Chapter 3 The only successful existence... [3/[-]]

Chapter 1 Mom, Mom... You eat... [3/[-]]

Looking at the dirty loli like a little wild cat with teeth and claws in his hands, Ronald sighed faintly.

He knew that this little loli named Isa was the only successful individual in the second-generation experiment.

She even knew that the skeleton in the corner was her mother.

Because her mother gave birth to her, the only successful and perfect individual, in order to study whether the blood in her body has some kind of miraculous stabilizing effect, the wizards brutally made her, who had not recovered from the postpartum weakness just now, again, again. To conceive, you must know that a woman with a silver bloodline will normally have to rest for at least ten to fifteen years before giving birth to another child.

After all, every time a child is conceived, for them, the blood in their bodies is almost stripped clean.

And those wizards who were eager to get a successful experiment obviously ignored this. For them, Isa's mother was just one of the many experimental subjects.

The only difference from other experimental subjects may be that she successfully gave birth to the genius Isa.

But this was not a good thing for her, and it became the reason for her death.

Under the leadership of the wizard who is eager for quick success, Isa's mother did not survive the extraction of the fetus during pregnancy, and finally died before the fetus was formed.

This was an unbearable blow for Isa.

In this dark and dark base, her mother may be the only light in her life.

And this light will eventually go out, so - the nine-year-old little Loli broke out that she was so awake under extreme anger and sadness, without any auxiliary materials and rituals, and woke up as soon as she woke up. I skipped the apprentice silver knight rank and advanced directly to the silver knight rank. However, this is not a good thing. The reason why the silver child chooses to awaken to adulthood is because the adult's body has developed normally in all aspects. In terms of bone and blood vessels, she has also obtained the most perfect development, and Isa awakened herself at the age of nine and reached the silver knight rank, which made her congenitally weak, and was essentially in a situation that was neither embarrassing nor embarrassing.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, if the energy level of an ordinary knight is ten, and the energy level of a silver knight is one hundred, then Isa, a genius who awakened herself, is limited by herself because of her early awakening. Due to the immaturity of her body, her energy level is only between fifty and seventy stronger than that of ordinary knights, but it is weaker than that of silver knights of the same level. Because she wants to study the secrets in Isa's bloodline, those wizards only Not immediately.

Kill this Isa who has turned from a genius to a waste in their eyes.

Seeing the little loli who was still indomitably dancing and scratching at him, even though he was holding it in his hands, Ronald couldn't help but feel a tinge in his heart.

"Little guy, I'm not your enemies. I'm not.

came to rescue you"

While speaking, Ronald stretched out and stroked her messy, messy hair, whose original color was no longer visible.

However, it is clear that Ronald's display did not let the little loli who had been in prison for so many years put down her guard.


The little loli raised her head and sighed, biting Ronald's hand tightly, biting her desperately.

Biting back and forth.

It's like a little wild cat catching a mouse.

With Ronald's current physique, of course he couldn't be bitten by Isa, and he didn't get angry, but asked with a smile, "Are you hungry?"

Ronald knew that after becoming a Silver Knight, the appetite of ordinary people would increase to an astonishing level.

And although the wizards here want to study the secrets of the blood in Isa's body, they will never let her eat enough.

After all, Isa was not kind to the wizards who killed her mother.


Hearing Ronald's words, Isa still bit Ronald's hand tightly, and a threatening whimper came out of her mouth.

Ronald didn't care about Little Loli's unfriendliness. Instead, he turned his hand and took out a piece of tiramisu from the world. "Want to try it? It's very good."

Perhaps it was the sweet smell of tiramisu that made Isa's tense body relax a little, but her big eyes were still staring at Ronald with vigilance.

She let go of the small mouth that was biting Ronald's hand, and then a pair of small hands were like lightning, and snatched the tiramisu from Ronald's hand. Putting it in front of him, holding up his small nose, he sniffed and seemed to feel this strange thing, it smelled good, and Isa relaxed a little bit of vigilance.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go!"

Perhaps because of being imprisoned for too long, Isa has some aphasia. When speaking, Ronald, who stuttered, smiled, and gently put the little loli on the ground to regain her freedom. Loli, like a wisp of blue smoke, fled into the arms of the skeleton in the corner again, as if offering a treasure, carefully holding the tiramisu cake in her hand and placing it next to her mother's skeleton's mouth. She actually knew that she His mother had died, but—she was unwilling to admit this fact in her heart.

"Mom, Mom, you eat"

Hearing Little Loli's tender voice and watching this heart-wrenching scene, Ronald's eyes were wet.

He remembered a short video he had seen in this world. It was a little wild cat who was just full term. He limped in the garbage, and found a piece of minced meat. He happily took the minced meat and brought it to him. The video of his mother is just that his mother has been dead for a long time, and the little wild cat does not know that until the moment it is rescued, the little wild cat will not leave his mother's side.

How similar this scene is to that video At this moment, Ronald suddenly had a strong idea that he wanted to adopt this poor little loli.

Give her the best things in the world and make her the happiest little princess in the world.

Watching the little loli carefully divide the tiramisu that Ronald gave her into two parts, one large and one small, and then put the large part into her mother's mouth, holding her mother's chin with her hand. Bone, one on top of the other, like chewing: generally smashing that big piece of cake.

Ronald suddenly felt like he wanted to burst into tears. He didn't stop Little Loli from doing this, which seemed to a normal person to be pointless, even neurotic. He just took out more food and handed it to him. Little loli, let her be full.


Chapter 2 I want to make you the happiest little princess in the world... [3/[-]]

The drowning swamp in the dark night, quiet and serene.

Except for the chirping of insects nearby and the occasional roar of wild beasts from a distance, everything else was fine.

Ronald sat on the rotting tree trunk and gently shook the grill on the bonfire in front of him to ensure that the meat on the grill clips would be evenly heated.

On the boulder opposite him, a young figure sat.

I saw that figure, which looked about [-] meters tall. He was wearing a long black Lolita dress. On his thin face, there was a faint blush. He had long pale golden hair tied into a A side ponytail fell over his shoulders.

On her head, she also wears a top hat hair accessory, which looks extremely playful.

The whole person gives the feeling of a superb little loli.

Of course, except for one thing - that is, it's a little too thin.

But fortunately, her thinness is not natural, it is only caused by long-term malnutrition.

This little Loli is none other than the little Isa Lolita that Ronald rescued from the base.

At this moment, she was staring at the delicious food on the grill that was constantly emitting the aroma of barbecue. The pink scorpion always opened and closed involuntarily, as if she wanted to open it at any time, biting it viciously. And her right hand was placed on her chest, gently rubbing the necklace pendant hanging down from her neck.

The pendant was a space ring because her fingers were too thin, so Ronald had to wear the space ring with a metal chain and hang it around the little loli's neck.

In the space ring, there is the remains of Isa's little Loli's mother, which is her mother to Little Loli.

As long as she rubbed the ring, Isa could feel her mother's skeleton in the ring through her mental power, as if her mother had never left her side.

Although Ronald kept his eyes on the barbecue, his attention was always on Little Loli.

Seeing Isa's little Lolita's quiet appearance, he breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, when he took Little Loli out of the base at first, she looked at the sky outside and didn't even dare to come out. In the end, Ronald abducted her little by little with delicious food.

After kidnapping Little Loli out, Ronald directly buried the entire base underground.

Then I coaxed her, and after taking a bath, I have to say, Little Loli hasn't taken a bath in a few years, and many places on her body are covered with ash.

It took a whole bottle of shower gel, two bottles of shampoo, and three 3 bath towels to completely restore the little loli to her original appearance.

Fortunately, the height of Isa's little loli is similar to that of Enya's little loli, so the clothes and shoes prepared for Enya's little loli in Ronald's ring are all used.

Perhaps because her mother [wearing her mother space ring necklace] was by her side, Isa little Loli didn't do anything to resist, but honestly let Luo take a bath and dress up, which is still very good.

At this time, the barbecue was almost cooked, Ronald took out the oil and brushed it, then sprinkled the soul of the barbecue - pepper and cumin.

After doing all this, Ronald cut a large piece of barbecue from the top, then skewered it with a sharpened wooden drill, and sent it to Isa Little Loli, "It's dinner, let's eat"

Looking at the barbecue in front of her, Isa's little Loli was drooling, but she still pushed the barbecue in front of her with her small hand, "You, you eat"

Little Loli's sensible appearance made Ronald very happy, "You eat first"

Before Ronald's words were finished, Little Loli grabbed the barbecued meat from Ronald's hand and stuffed it into Ronald's mouth.

Then, like a habit, she pressed Ronald's chin to help him chew: this move made Ronald speechless for a while, "I can eat it myself"

Ronald said, took a light bite, and pushed the barbecue to the little Loli's side again, "Let's eat together"

Looking at the grilled meat that was bitten by the side, a trace of confusion flashed in Little Loli's eyes, but soon, a look of joy appeared on her little face, and she nodded her head vigorously, "En"

In this way, the two of you quickly wiped out this piece of barbecue, one bite and one bite.

At this moment, the face of the little loli was filled with a moving smile.

A piece of barbecue is obviously not enough for the two of them. After all, both of them are big eaters. This young roasted devil crocodile, which is about two meters long and weighs more than one hundred kilograms, was given to the two of you one bite at a time. Eat a clean one.

It has to be said that the juvenile crocodile is indeed a rare delicacy.

It not only has the characteristics of the firm flesh of the crocodile itself, but also does not have the shortcoming of the succulent dry wood of the adult crocodile. The most important thing is that it has the addition of seasonings.

Perhaps Ronald's food strategy played a role. At this time, the little Loli was not like she was full of precautions against him when she first met.

After she was full, Little Loli nestled in Ronald's arms very naturally, drinking the yogurt that Ronald took out.

Even the little Loli habitually grabbed Ronald's hand and let him hold her just like she was in prison, holding her mother's hand and holding herself.

I have to say that this scene looks like a father and daughter are getting along.

In fact, since she was a child, Loli was willing to share food with Ronald, she already regarded Ronald as a person to be close to.

The child's nature and the superhuman intuition of the Silver Knight made her feel that Ronald had no malice towards her. Not only was he not malicious, but he was also full of kindness that made her feel extremely warm.

It is precisely because of this that she is so close to Ronald.

And at this time, Ronald, to be honest, was really at a loss.

Ronald wouldn't be nervous if he was picking up girls, but it was the first time for him to take a child.



When Isa heard Ronald call her name, she raised her head and looked at Ronald cutely.

"How about following my surname in the future?"

Ronald asked with a smile: "You will be called Isagrid from now on."

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