"Because, the government structure of the entire kingdom itself is not what a strong country should be like"

"A strong nation should have only one voice from top to bottom"

"A strong country should put all its forces in one place instead of fighting each other for their own interests"

Speaking of this, Ronald stretched his waist and said lazily: "Just in time, taking advantage of the establishment of the United Kingdom, let's completely break this decadent political system."

Hearing Ronald's words, Sylvia was dumbfounded, "Dear, are you crazy? The lord enfeoffment system has lasted for thousands of years on this continent.

Years later, are you going to declare war on the entire continent?"

"of course not"

Ronald smiled happily.

"Taking advantage of the fact that countries are overwhelmed and I hold military power, it is the best time to change this rotten system."

"All the guys standing in front of me will be completely crushed"

"I originally wanted to use some milder methods to subtly make them accept it little by little!"

"However, after what happened in the Skagen Kingdom, I found that time was too late"

"As soon as I can't complete the changes to the entire kingdom before the end of the third wizard shock."

"Then just like you said, I will be the enemy of the whole continent"

"So ah—time is running out!"

Ronald said here, with a flash of determination in his eyes.

Yes, he wants to be a salted fish, but the premise of being a salted fish is to have an effective political system that can lead the entire kingdom to develop rapidly when he is lazy.

The way of boiling frogs in warm water that I had imagined before is no longer applicable because, although that method is less harmful, it takes time.

Sylvia's remarks reminded him that the feudal feudal system has been implemented in this continent for thousands of years. There are some relatives among the silver nobles. Once the protest of the silver nobles attracted the intervention of the silver council, That's not good. Therefore, this third wizard attack, which is enough to shake the foundation of the Yinhui nobles' rule, is the best chance.

Of course, Ronald will not sit back and watch the silver nobles be swept away by the monastery. He will carefully balance the strengths of both sides, and never let one family become bigger and which one becomes bigger. For him, neither is it. It's a good thing, and he wants to take this opportunity to transform the entire Alderskahn United Kingdom from a feudal system of lords to a centralized system.

Only after completing the great unification can he confidently realize his industrialization vision in this country.

Thinking of the fact that a political system without constraints will burst into the eyes of countless people, Ronald strengthened his idea even more.

"Come on, baby"

"Ah where are we going"

Hearing Ronald's words, Sylvia, who was still a little weak, was stunned.

"Going to Queen Margaret, of course"

Zhou Ye said with a smile: "We invite Queen Margaret to go to the capital to discuss the United Kingdom's proposal!"


Sylvia instinctively felt that something was wrong, but at this time Ronald had already started to help her organize her clothes, so she could only obediently let him be at his mercy.

After one hourglass - Ronald and Sylvia appeared in the king's tent It took five 55 hourglasses, Ronald persuaded Queen Margaret to go with him to the royal capital and the whole of Sri Lanka. The Kingdom of Karn, after the departure of Queen Margaret, will be under the supervision of the Queen Celtre, and the Archduke Catherine and the Patriarch Misia will be in charge.

That evening—Caronia, the red giant eagle brought by Sylvia, flew Ronald and the other three to the capital of Alderney to read the underlined version of the novel. Please remember to save it. m.aikanshu8.com is the only domain name of ikanshuba, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 1 The King and Queen who love each other... [3/[-]]

The capital of the Alderney Kingdom, Fort Campbell, is already in the midst of the lanterns. Around the study room, the huge study room is illuminated as bright as day.

At this moment, Roxar III, who was wearing a gorgeous robe, was sitting in front of the desk, looking at the parchment scroll above, with a headache.

Looking at the sincere voice of the nobles on the parchment scroll, Roxar III couldn't help but sigh deeply.

All written above are opinions against the decision of Duke Ronald Graed to sign the land swap agreement and the establishment of the United Kingdom with the Kingdom of Skagen.

There are even many nobles in the opinion letter - accusing Ronald of trampling on the sacred rights of the king and having the heart of not being a minister.

Well, Roxani knows that this is actually because these nobles are jealous of the war bonus Ronald won this time, and want to get a piece of the pie.

After all, according to her award this time, Ronald will receive the land award of most of the Bauhinia Region [Former Bauhinia Kingdom] this time.

In other words - Ronald's princely collar will be more than half the size of the original Bauhinia Kingdom.

In the past, because of Roxani's death and Ronald's own strength, these guys didn't dare to question anything.

But now, her man Ronald actually signed a land exchange agreement with the Skagen Kingdom without notifying her.

This gave these nobles an excuse to attack Ronald and become the king of a country, and Roxani could not force these guys to subdue them, after all—what they said was reasonable, although everyone knew what these nobles were holding idea, but—in terms of attacking Ronald, these guys were right.

However, they do not know that their King is a woman, and a woman who loves her husband like her life, and her man is precisely the Duke of Ronald.

"It's a pain in the ass"

Roxani rubbed her temple helplessly, "How can I make these damned guys shut up?"

"I really want to kill these guys"

"I'm afraid not, my dear."

As the soft voice sounded, a figure wearing a gorgeous white dress appeared behind Roxani, reached out and gently pressed and rubbed her temples for Roxani.

"Er, here you are"

Hearing this familiar voice, there was a smile on Roxani's face. Perhaps it was because they were both fallen from the end of the world. Since Ronald led the army to the Bauhinia Kingdom, the two lonely women gradually mixed together. Of course , they didn't engage Ji, but their mutual love and longing for him made them endure retribution to keep warm.

Listening to the battle report sent back from the front together, cheering for the victory of a family, worrying about Ronald together, let's be together, the two women whose relationship was cold in the past, turned out to be a good man who can say nothing because of a certain man. girlfriend.

I have to say, this is kind of ironic.


Queen Estelle Frances chuckled and nodded, "I heard that at the royal meeting, those nobles were attacking their dear ones."


Roxani nodded dejectedly, "Sometimes I really envy my dear, and I can do whatever I want. I heard that in St. Laurent.

In the city of Suo, my dear beheaded a marquis directly at the court meeting."

"Since then, no noble has dared to disobey his orders."

Speaking of this, Roxani couldn't help revealing a longing smile, "If only I could treat these nobles like this."

"Dear Roxani, you are different from Ronald"

Estelle smiled and said: "You must know that the place where our man is standing is the Bauhinia Region - for the entire Bauhinia Region, he is an intruder, an executioner, and a conqueror"

"And you, dear Roxani, you are a monarch who stands still, Roxar III, the heir to the throne, the monarch of the kingdom of Alderney."

"Our men can slaughter in that place, but you can't raise a butcher's knife to your courtiers in your own country, that will only bring you the name of a faint king!"

Estelle said this, and winked playfully at Roxani, "However, I want to raise the butcher's knife, you can leave it to our man, anyway, now his name is in the kingdom It's in the middle of the day"


When Roxani heard Estelle's words, she couldn't help laughing. The so-called "surge in the sky" was a sarcastic sentence - those nobles were trying their best to discredit Ronald because they were unhappy that Ronald had seized so much interest. Sovereign, what an executioner, what a butcher. In short, Ronald's reputation among the nobility is almost inseparable from killing, but this also illustrates a problem from the side - that is, the nobility are afraid of Ronald .

It is precisely because they are afraid of Ronald that they are trying their best to discredit Ronald's achievements. They deliberately downplayed why Ronald destroyed the Bauhinia Kingdom, but only emphasized his cruelty.

This situation is especially serious in the area where the royal capital is located. Loxani knew that the nobles were afraid of their men and even this kind of fear: the fear of kingship.

I have to say - that's kind of ironic.

The heroes who fought for the country were not respected, but made countless nobles fear what they were afraid of, fear of Ronald's merciless slaughter, fear of Ronald's strength or fear - Ronald will attack them, which is really intriguing. Perhaps what they were really afraid of was Ronald's unfettered power. After all, her man had no interest in the so-called compromise. He only believed that big fists made sense.

Well, in fact she thinks there's nothing wrong with that.

As her man said - violence can't solve problems, but it can solve the person who created them.

Just when Roxani and Estelle were chatting and laughing, talking about the interesting things that their men did, an eagle chirp came in from the window.

Roxani's eyes suddenly lit up - "Sylvia is back, I hope she brings me good news"

Saying that, Loksani stood up and walked out quickly. Estelle also hurriedly followed and reminded: "Your Majesty, your disguise"

"Ah, that's right"

Loksani hurriedly turned on the magical device that she was carrying with her. The lovely and sweet queen Loksani was gone, and in her place was the beautiful Loksar III.

Chapter 2: Her Majesty Queen Margaret, who is completely ignorant... [3/[-]]

In the Eagle's Nest of the Kingdom - a huge red giant eagle descended from the sky. A man, two women and three people sat on the giant eagle. When they saw the man, the knights in charge of guarding the Eagle Tower immediately knelt on one knee respectfully. On the ground, his right hand caressed his heart, "Welcome back, Lord Grid, you are the pride of our entire kingdom!"

Regardless of

How did those great nobles slander Ronald, how did they say he was cruel and inhumane.

For the lower knights, Ronald is their idol and their god of war.

Don't make fun of killing people who don't kill people on the battlefield. Don't they rely on their mouths to persuade the nobles of the enemy country? Killing the nobles is even more funny. Those are the nobles of the enemy country. They are trying to disobey the orders of Lord Grid, which is to resist the rule of the kingdom. , shouldn't the rebels be killed? For the lower-level nobles, Lord Ronald Grid is the savior who saves the entire kingdom, and the hero who reversed the kingdom of Bauhinia.

Such great nobles are not worthy of their admiration. Do you want to respect those noble men who only exploit the lower-tier nobles? Don't make fun of the knights kneeling on the ground, Ronald chuckled and waved his hand, "Okay, I don't need to be so polite, I'm not very used to it!"

While speaking, Ronald took the hands of Sylvia and Queen Margaret and jumped off the back of the eagle.

To be honest, he really just habitually thinks that men should take care of women like this, and there is absolutely no idea of ​​taking advantage of them.

However, Queen Margaret didn't want to be held by Ronald's little hand and jumped off the back of the eagle, her heart was already a mess.

[What does this… the Duke of War mean] [Could it be that he is not satisfied after occupying his aunt, and wants to occupy me] [What should I do] [Should I slap him and refuse him harshly or should I use euphemism Reject him in some way] [But what if he becomes angry and angry] [Now the entire Skagen Kingdom is meat on the chopping block, and there is no room for resistance to this bastard] [Once it makes him angry and angry, he will Not to the Skagen Kingdom] [Although the agreement has been signed, the operability is too great] [What if he turns his face and allocates the most barren land to the Skagen Kingdom] [Could it be? , I can only let him do it?] Queen Margaret, who had all kinds of thoughts in her mind, followed Ronald in a daze and walked towards the palace.

Her heart was completely chaotic because of Ronald's no small actions.

At this moment - a sudden sound of urgency in the distance woke up Queen Margaret.

I saw a figure of Xinchang wearing a gorgeous robe and a triple crown, accompanied by a beautiful woman, walking towards them quickly. The crown is in the palace, who can wear the crown except the king and queen, There is no one else.

And the slender, handsome man in front of him obviously can't be the queen, well, it seems that this... is His Majesty King Roxa III of the Alderney Kingdom.

Why did he come? Did he know that he was also here to greet him? Just when Queen Margaret was about to take a step forward and meet Roxa III, the scene before her completely shocked her - only Seeing the handsome man with the triple crown on his head, he walked faster and faster, and when he was about to reach them, he finally ran.

The whole person ran to Ronald in front of him, jumped up one meter in front of him, and embraced Ronald with open arms without hesitation.

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