now? Himself, the other two are his wives Well, if the United Kingdom thing comes to pass, it's four 3 dukes, three 44's are his wives.

Although he is not a king, but - in the whole country, he speaks better than the king.

In fact, to put it bluntly, he was just lazy and didn't want to be a diligent king.

Why isn't it fragrant to be a salted fish, why do you have to be stupid and become a government processing machine "Okay, dear Loksani just wants you to help her!"

Sylvia said coquettishly: "After all, it's not easy for her to be the head of a country, she can't be as unscrupulous as you are"

"Do you know why the Kingdom of Alderney has always been strong?"

Ronald asked with a smile.


Sylvia asked curiously.

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