
Although I don't understand what the surname means, Isa feels that Ronald is not malicious.

"Isa will call me Daddy from now on"

Ronald said sharply.

"Dad, what is Daddy"

Isa has never met her real father, so she doesn't understand what father means.

"Dad's meaning is - from now on, Isa is my daughter, and I will take good care of Isa and make her the happiest little princess in the world"

Chapter 3: Going to the St. Mar Empire to join in the fun... [3/[-]]

Port Drake used to be the busiest port city in the Kingdom of Molor. There are two commercial shipping lanes here, one to the Wakan Alliance and the other to the St. Mar Empire. This shipping route serves the Kingdom of Molor every day. It has brought tens of thousands of commercial benefits, but now it is also a bit bleak.

After all, the spread of the plague on the mainland has forced almost all kingdoms to close down and implement a closed policy.

Only by reducing the flow of people can the conditions for the spread of the plague be reduced.

This is the suggestion of the Silver Council, and this suggestion was made by Ronald through the Silver Temple.

From the current point of view, the effect is not bad, at least, the spread of the plague has been effectively controlled, and even they have caught a lot of secrets arranged by the monastery.

Based on the information Ronald received from the Temple of Silver Light before he left, the Silver Light Council and the Silver Moon Alliance on the mainland have greatly increased their strength due to the skyrocketing high-end combat power.

But because the monastery is hiding too deeply, the two sides have entered a strange equilibrium period.

Because of the existence of the Silver Moon Alliance, the Priory was unable to expand the results of the war, and the Silver Light Council and the Silver Moon Alliance were unable to dig out these ground rats, so they could not win the battle.

Therefore, the entire continent has fallen into this strange equilibrium period of calm on the surface and surging undercurrents.

In fact, the Silver Moon Alliance at this time also knows that if these wizards cannot be completely cleaned up within three months, then they will lose.

After all, in three months, they will return to the two guardian sites of the Eternal Bulwark and the Green Sea of ​​Death.

At that time, the Silver Glorious Council would not be able to cope with this sorcerer's attack with its current strength.

This made the Silver Moon Alliance a bit sloppy. However, Ronald would just watch the monastery go on and on, how could it be possible that before he left, he listed a list of four-tier orders 4 The underground bases of some monasteries found in the memory of the wizard's soul were passed to the Silver Council through the Silver Temple.

If the Silver Council is really successful, the Priory will definitely be hit hard by an unimaginable blow.

At this time, he came to Drake Harbor to join in the fun in the Saint Mar Empire.

Some people will say, since it is to join in the fun, it must be as fast as possible. Why doesn't Ronald fly over? It's a good question-knowing that in this world without accurate maps, no satellites, and guidance, tens of thousands of flights Kilometers, what will happen? You will find that you who never get lost suddenly become a road idiot because you don't even know where you are going, and then you will really become a bridge in a famous cross talk home. After a while, fly down for a while and ask for directions, fly for a while and then come down to ask for directions.

The most important thing is - you can't ask if it's wrong, after all, not everyone knows where they are.

Besides, Ronald is still planning to hide himself and make trouble. You will ask for directions later. Are you really planning to hide your identity? Are you kidding me? The sea is different. As long as Ronald is at sea, only If you need to fly along the coastline, you will never get lost.

That's why Ronald must come to Drake Harbor.

Ronald took Isa's little hand and walked to the port area, looking at the bustling port in the past, it became: so desolate, some free people who depended on carrying goods to support their families lay lazily in the open space of the port, but no I couldn't help but sigh slightly, "It seems that the plague has affected the fragile business of this world to some extent."


Isa holds a doll half her size and looks at Rhona strangely

German glance.

She couldn't figure out what her father meant when she said "Hehe, I'm fine"

Looking at the questioning look that leaked from Isa's big cute eyes, Ronald smiled: "Just a little emotional."

As he spoke, Ronald walked to the port, the shipping management office responsible for registering ships entering and leaving the port.

The person who works in the shipping management office is a middle-aged man with a big belly. The shipping management office used to be a big shortage. After all, in addition to registering the entry and departure of ships, they also charge the berthing fee of the ship, although it is far from the tax that is not far away. The money collected is a lot, but it can also make a little bit of money, and it is not without small supplements for fat people.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to maintain his current physique.

The fat man who was dozing off immediately saw Ronald and Isa walking into the management office.

The spirit is shaken.

At this time, Ronald did not use his own appearance, but still used the appearance of Richard, and on his chest, pinned an aristocratic badge.

As a commoner fat man, he must show enough respect to this... noble knight.

After all, it is a big crime for the common people to contradict the nobles in any country.

"Dear sir, what can I do for you?"

A flattering smile appeared on the fat man's face.

"I need a boat, a passenger boat that can go to sea"

Ronald said slowly: "Is there a problem?"

"It's certainly no problem, just"

The fat man glanced secretly, and Isa, who was standing beside Ronald, looked at Ronald and said, "It just takes a little time, after all, as you know, the current situation is a bit special, and many passenger ships are no longer doing business. so I need some time."

"how long"

Ronald asked indifferently.

"That...about tomorrow"

Before the fat man could finish speaking, Ronald took out a bulging gold coin bag from his waist, opened it, and threw three gold coins on the table.

"If you can help me get it done by the afternoon, then these three gold coins are yours!"

"Of course, of course no problem!!"

The fat shipping officer smiled even more happily, the fat on his face all piled up.

"Please wait here for a while, I'll make arrangements for you right away!"

While speaking, the fat shipping officer took the gold coins on the table into his hands with lightning speed, and then rushed out of the shipping room as if flying.

He wasn't worried at all about what Ronald was doing to his office, after all, there was nothing but a tattered set of desks and chairs, and some utterly worthless junk.

All these things together are not worth a hundred copper nar.

Looking at the figure of the fat man running away outside the house, Isa said dissatisfiedly: "Dad, I don't like this guy, he has malice towards us in his heart"

"I know"

Ronald said with a smile: "It is because he is malicious to us that I intend to continue to use him."


Isa asked in confusion.

"Because--I didn't intend for the ship to reappear in this port at all."


Chapter 1 I want to see Boss Kiel... [3/[-]]

Just when Ronald and Isa Little Loli were chatting in the shipping room, the fat shipping officer rushed to the shanty town not far from the port at a speed that did not fit his size.

In this shanty town built of rotten wood and broken stones, there lived freemen who worked hard labor on the dock.

They live here, eat, drink and Lazar so-called sparrows are small, but even if they are so dilapidated, like a slum, there are still some commercial activities.

For example - a black shop that can be used by porters to sell stolen goods.

[It has become the norm for porters to lead sheep in the process of transporting goods from foreign ships.

】For example - there are some indescribable shops that have a bit of beauty, or they grew up here, and there are some indescribable shops where skilled women gather.

Another example - an unremarkable looking tavern and the destination of the fat shipping officer is this unremarkable fish bone tavern.

With a bang, the door of the tavern was opened, and a complex smell mixed with inferior perfume, inferior beer, and the stench of sweat filled the fat man's nostrils. For this kind of odor that made the nobles cover their noses, the fat man's marine officer was very concerned. But it was sweet.

The porters who were doing nothing in the tavern, drinking and chatting, immediately stopped their bragging when they heard the sound of the tavern door being slammed open.

Unanimously, they turned their eyes to the door. When they saw the washed and somewhat whitish uniform of the shipping officer and the fat figure, they immediately burst into laughter.

"Look who's here, isn't this our Lord Joy"

Hearing this ridicule, the ragged coolies burst into laughter again.

They were not afraid of Joey, the Fat Shipman, or - although Joey, the Fatty Shipman, had some power in the port, they were not afraid of him like ordinary freemen coolies.

If you look closely, you will find that the coolies here, although they are all ragged, but compared to the coolies of the docks resting in the port open space, they are much stronger, and their faces are also shiny. Full face, without the slightest dish.

Obviously, the coolies here have lived a much better life than those of ordinary port coolies.

Because they are the subordinates of Boss Kiel, although their number is only [-]% of the coolies of the entire dock, but they are responsible for [-]% of the loading and unloading work of the entire dock.

This is the power of the organization. Faced with the mockery of the coolies, the fat shipping officer Qiao thought it. After all, the relationship between the two sides is not that good at all in normal times, and there are even occasional small frictions.

However, today he is not... "Where is Boss Kiel? I want to see him" who came to this trouble.

Said Captain Joey loudly.

"You want to see our boss"

A coolie with a height of more than two meters stood up, walked up to Joey, lowered his head and said disdainfully: "Who do you think you are, the butler of Count Masili?"

Hearing the big man's words, there was another burst of laughter in the tavern.

Seeing the smug look of the big man in front of him, Joey resisted the anger in his heart, "I have a business to sigh with your boss, a big business"

Joey's words not only did not restrain these coolies, but instead brought louder mockery.

They are still very happy to see the high-ranking shipping officers slumped on weekdays. This is the inferiority of human beings.

However, just when the big man was about to sneer for a few more words, a hoarse voice came from the stairs in the distance.

"Get out of the way, stupid big guy, Boss Kiel let him up"

Hearing this familiar voice, the big man couldn't help shivering and let go.

The whole tavern's laughter stopped along with the hoarse voice, as if the pause button had been pressed in an instant.

Looking at the emaciated figure leaning against the stairs with his arms around his chest, the shipping officer Joey nodded lightly.

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