"Honey, tell me are you planning to invade this world?"

Roxani asked with a serious expression.

Sylvia chose to ignore

Right or wrong, stand directly on Ronald's side.

"Honey, I'm always with you"

"me too"

Estelle stood up, walked to Sylvia's side, and showed his determination to Ronald.

But Margaret was different. She walked directly to Roxani and faced Ronald, "I, like Roxani, want to know what you are going to do, my dear!"

For a time, the group of people who were still laughing and laughing just now divided into two opposing waves. Looking at the extremely serious expressions of the two queens, Ronald smiled playfully, "It's not a question of what I want to do now, It's—what kind of question do you want!"

Speaking of this, a wicked smile appeared on Ronald's face, "I haven't said anything yet, you guys have already labeled me as an intruder, and you're still standing in front of me, Asking what I'm going to do, you guys are timid!"

Seeing Ronald's evil smile, Roxane and Margaret felt a little weak in their legs, but even so, they still held on and refused to back down: "It's about our world, we have to be so dear I'm sorry"

"If dear, you are willing to give up invading our world, we are willing to accompany you until the end of the world, no matter how many women you find, we will not be jealous."

"However, if you insist on invading our world, then we choose to fight for the world!"

Having said that, Roxani and Margaret were already filled with tears, and they thought that they would be hated by Ronald.

, will become his enemies, and their hearts will be more painful.

But, even so, they were unwilling to give in that they were kings, and they had to bear some responsibilities. Ronald sighed helplessly, watching the tears on the faces of the two women, and watching their trembling hands holding sabres.

"Who said - I'm the forerunner who said my world was going to invade here"

Speaking of this, Ronald clicked on a video, "Let you see the military strength of my world. If you really want to invade, it won't be me!"

Hearing Ronald's words, Roxani and Margaret dubiously approached Ronald in front of him. The video was playing a movie clip of a nuclear explosion. Looking at the soaring wizard towers [high-rise buildings] ] Turned to ashes by the power of the nuclear bomb, watching the rod of God raze countless cities to the ground, all the girls were horrified.

"If there is an invasion, it will not be me, but the army with these weapons of destruction"

Ronald said faintly, to read the novel without underline, please remember to save the m.aikanshu8.com and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 2 Have you ever seen a weapon that fell from the sky? 【3/[-]】

Watching the slowly rising sun and mushroom cloud in the video, watching the solid earth turn up the monstrous earth waves under the power of nuclear weapons.

Watching those sturdy buildings turn into ruins under the power of the blast shock wave In front of the nuclear weapons with the power to destroy the land, they also appear so fragile. "Dear, dear, is this the weapon of your world?"

Roxani stared blankly at Ronald's face full of fragility.

"Well, this is the ultimate weapon in our world."

Ronald nodded lightly, "If you really want to invade this world, then it will be an army with such weapons, not me. So I came to this world just by accident. I'm really not an invader. "

"I believe in you dear I believe in you."

Saying that, Loksani slammed into Ronald's arms, choking for a while, whether she was glad or scared, or at this moment Loksani couldn't tell. You will feel a sense of peace of mind.

On the other side, Queen Margaret looked at the two embracing each other, and she was also a little moved. She also wanted to rush into Ronald's arms and seek comfort. However, at this time, Ronald gently lifted his arms "I remember, someone didn't believe me just now"

"Also said to choose to fight for the world and fight with me to the end"

Looking at Ronald's wicked smile, no matter what

Whether it was Margaret or Roxani, I couldn't help but feel guilty for a while, "Then, that... dear cough, if I said I was joking with you just now, would you believe it?"

Facing the wickedly smiling Ronald, Roxani felt a little flustered, "Yes, dear, we were just joking with you"

Margaret followed close behind, trying to get away with it but alas - they're useless!! "It's no use talking - facing the wind!"

【River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, River Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab, Crab

Ronald said, he took out the laptop he had just put away again, "Come on, let you see the interesting things in our world"

Although I don't understand what the language in the video means, sometimes, some pictures can be understood without language at all, so Sylvia and Estelle are still very interested in the world of their men.

However, what Ronald didn't expect was that Roxani and Margaret had rested for three days.

But the good thing is—taking advantage of these three days, Ronald let the girls have a certain understanding of their own world through various videos on the computer.

Especially Roxani and Margaret, they are full of strong curiosity about the world in which their men were born. They are most curious about the technological power of that world. What kind of power is technology that can make ordinary people People have such a powerful power and Sylvia likes it - the cartoon [cover face] and it's still that kind of... young-oriented cartoon, it's simply.

As for Estelle, she actually likes watching movies.

To this end, she did not hesitate to accept the spiritual language teaching of her own man. In the spiritual world, it took her a full year to learn Chinese and English.

Well, in fact, not only Estelle, other women were also taught spiritual language by Ronald in order to understand the video.

Of course, they only learned Chinese but not English.

Three days later——Luksani and Margaret were finally able to walk down the ground.

This time, Roxane's support for her own man's heart is more firm that she has seen the hope of a great reunification, and also sees the bright future of the United Kingdom of Alderskahn.

The same is true of Queen Margaret. Compared with Roxani's focus on industrial technology, Queen Margaret focuses more on agricultural technology.

When she knew that in another world, people achieved a grain yield of thousands of kilograms per mu, she was stunned.

Especially when I heard that there is actually a crop called sweet potato, which can reach [-] kilograms per acre, she was going crazy. She even put down her body and begged Ronald to get this magical crop.

There is no way, the kingdom of Skagen has suffered from food for a long time. Ronald gladly agreed to this. After all, he also wanted to improve the agricultural conditions of this country. Only in this way can more people be freed from working in the fields. , and contribute to the realization of industrialization.

However, now is not the time when they are about to face these chores, it is the protests of the nobles.

Now, we must first make these stubborn fellows obedient and obedient.

Chapter 3 The marriage of two kingdoms... [3/[-]]

The Noble Council is separated from the Royal Palace by a square, just next to the War Hall.

This time, since it was not a matter of discussing the war, the Imperial Council was not placed in the War Hall, but in the Noble Council Chamber.

In the early morning, when the bell of the Silver Light Temple rang five times, the nobles of the royal capital had all come to the noble council hall.

They gathered together in twos and threes, and whispered to discuss the theme of this imperial meeting.

In the eyes of these nobles, it is possible that this imperial meeting will end without a hitch like the previous ones.

After all, they are the mainstay of the country, and even King Roxar III can't ignore their opinions. If they choose, then - I am afraid that the whole country will fall into a state of shutdown.

Therefore, they have nothing to fear. After all, no matter how arrogant Roxar III is, he can't find enough ruling officials to manage local affairs.

Moreover, because of the class monopoly on knowledge for many years, it is not enough that the consuls in various places are almost controlled by nobles. They can still violate the best scriptures, but they can't match the monks with crooked mouths.

This is the otherworldly version of the policy, and there are countermeasures. In the face of this situation, although Roxani hates it, there is nothing to do.

Just when the nobles were complacent, along with the fame outside, Roxani walked in.

"Greetings to you, Your Majesty!"

Looking at Roxar III sitting on the throne, the nobles bowed their heads and greeted respectfully.

"You've worked hard"

Roxani looked at the nobles below, her horns tilted slightly, she knew that these guys were yin and yang to their own orders, and even more knew that they thought they could do nothing about them.

But, now it's different, she can see the future, the whole kingdom is rising up under the leadership of her man Ronald.

She had never been so confident and it was all because of the hope that her man Ronald gave her called technology.

Thinking of this, Roxani said slowly: "Today's topic is still the merger of the Kingdom of Skagen and our country into the United Kingdom of Alderskahn."

Just after she finished speaking, a noble below stood up, "Your Majesty, please think about it carefully, after all—those barbarians on the northwest plateau have always been savage and cruel,

Noble and before he finished speaking, a long voice came from outside the hall door.

"I never knew that the nobles of other countries viewed our Skagen Kingdom like this."

Following the voice, a graceful and beautiful figure walked in from outside the door. On the figure's head, it also wore a triple crown representing the king's power.

Seeing this strange figure, not only the nobles who spoke were stunned, but also the other nobles were dumbfounded.

Who is this woman and why is she wearing the crown among the nobles, only the old Marquis Francis looks like the old god is there, with a normal face and a smile. He has already received news from his daughter Queen Estelle, so He didn't panic.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce this distinguished guest to everyone!"

Roxani looked at the dumbfounded looks of the nobles, and there was a slight smile on her face.

"This is Her Majesty Queen Margaret of the Skagen Kingdom, this time, I am here to meet with me.

Discussing the establishment of the United Kingdom!"

Hearing Roxani's words, the nobles suddenly whispered.

They didn't expect that Roxar III had secretly invited another queen to the capital, and they didn't receive any news.

What does this mean to represent their... His Majesty the King has already taken the weight of his heart, what should we do? At this moment, Roxani said again: "Last night, I met His Majesty Margaret, and I have proposed to her. And she also promised me!"

Hearing this news, the nobles were immediately dumbfounded.

For a time, the nobles were divided into two factions. Some people said that this is a good thing. In the future, when Queen Margaret gives birth to a child for her majesty, the prince will be able to inherit the crowns of the two kingdoms, and the so-called United Kingdom will also be It will become a country, and some people say that taking the path of chaos at this time will make the nobles of the Skagen Kingdom hate the Alderney royal family, thinking that the Alderney royal family is trying to steal the crown of their kingdom.

In fact, this kind of thing is all things that the public said that the public is reasonable and the mother said that the mother is reasonable.

It depends on which way you read the comments about the nobles, Roxani didn't say anything, just smiled and brought Margaret to her throne and sat down together.

The throne is wide enough to sit on either of them without any problem.

Some attentive nobles saw this scene, and couldn't help but wonder what is going on in their hearts? Why is His Majesty willing to sit on the same chair with Queen Margaret? Could it be that His Majesty is fascinated by this... Queen? Are you planning to be with her? Sharing the royal power?

There are no two days, if the master of the family does this, it will only make the whole kingdom fall apart. In fact, this nobleman thinks too much, and that's why Roxani is willing to share the throne with Margaret, just because their relationship is shared by them. After punishing his own man, he made rapid progress. At this point, the two were already good friends who could wear the same pair of pants.

No way, let's carry the gun together: the iron friendship is so good.

Just when the entire council hall was noisy, suddenly there was a sing-along from outside.

"The great destroyer of the kingdom, the destroyer of the Bauhinia Kingdom, arrives, Lord Ronald Grid!"

"The noble blood of the silver moon, the guardian of the northwest province, the Duke of Sylvia Aurela is here!"

Following this fame, the entire council hall suddenly fell silent.

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