The only two dukes in the kingdom came together. What does this mean? Could something big happen today? Just when the nobles were uneasy, Ronald and Sylvia walked into the nobles' discussion side by side. in the hall.

"It was a lot of fun today"

After Ronald entered the hall, he looked at the nobles with a smile, "Good morning, everyone!"

"Good morning, Your Excellency!"

Hearing Ronald's greetings, the nobles hurriedly returned their salutes. They dared not neglect this... the patron saint of the kingdom, they can slander Ronald in private, but in front of Ronald, they need to maintain the necessary Respectfully, "Hehe, I'm here today to announce one thing!"

Ronald glanced at the nobles lightly, "I have decided to replace the land of the Skagen Kingdom with my fief in the Bauhinia Region, that's all!"


Chapter 1 Let's vote now... [3/[-]]

Hearing Ronald's words, the nobles were stunned and stood there. Do you have a fief in the Bauhinia Kingdom? Do you have a fief in the Bauhinia Kingdom? Are you joking today? However, just when the nobles were a little overwhelmed Roxar III, who was sitting on the throne at a high level, slowly opened his mouth and said: "I will announce one thing. In view of Duke Gred's great achievements in destroying the Kingdom of Bauhinia, I have decided to divide the eastern provinces of the Bauhinia Region and the central part of the Bauhinia Region. The two provinces of the province were assigned to the Duke of Grid, in recognition of the outstanding military exploits made by the Duke of Grid for the country in this war."

Hearing Roxani's words, the nobles in the audience immediately exploded. There are five 55 provinces in the Bauhinia Region, the most prosperous. The two largest provinces in the region are the central and eastern Roxar. If Ni did this, it would be equivalent to entrusting nearly half of the territory of the Bauhinia Region to Ronald as a fief. This made those who still wanted to get a share of the Bauhinia Region that was newly incorporated into the kingdom's territory. What the nobles did was just a matter of discussion, but the nobles did not immediately object to it.

First, Duke Ronald did have such a feat. It can be said that Ronald won the entire Bauhinia Region without even using a single soldier from the kingdom. Almost all of it was won with the help of more than [-] soldiers. The entire Bauhinia area.

Second, Ronald, as the guardian of the kingdom, is currently the only supreme military force on the surface. They dare not and are unwilling to speak out against and strive for their own interests, but it is true that they offend a strong man they cannot afford to offend. , that's a sign of insanity.

Therefore, although the nobles in the audience were talking about it, they did not immediately object to it.

Moreover, just now, Roxar III said that he would merge with the Kingdom of Skagen and replace the territory, and Ronald immediately.

Said to exchange his own territory with the Kingdom of Skagen.

The meaning of this is very intriguing. Does this mean that Ronald has reached some agreements with Roxar III and Her Majesty Queen Margaret of the Skagen Kingdom, although the territory of the Skagen Kingdom is far larger than that of Ronald Nader's territory, but things can't be viewed purely by the size of the territory.

You must know that the territory of the Skagen Kingdom is almost all on the northwest plateau. For many people, the endless plateau is a place where birds don't shit. Except for the nomadic centaurs, no one will take them. Treating it as a treasure and that's it, Ronald still said without hesitation that he would use his own territory to replace the land of the Skagen Kingdom.

Of course, the aristocrats didn't know the news that there was oil on the Northwest Plateau, and even if they did, they wouldn't think it was a good deal. After all, oil is something they can't eat or drink, and it's not as good as fertile land. Heart.

Therefore, they think that it must be that Ronald and the two majesty have reached some kind of deal. As for the deal, they can't. At this time, Ronald and Sylvia are already sitting under Roxani. No matter what, at this time, Roxane and Queen Margaret were both the rulers of a country, and Ronald wanted to give them some face outside.

A few people ignored the comments of the nobles below, and sat there directly, talking in a low voice. It was roughly, you said yours below, we said that ours passed about three or four hours of 34 hourglasses, Roxani felt that everyone The discussion is almost over, so I patted it lightly

The bell on the armrest of the throne.

Ding Ding Ding - the crisp sound of steel crashing, echoed in the huge hall - as the ringing bell rang, the nobles gradually stopped their discussions and looked at Roxani.


Roxani glanced at the nobles in the hall and said, "Let's start voting on the formation of the Alderney Kingdom and the Skaane Kingdom to form the Alderskarn United Kingdom!"

As soon as Roxani's voice fell, Ronald immediately.

I stood up from my seat and said loudly: "I, the Duke of War - Ronald Grid, agree to the formation of the Alderney Kingdom and the Skagen Kingdom to form the Alderskarn United Kingdom!"

Hearing Ronald's words, the nobles were not at all surprised to say that this matter was originally facilitated by Ronald. For this reason, he replaced the territory and came back to stand for Roxar III. If he There will be ghosts to object.

However, at this moment, Sylvia, who was sitting on the other side, also stood up and said loudly: "I, Duke Orillia, Sylvia Orillia, agree with the Kingdom of Alderney and Ska The Kingdom of En forms the United Kingdom of Alderskahn!"

Hearing Sylvia's words, the nobles were in an uproar. There were only two dukes in the Kingdom of Alderney. Now both dukes have agreed to this matter. What should we do next? Let the opposing nobles They were dumbfounded.

"I, Marquis Francis, agree with His Majesty's agenda"

"I, Sir, take care of your Majesty's issues"


With the expressions of more than ten silver nobles, the nobles in the hall were dumbfounded, you are betrayal, you are betrayal by eating Guoguo, you were not before... You said that, why are you suddenly changing your mind now In response to the questioning gazes of the ordinary nobles, the silver nobles said - we are also very helpless, we dared to talk because Ronald was not in the capital, and now he has come back, paralyzed, you let me How could they dare to contradict Ronald again and secretly pull back, that's no problem.

However, in front of Ronald, to oppose him, this is the face of the silver moon step.

You idiots, you really think that Yinyuejie is a Chinese cabbage, can you play with it as you please? Haven't you heard that moral integrity is a lot more money? In the Bauhinia area, there were definitely a lot of Yinhui nobles who died in the hands of this uncle.

A fool would be looking for trouble at this time. So, at this moment, the nobles of Yinhui resolutely confessed their counsel. Looking at the performance of these nobles, a mocking smile appeared in Roxani's corner. Is it okay?】【Do you think my dear came back just to pass this?】【You are so naive】"It seems that all the 'noble' gentlemen have no objection to this matter. Well, then I announce that from today, a month after the Kingdom of Skagen and the Kingdom of Alderney form the United Kingdom of Alderskarne, I will have a grand wedding with Queen Margaret. Don't be absent"

Chapter 2 The tough Ronald... [3/[-]]

Hearing Roxani's words, different expressions appeared on the faces of the nobles.

Some laughed without saying a word, some had complicated expressions, some sighed, and some had sad faces.

Anyway, their first battle against Ronald Grid was a failure.

To block Ronald Grid, some people simply oppose it for the sake of the kingship, some people do not like Ronald, and some people just oppose it for the sake of opposition.

But what I have to admit is that the nobles who chose to snipe Ronald in order not to lose the kingship, they are the real king supporters.

After all, it is not uncommon for many kingdoms in the mainland to see a servant who is strong and a weak master and then replaced.

These nobles simply support the royal family, do not want Ronald to have too much power, and just want to check and balance him.

But, now it seems, they lost a mess.

No way, they didn't recognize a fact.

That is—they think that everything they do is for the royal family, but the problem is—the King Roxar III is on Ronald's side, not theirs.

This led to the fact that they, who were supposed to join forces with the king to fight against the powerful ministers, became alone in fighting against the two powerful forces of the king and the powerful ministers.

So, their failure, not the crime of war, is that they didn't figure out one thing, their king, it was she, not him! This is the key to their failure, and Roxani knew this well. , So, for those nobles, Roxani has no resentment.

However, now she is going to issue an order that may be famous for the ages, or it may be infamous for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, Roxani took a deep breath on the throne.

Queen Margaret, who was beside her, seemed to sense her nervousness, and silently stretched out her little hand and held hers.

As the head of the country, Queen Margaret knew how much pressure Loksani would face next - but she also knew how much improvement the country would gain once the reforms were successful. So, Margaret The Queen supported her comrade-in-arms, Roxani, with a firm gaze.

Roxani felt Margaret's support, nodded lightly, then stood up and looked at the nobles.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

As her voice echoed in the hall, the nobles temporarily put away their emotions and looked at their majesty.

"Over the past two months, our country has withstood the test of war!"

"I'm so proud of you guys for that!"

"However, it also exposed a lot of problems in our country."

Having said this, Loksani looked around at the expressions on the faces of the nobles.

At this time, the faces of those nobles were confused, some thoughtful, but there was no doubt that they were all listening to her words quietly.

"In view of the problems in various contracts that were exposed during the war, I decided to restore the territorial autonomy of all the nobles, and set up the Ministry of Government, the Ministry of War, and the taxation department in the capital, so as to unify the whole The military, politics, water conservancy, construction, etc. of the kingdom."

"From now on, the territories of the nobles will no longer have the right to legal autonomy and tax autonomy. The local government officials and tax officials will be dispatched by various departments, and their performance will be assessed year by year."

"Those who fail the assessment will be dismissed from government positions."

"At the same time, the kingdom will allocate funds this year to build [-] elementary schools.

colleges, twenty intermediate colleges and ten advanced colleges”

"These colleges will face all national enrollment, as long as they are citizens of the kingdom, they have the right to receive education, and - the education fees of junior colleges are all exempt!"

After Loksani finished speaking, there was silence in the entire hall, until Loksani sat back on her throne, and the nobles in the entire hall burst into a commotion.

"I'm against, I'm strongly against"

"I protest, Your Majesty, I will never agree to such an order"

"Your Majesty, this is the way of death, please take back this order!"

"Your Majesty, you must have been bewitched by someone. How can you do such a thing?"

Listening to the hoarse shouts of the nobles, and seeing the chaos under the stage, Roxani became calm at this time.

Sometimes, it's like this. When you don't do it, you always worry about this and that. But when you do it, you are not reconciled because you have no way out.


A violent shout full of powerful spiritual power came out of Ronald's mouth for an instant, and the nobles in the entire hall were shaken, but they were not angry, but looked at Ronald with surprise.

If you want to ask—whose decrees have the most impact on, then whose territory has the most impact, and who has the most impact, the two dukes above have not spoken yet, these little nobles are in a hurry to find a hair.

It seems that this... the Duke can't sit still anymore. Thinking of this, the nobles temporarily suppressed the restlessness in their hearts and looked at Ronald.

They were waiting for Ronald to speak out against Roxani's expectant gaze from these nobles, Ronald laughed, yes, such a reform was indeed a big step.

If nothing else, just taking back all the autonomy and taxation rights of the nobles' territories would be equivalent to taking the nobles' half-life.

To put it simply, it is to turn a soil emperor who can do whatever he wants into a big landlord who only has land.

How can this satisfy the nobles? If this is a world without extraordinaryness, then Ronald would never dare to do this, after all - if it doesn't work out, there will be flames everywhere and the fire of war will resume - being kicked out of the throne.

As strong as Emperor Li Shimin of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, he had to bow his head to the power of the aristocratic family at that time, but this is an extraordinary world, a world where force suppresses everything.

Here, Ronald allows them to be demons, so what can they do? This kind of reform is gentle and pleasant to say, but in fact, when it is not a bloody change, this kind of thing always touches a lot. of human interests.

When it comes to personal interests, no one will be soft. After all, cutting people's wealth is like killing one's parents.

So——"I agree with His Majesty's restructuring plan"

Speaking of this, Ronald showed a bloodthirsty smile at the nobles, "You can vote with your feet to give up all your rights and obligations to leave this country, I will not stop it, but please don't try to provoke me, otherwise , you will find out what a foolish thing you have done."

Having said this, Ronald smiled even more happily.

"Actually, I personally hope that you can be a little more stupid, and I have a reason to kill you all for treason. This will free up more positions for more meritorious nobles, please remember one thing, Restructuring is His Majesty's order, not--a political discussion!"


Chapter 3 My Name - DeWitt Ponia... [3/[-]]

Chapter 1 Blood feud still needs blood to pay... [3/[-]]


Hearing this surname, the pupils of Marquis Francis shrank.

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