My world double door

Chapter 102 Undercurrent (please subscribe)

‘I don’t know how Chang Yanyan and Yu Dong are doing. ’

While the plane was flying, this idea flashed through Li Yang's mind. He was silent for a moment and slowly shook his head.


As the end of the year approaches, the city is much emptier, and correspondingly, airports, train stations, and high-speed rail stations are full of people.

Li Yang and Lin Shiyu landed in the crowd, drove into the car parked in the airport parking lot, and returned home all the way. Two days later, Dai Yueming reluctantly packed her luggage and asked Li Yang to help take her home. .

"Go in and have a cup of hot water before leaving. It'll be fine."

Li Yang drove Dai Yueming all the way to the underground garage below her building. He originally wanted to leave, but Dai Yueming was reluctant and took his hand and asked him to go home for a glass of water.

Li Yang had no choice but to follow her. Dai Yueming smiled and hugged Li Yang's arm, and asked Li Yang to take the elevator with her to her home.

When he got outside the door, Dai Yueming took out his key and opened the door. After the door opened, a woman wearing jeans walked to the door in confusion and was stunned when she saw Dai Yueming.


Another man came from the living room wearing slippers and walked behind the woman. He looked out and was also stunned.

"Let's go watch your TV. I'll let him come in and have a rest."

Dai Yueming glanced at them with squinted eyes, then pulled Li Yang into the room and closed the door indifferently.

Li Yang coughed, somewhat embarrassed, and the man smiled awkwardly, and then dragged the woman beside him to the living room without saying anything.

Dai Yueming poured hot water for Li Yang in a polite way, and squeezed his shoulders enthusiastically like a little daughter-in-law.

Well...she is indeed a little daughter-in-law.

Li Yang originally planned to send Dai Yueming over and leave, but seeing that the woman stayed at home and refused to leave, Dai Yueming was unwilling to let Li Yang go.

Just procrastinating and procrastinating, I slept here all night.

It wasn't until the next morning when the woman left that Dai Yueming said goodbye to Li Yang, who was leaving in a Rolls-Royce under her husband's stunned eyes.


"Huh, that's true."

After leaving Dai Yueming's house, Li Yang thought about the madness last night and shook his head. He was about to go to Zhou Li's house when he suddenly received a message on his phone.

[Chen Qian: My dear, let’s have dinner together at noon]

"No, I have something to do at noon."

Li Yang chuckled and said something casually. Breeding No. 9 automatically edited it into text and sent it over. He then drove the car towards the place where Zhou Li lived.

On the other side, Chen Qian, who received Li Yang's message, pursed her lips and showed the chat page to the woman on the side.

"Sister Yu, he is not free and won't come."

Chen Qian took back her phone and spoke with her mouth pursed, with a hidden tiredness in her expression.

These days, the leaders of this department have been too enthusiastic towards her. Although she knows that this opportunity is rare, her heart is also a little heavy, because she is sure that this enthusiasm is not because of her, but because of Li Yang.

Along with enthusiasm and all kinds of good things, there is also invisible pressure. Just like now, Yu Xiaohua expressed that she was very curious about such a young entrepreneur who had started a successful business from scratch and wanted to make an appointment to meet her. She had no reason to refuse. You can only contact us proactively.

This feeling made her unhappy.

It can be said that she has only been working for half a year. Due to these drastic changes, her face has lost the original smile, and the pride and complacency in her heart have been shattered.

The looks from her colleagues, the jealousy and resentment expressed from time to time, and... the few people who had a strong relationship and were sarcastic towards her behind her back, made the fatigue on her face deeper and deeper.

And...the coldness behind the leadership's enthusiasm...

"It's okay. We can't make an appointment this time. Let's make an appointment next time. I'll look for his contact information myself later and take the initiative to add his contact information."

Yu Xiaohua spoke to Chen Qian with a smile, her eyes moving as she spoke, charming and charming: "Li Yang is an outstanding entrepreneur in Heyang City. I should take the initiative to contact him for strategic planning."

Chen Qian was stunned for a moment, then pursed her lips and showed a forced smile.




In a community near Hele Baihua Building, Li Yang parked his car in the underground garage and took the elevator to the floor where Zhou Li's house was. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw a man wearing a black sweater and jeans, with his hair loose. The woman who was dressed simply but still made people feel very elegant was waiting for him at the elevator entrance with a smile.

"Didn't you say you could just wait for me at home? Why are you still at the elevator?"

Li Yang looked at Xu Yuan standing at the door of the elevator, raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then asked curiously: "Where's Zhou Li, by the way, it's the Chinese New Year, why don't you go home and want me to have a dinner with you?" ah?"

"Zhou Li is packing the ingredients. I'll wait for you in the elevator first."

Xu Yuan said with a smile, and then took the initiative to lead Li Yang into the room: "You didn't go home, and you still talked about us."

"I went back as soon as I said I would. It's only been two days. How do you two plan to spend this year?"

Li Yang smiled, followed Xu Yuan inside, and asked curiously: "Is it possible that I won't go back during the New Year?"

"How is that possible? I also plan to go home these two days, but Zhou Li doesn't want to go back. I will ask you to accompany her at noon today."

Xu Yuan shook her head and sighed softly: "I want you to persuade her. If not, you can come back to my house to spend the New Year."

"You don't even want to go home. What's going on?"

"I'm not happy staying at home."

The two chatted, and with Li Yang's confused look, they walked to the house where they lived. Zhou Li, who was wearing an apron, warmly welcomed Li Yang and asked him to sit down first and have lunch while she cleaned up. .

How could Li Yang watch them do it, he smoothed his sleeves and went to help, and asked her why she didn't want to go home. He gave her the last advice and told her to follow him home. Zhou Li hesitated for a moment, but still shook her head. : "Li Yang, I'd better stay here by myself. It happens to be quiet and peaceful during the Chinese New Year..."

"What's the point of being clean? It's better to have a lively New Year. I can't spend this New Year with Xu Yuan."

Li Yang rolled his eyes, and after a few words of persuasion, Zhou Li finally nodded in agreement with a smile. Then the three of them sat around in the living room and ate hot pot, then packed up and left the room together.

After locking the door, the two women each drove a BMW back. Before leaving, Xu Yuan looked at Li Yang and seemed to hesitate to speak.

Li Yang asked her if there was anything wrong. Zhou Li over there urged her, and Xu Yuan pursed her lips: "I'll tell you when I get back after the New Year."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Li Yang smiled and nodded, watched them leave, then stretched and drove directly to his home.

Not long after, Li Yang's figure disappeared from the sky in the underground area of ​​the East District Villa.

[‘Expression Flower’ requests to add you as a friend: Mr. Li Yang, I am Yu Xiaohua from the Investment Promotion Center. It is an honor to meet you.]




[Explosion Potion] A basic potion that can greatly increase a person's explosive power.

The effect is very simple, but after taking such an explosive potion, a person's combat effectiveness can instantly increase linearly.

In the dense forest, Li Yang, who had traveled through time, looked at the black wooden sign that was still motionless, shook his head, put it away, raised his head and drank the potion, feeling the surging power rising from his body instantly, grinning. Mouth.

As usual, he placed the genetic medicine box inside the [Zongheng Mecha], followed by a body like lightning, and suddenly ran towards the direction of Black Rock City.

"Bang bang bang..."

Both feet landed on the ground with a muffled sound. Taking the explosive potion made Li Yang seem to have a huge force in his body, allowing him to exert himself wildly. Even his speed was explosively improved under the effect of this potion. .

Run, run, keep running.

Breathing in and out made a whirring sound like a fan. Li Yang ran wildly with his head buried in the air, releasing the power of his body crazily.

It was late at night when Li Yang came. After taking the potion, he ran until dawn and the east became brighter, and then the power of the potion was slowly and completely absorbed.

"Phew, I have already taken all the basic potions for physical strength."

Li Yang looked at Chaoyang, slowly stopped his fast running, took a deep breath, felt the sweat on his body, and thought to himself, he looked around, and there was an unmanned figure that he had never seen on the ground around him. wasteland.

He ran at full speed for three hours. At an even faster speed, he came to a completely unfamiliar place outside the range of the previous mecha lifts.

However, it is still far from the scope of Black Rock City.

[Qiankun]'s fastest flight speed reaches Mach 5, which is a very terrifying speed. You must know that the fastest fighter jet in the real world is only Mach 3.3.

When Li Yang usually flies, he uses the advanced air technology of the mecha, which can fly at half Mach speed without causing sonic booms or excessive atmospheric flow, so there is no movement.

But in this world, after he left the city, he flew at the fastest speed of Mach 5 in the high altitude. This was really a too fast speed, converted to 1701.5 meters per second.

For him today, it is really a level that is physically out of reach.

"Breed No. 9, start wearing the exoskeleton and mecha, and fly to the location of [Black Rock City] in the [Second Map]."

Li Yang, who was sweating from running, opened his arms and spoke slowly. The two black iron blocks, one large and one small, flying around him immediately transformed and were armed on him one after another.

The next moment, the magnetic blue light and the power device were activated together, taking Li Yang's figure into the sky and flying quickly towards the direction of Black Rock City.

Li Yang closed his eyes and rested for a while. When he opened his eyes again, the mecha had already flown over Black Rock City.

In the process, he felt just like a battery car, flying without any pressure.

Li Yang turned around and controlled the mecha to fall from the air to the training compound on the edge of the city. He put away his headgear and shouted to run with them under the enthusiastic eyes of the teenagers who were running in the morning training.

In order to train warriors with sufficient combat effectiveness, he had these boys run five kilometers in the morning and evening every day. Of course, for their health, he also arranged a scientific training and rest schedule recommended by Breeding No. 9 to strengthen these boys. Zaizi's physical fitness also maintains their physical health.

But because of this, a lot of meat, eggs and milk are consumed. These days, the number of people in the training base has grown to one hundred and twenty.

Li Yang accompanied them until the end, and consolidated his thoughts with a gentle smile before leaving the training compound with a smile.

The body lifted into the air again and flew to the other side of the mountain forest next to the training compound. One was feeding fifty strong horses, thirty cows, one hundred donkeys, two hundred pigs, and two thousand sheep. Large-scale integrated separate farms with more chickens, ducks and geese are undergoing strict health control in accordance with Li Yang's requirements.

Next to the farm, there is an additional pond covering an area of ​​ten acres, in which fish fry that have just been scattered for more than a month are wandering in groups.

At the breeding farm and beside the pond, there were forty or fifty guard male slaves holding large dogs that were deeply implanted in Li Yang's scent memory. They were on constant duty with weapons in their hands.

Scent implantation... This is a special function of [Breeding No. 9] for dogs, which allows these ferocious dogs to always remember who their owners are loyally.

Outside the farm, the fence, which is only over one meter high, is still being raised. It is obvious that the farm has not been completely built. At the beginning, the animals could only be tied to pegs, and the chickens Small ducks and geese are kept in cages.

The barns were recently built and they were allowed in, but the outer walls are still under construction.

Li Yang looked around and was quite satisfied with the breeding farm led by Laimier.

Cows and horses are both precious species in this world, so they are very rare. They cannot be bought with money, and the same goes for donkeys.

Good horses are all controlled by the kingdom and sent to the army. Donkeys are used for driving and driving, and cattle are used for plowing. Only pigs and sheep are relatively abundant. However, compared to the real world, the pigs in this world are a bit primitive and there are not many.

Sheep are the largest number of large livestock.

Fortunately, the number of chickens, ducks and geese is enough to make up for the meat needed for the daily operation of the mansion.

"Number 9, continue to send brainwave messages to the slaves under your command at the best frequency to strengthen their loyalty to me."

Li Yang took a closer look, walked around with the servants respectfully sending him off, and then flew into the sky. When he returned to his mansion, he gave instructions to Breeding No. 9.

[Received on the 9th]

With a response, invisible brainwave signals were accurately put into the minds of these slaves, guiding their emotions and thoughts.

Let them have a feeling of peace of mind when they think of Master Li Yang, a strong sense of solidity when they think of Master Li Yang, and a strong sense of security when they think of Master Li Yang. As long as they obey Master Li Yang's orders, everything will be fine. If everything is correct, you can feel at ease...

Li Yang smiled with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with this function. Then he landed in his mansion. Among the busy servants, he first checked the training status of the 20 female guards. He was satisfied. The nodded.

The bodies of these female guards were also growing vigorously. He was very satisfied with taking out the underwear and convenient items that he had stored in advance and handed them into their hands one by one.

Since Li Yang personally showed them how to use it in advance, they already knew the use of these things, and their eyes looking at Li Yang were full of eagerness and gratitude.

"My dear warriors, the master hopes that you will continue to grow in healthy clothing!"

Li Yang encouraged the little female warriors to deepen their thoughts, hugged them one by one, checked the imprint of Li Yang's name left on their buttocks, nodded with satisfaction, and allowed them to continue training while going back to relax. After taking a comfortable bath and putting on new clothes, he called Laimier to ask about the recent situation.

"Master, City Lord Redel Crow will leave Blackstone City the day after tomorrow to take up a post in another place to manage the city. I sent you an invitation three days ago. I hope you can attend his farewell dinner tomorrow if you can come back."

Laimier sent a black invitation to Li Yang and said respectfully.

"Oh? The city leader is transferred?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise, picked up the invitation and looked at it carefully, feeling a little curious.

After coming here for so long, this was the first time he noticed the power of the kingdom in this world.

"Sir, the Crow family is a very powerful noble in the royal capital. Although Lord Redel is not an extraordinary person, it is beneficial and harmless to be friends with them."

Laimier whispered suggestions, and Li Yang nodded casually: "I will go tomorrow to call Udi."


"Brother Wu Di, thank you for your kind words to Master Mage, so that he can cooperate with our Lan'er family. This glass of wine is dedicated to you."

In the Laner family, Pease Laner, who was smiling brightly, raised his glass and toasted to Udi, who grinned inwardly.

Kind words... ever?

"Of course, we are brothers. You saved me again. How could I not help you?"

Udi spoke with a kind smile on his face, raised his glass to touch Pease, and took a sip.

"Wudi, in the past you were busy in Master Mage's treasure shop. Why are you free to drink with me today?"

Pease put down his wine glass and asked with some confusion.

"I don't have any friends in this city. The only one I can drink with is you, Pease."

Udi looked at Pease and spoke with a smile. Pease raised his eyebrows and was about to say something when a servant suddenly came to report that Master Li Yang came back to see Udi.

Upon hearing this, Wu Di immediately stood up seriously, straightened his clothes, said goodbye to Pease, turned around and left in a hurry.

Looking at Udi's back, Pease narrowed his eyes.

"Gululu, poof~"

Udi went to the door, rinsed his mouth with sour soup to remove the alcohol smell, drank a few more sips, took a deep breath, and strode outside.

Just on the road, looking at the people coming and going, there was a flash of worry in the eyes.

As a slave merchant, he has not received any information about the arrival of slaves for a long time.

The farewell banquet for the descendants of the Crow family who will serve as the city lord tomorrow only aggravates the worries in his heart.

Except for the time when the great knights entered the battlefield on the Western Front, there was no report of victory so far...

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