My world double door

Chapter 103 You really dare to take advantage of me

Li Yang's high-end glass jewelry store does not require him to be in charge every day. With the initial buying frenzy in Black Rock City, after filling the demand of the nobles in Black Rock City, the business has entered a very stable state.

Although the transactions in the surrounding towns are also large-scale transactions, they only take about ten days to complete, not to mention that there is an eloquent shopkeeper who has plenty of time.

Moreover, as a senior slave trader, Udi, who made his fortune from the slave trade, would naturally not give up this point easily, but the slave trade relied heavily on one thing: wars between kingdoms.

Only when the battle is won can a large number of slaves flow into the market.

Or it could be that the war was defeated and a large number of civilians were unable to survive and sold themselves into slavery.

In addition to these two, there is also a high-end commodity: the family members of the convicted nobles are demoted as slaves for trade.

Apart from that, the only thing left is that it is impossible to survive. The scattered people who flow into the market every day just cannot form a group and it is difficult to make big profits.

Comparing the former two, the latter two are extremely small in number and cannot support the daily slave trade. Therefore, the slave trade really depends on the war between kingdoms.

However, since the last general of the slave-catching army was killed, there has been no news of the movement of slaves. The great knights who rushed to the battlefield only reported one victory when they first rushed to the battlefield, and there is still no news now.

Udi's slave trader's sense of smell made him keenly aware of something amiss.

"You're saying that the situation on the Western Front is likely to be bad, and that Black Rock City may be affected in the future?"

In the hall, Li Yang frowned and whispered while listening to Wu Di's worried report.

"Yes, my professional sense over the years tells me that something is wrong, very wrong."

Udy shook his head and his eyes were very solemn: "City Lord Redel is a direct descendant of the Crow family. Although he cannot enter the extraordinary due to qualification issues, there is a noble earth knight in the Crow family."

"The Earth Knight is a top-notch warrior who can rival a super magician and can destroy a city by himself. That's why the Ste family and the Riley family will give him face when he becomes the city lord here. Black Rock City is able to maintain its superficial calm."

"Blackstone City is a trading city outside the defensive cliff. It is a long way from the border and is also very close to the kingdom's strongest defense line [defensive cliff]. For an ordinary noble, it is a very good place. It’s enough for him to retire here safely and die.”

"However, it is doubtful that Redel is in such a good place, but suddenly he has to be transferred to the [Defense Cliff] as a minor official."

A trace of worry flashed across Udi's eyebrows: "I already know that the incoming city lord of Black Rock City is a high-level knight with a full set of knight armor and extraordinary mounts. However, although his strength is far more powerful than Redel, he is just a knight. Just a weak and lonely knight."

"The Ste family and the Riley family will no longer sell the face of the city lord's palace like they did before. The new city lord will definitely seek interests in the city. Not to mention the hidden crisis, this alone is worrying."

"These knights wandering around various towns, once they take office, they have to dig deep into the ground to find enough oil and water for their own use. According to their greedy character, Black Rock City will inevitably be in chaos."

Udi's worried voice echoed in the hall. Li Yang frowned and tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers. He looked up at the slave trader and smiled: "Black Rock City is going to be in chaos. This is just your guess. Or is it something that the nobles of Black Rock City are aware of?"

"As a senior slave merchant, Udi's sense of smell is much more sensitive than that of some ordinary nobles. However, some senior nobles in the city have noticed it and have been quietly transferring assets and people recently."

Udi nodded, and then spoke: "The Laner family, which has been on the rise recently, is also testing my tone. His family assets have begun to tentatively transfer, and he is also purchasing new sword-armed servants."

"In this case, it seems we have to make some preparations."

Li Yang squinted his eyes, then thought for a while, and then spoke carefully: "Let's go to the farm first to warn you, but something is wrong. Let these people collect the food and take it away as quickly as possible."

"Send people to the nearby mountains to look for possible hiding places. In addition, look for a place to stay after heading to the defensive cliff. If there is an accident, we will all move there."

"Sir, do you have any nobles in the royal capital who would be willing to vouch for you and take me into the city?"

After hearing what Li Yang said, Wu Di's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but speak.

Li Yang paused.

Why do you need a noble person to guarantee you?

"Maybe the situation can't reach that point. What I mean is, it's better to improve your own strength first."

Li Yang silently took back what he had just said, and then leaned forward and said: "Now we will try our best to buy and store food. In addition, we will buy male slaves for guard training to enhance our combat and resilience capabilities. On the other hand, there is one more thing for you to do."

"Can you understand this drawing?"

Li Yang took out a structural diagram of the underground passage and looked at the stunned Udi.


Wu Di, who was summoned by Li Yang, met with Master Li Yang for a full morning before leaving in a hurry after lunch.

On that day, carriages, oxen carts, and mule carts were rented, and they rushed out of the city in batches to transport grain and grass. At the same time, Udi also appeared among the nobles with large fields in their homes to collect grain.

In the servant trading house run by the Gray family, Li Yang visited here again and asked for five hundred male servants with Birrell's equally solemn expression, who only wanted to have sound limbs and good bodies.

"Lord Li Yang, I am willing to give these five hundred slaves Birrell to you. I just hope that you can save the Gray family once in a crisis."

When Li Yang was about to take out the money, Biler stopped his movement and spoke to him with a pleading look.

"I once said that the Grey's have earned my friendship."

Li Yang looked at Bilor's expression and rubbed his fingers: "Now, it still counts."

After saying that, Li Yang enthusiastically left Biler with five hundred slaves, taking them all the way to the camp where a new house was rebuilt.

"Boys, take them a good bath, change their clothes, and shave their sloppy hair just like you did when they first came here. In the future, he will train at half the intensity of your training. to improve their appearance.”

Five hundred male slaves were led by members of the Gray family to Li Yang's training compound. Li Yang gathered the 120 young men who had been selected based on their merits and spoke with a smile.

"Obey my master!"

One hundred and twenty young men who had become strong and full of energy raised their voices in response. Then Li Yang gave a simple command, and the young men led the group of male servants into their usual bathing place. A place to change clothes and pick your head.

The five hundred people were divided into three groups. They quickly completed all the changes and were taken to the large dining hall built by the young men to enjoy meat-based meals. The group of slaves devoured all the food they had beaten. After the second cleaning, they were then taken to the dormitory to receive bedding and daily necessities and divided into beds.

At dusk, the Gray family members cooperated in giving management training to let them know who to listen to here, how to do things, and so on.

It wasn't until dark that they all returned to their beds and slept comfortably.

Li Yang watched all of this quietly in the yard. He waited until the Crow family left before leaving and returned to the mansion to rest.

At night, Black Rock City seemed to become calmer.


The next morning, Li Yang, who woke up early, practiced the [Eating Body Strengthening Technique] as usual, and continued to strengthen his spiritual power through the simplest method.

Although the current [Eating Body Strengthening Technique] cannot make his soul power reach a higher state after the second transformation, relying on this method of continuous eating can still continue to enhance his soul power.

Although it cannot carry out qualitative changes and can only increase the quantity, it can still allow his soul power to continue to grow in this way.

"Master, do you want me to go out with you today?"

After practicing, the sound of Li Yang getting up woke up the three little slave girls in bed. They hurriedly got up from the bed, gathered around Li Yang and asked "caring" questions with factual actions.

"You guys can continue to rest."

How could Li Yang not know how tired these three little girls were last night? After all, he was the culprit, so he asked the three little bed-warming slave girls to continue resting with concern, and got up alone to let Ivy and the other five dress.

It is difficult for a good person like him to understand others' difficulties.

"Master, our team transporting grain was attacked by a group of bandits. Udi has already discovered their location. This is a group of bandits entrenched in Nanshan. All the first batch of grain we transported was stolen by them. ”

"Udi is outside the door now asking for your orders."

While she was getting dressed comfortably surrounded by five young slave girls, a figure suddenly ran towards the door of the room. The plump and sexy housekeeper Laimi hurriedly reported to him the news she had just learned.

Li Yang frowned and slowly pinched the buttocks of Ivy and Luofen, signaling them not to be distracted and to put on their clothes before talking.

After putting on the master's clothes, Li Yang, who was well-dressed, pulled his collar and looked at Laimier who was standing respectfully outside the door with a smile.

"Tell Udi to come in and wash up first and have breakfast."

"After dinner, all these robbers will die."

Li Yang smiled and patted Laimi's butt: "Don't panic, if you dare to touch my things, today will be the day when they die without their bodies intact!"

"Lemie understands!"

Laimier looked at the calm master in front of her, took a deep breath, and suppressed her panic. She bent down slightly and let her master touch her for a while. After the master let go, she bowed and turned around to notify Wu who had arrived overnight. Dee.

Li Yang calmly walked to the restaurant with his hands behind his back, and the five maids who served him followed him step by step. When they got there, they washed their hands and washed themselves. Breakfast was already prepared.

Li Yang showed a satisfied smile and carefully enjoyed breakfast under the service of five maids. Not long after, Udi also rushed over after washing up. His clothes were damp, his hair was messy, and there was a scratch on his forearm that was obviously very serious. Came in a hurry.

Li Yang asked his servants to move a bench for him at the dining table, took bowls and chopsticks to eat, and only asked Udi about the situation after he finished eating.

"The food was originally going to be transported to the training camp. In order not to attract too much attention during the day, I had loaded the truck and set off at dawn today. However, I didn't expect that not long after I left the village, I suddenly encountered a group of more than a hundred people. The bandits were so good at fighting that the guard slaves had no time to resist before they dispersed. I relied on a sneak attack to kill one of the bandits who ran too fast and took his horse to successfully escape."

After Udi finished his meal, he patted his belly, and a flash of anger flashed across his eyebrows: "Although these guys ran fast, I turned back and followed them and saw them. It's just that the mountain forest where they live seems a little strange, and I don't dare to rely on them." Too close, I saw them from a distance returning to Nanshan with their things, so I rushed back and reported to you as fast as possible!"

"What's weird, what's weird?"

Li Yang turned his head and asked the slave girl to wipe her mouth considerately. After listening to Wu Di's question, he frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"My sixth sense has always been very keen. After seeing the group of bandits entering the mountain, I had an inexplicable feeling that there was some savage beast watching me there. It was extremely dangerous."

Wu Di shook his head and said with some fear, and then couldn't help but look at Li Yang: "Since these bandits dare to stay there so blatantly for a long time, they must have something to rely on. If you go, master, you should be careful."

"What you said makes sense, be careful and you won't make a big mistake."

Li Yang nodded in agreement, then stood up. As he stepped forward, the cold armor was draped on him one after another. He walked out of the room, came to the yard, grabbed Udi and flew straight away. Sky.

"Show me the way."

Li Yang took Udi and flew high into the sky at a not-so-fast speed. When the scene below became wider and smaller, he said to Udi.

"Hoo, ho, ho, sir, there."

Wu Di felt the white clouds and breeze in the sky, looked at the tiny people and houses below, and took a few deep breaths with his mind blank at first. Then he searched for the direction in his memory, and suddenly headed downwards away from Li Yang's tenant village. He pointed to a mountain forest in the distance and said.

Li Yang took one look and immediately put Udi on the ground first, then soared into the sky at a speed far exceeding the speed he had just brought Udi with.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Li Yang's mecha flew into the air. Udi, who had flown to such a high place for the first time in his life, fell to the ground. Feeling the down-to-earth feeling, his heart beat violently and he couldn't help but gasp for air and hold his palms up. On the cold bluestone road, my body trembled slightly.

"Udy, are you okay?"

The servant in the mansion brought him hot soup and helped him up. Lemier asked Udi with concern.


Wu Di raised his head and drank the heat pain, feeling that his body was a little warmer. He wrapped himself in a quilt, shook his head, walked to the steps illuminated by the sun, lay down on the ground, and fell asleep in a short while. .



The powerful mecha power exploded, and Li Yang drove the mecha straight into the sky, reaching the sky above the mountain forest in the blink of an eye.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Fifty-one explosive flying knives flew out from the flying knife latch and automatically floated beside him. Li Yang looked at the forest below, and using brainwave transmission, the mecha immediately locked onto the human bodies wandering in the forest.

In order to avoid hurting innocent people, he turned the auxiliary ability of the mecha [Qiankun] to the highest level, and then suddenly dived down from the air at the fastest speed.


The mecha sprayed blue flames from its body, oscillating the air into circles of ripples. The cold mecha swooped down from the sky at a terrifying speed, and quickly rushed straight to the position ten meters above the mountain forest. Then he lifted up and flew at high speed over the mountain forest, circling the mountain forest that was scanned to be inhabited by vicious humans.


Strong winds blew in the mountains and forests as the mecha flew by. Even though the air control function was turned to the highest level, the ultra-low altitude flight at Mach 5 still blew up strong winds on the ground that could turn people upside down.



Horses, donkeys, cattle and sheep and other captive animals in the mountains and forests screamed in terror. Tables and chairs were blown over, and earthen pots were smashed. The robbers who were cheering in the valley were turned upside down by the blow, and they were robbed and killed. The packed grain fell from the wooden cart and rolled all over the ground.

Dust was flying, dead branches and leaves, insects, frogs, spiders and snakes in the forest were blown everywhere. In an instant, the entire village made of wood and stone was in a mess.


In the tallest stone house in the mountain forest, the wooden windows, tables and chairs were blown away by the strong wind. The head of the bandit sitting on the chair was blown to the ground. The original serious discussion atmosphere was completely disrupted by the sudden movement. A hand-held The old man with a wooden staff, wearing a black robe, with a bare head and only long gray hair around his head, had a gloomy face.

He walked outside the wooden door and looked at the messy cottage, and suddenly a bad feeling arose in his heart.

"Master Mage, isn't this the revenge of Master Li Yang from Black Rock City?"

A bandit leader next to him walked up to the old man. Looking at the sudden scene in front of him, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but speak.

"We haven't even taken action on his gem shop yet. We just robbed him of some food and slaves. How could it be because of this trivial matter..."

Before the bald mage in black robe had finished speaking, fifty-one tiny flying knives suddenly rushed into the stronghold with extremely fast speed and power.

"Puff puff……"

Sharp whistling sounds accompanied by continuous head blasts came like raindrops on the field. The black-robed mage's pupils shrank sharply. He was just about to cast a spell when suddenly a strong wind blew in front of his eyes.


The head of the black-robed mage was kicked open, and the cold armor appeared beside his body accompanied by a strong wind. He rubbed his feet on the ground disdainfully: "You are really trying to trick me."

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