My world double door

Chapter 105 It’s all the fault of the side effects!

Wooden tables are placed flatly in the hall, with meat, fruits and fine wine placed on them.

There are not many nobles in Black Rock City, only twenty-five. These twenty-five nobles control almost all the industries in Black Rock City. It can be said that except for a few small merchants, everyone else in Black Rock City is working for them. work to earn a living.

All the heads of the twenty-five families were invited to come. Everyone sat at a separate table and chair, with at least five female slaves provided by the Lords of Redel City beside them.

In order to make the nobles happy, these female slaves are all over twenty-three years old, beautiful in appearance, good in figure, sensible, careful and prudent in work. Compared with those little girls, they know how to please people better.

Twenty-five nobles sat in a row in a semicircle, and opposite them were the real protagonists of the entire Black Rock City: the Extraordinary Family.

The flame mage pattern of the Ste family, Megawati, the senior potion master of the Riley family, and the newly promoted mage Li Yang.

As the city lord and the host of this banquet, Redel was sitting slightly behind the three of them. The tables and chairs of the four of them faced the twenty-five nobles in a semicircle in front of them.

"During my time working in Black Rock City, Redel has been fortunate to get to know you all, and I am honored to receive your care, which has enabled Black Rock City to prosper for more than ten years."

"It's just that the elders of the family want me to go back. I have no choice but to leave here and go to another place. But I will go with you, but my friendship with you will always be there. Redel will always be your friend."

When everyone arrived, Redel picked up his wine glass and stood up from the wine table. He stood up from the table and raised his glass with a sincere face: "Everyone can give Redel the honor of attending my farewell dinner today. Redel is very grateful. Let me." Let’s drink together.”


Everyone stood up together, raised their glasses, cheered, and drank it all in one gulp. Even the two mages in the center, Megawati, did the same. Li Yang naturally stood up and drank as well.


After finishing a glass of wine, a smile appeared on Redel's face. There were three master mages here. He didn't dare to say anything more, so he clapped his hands. Thirty graceful dancers immediately came up and stood for everyone to eat. In the central open space of the location, a charming girl danced with bare feet in the venue.

Each dancer wears only a transparent tulle, her white skin is exposed, and her special parts full of temptation are looming. They dance together in the venue to show off their figures, stirring up people's desires.

"Mr. Li Yang, I heard that the group of bandits in Nanshan robbed your grain transport team without looking at it today. Before morning, Mr. Li Yang killed all these bandits who had been entrenched there for many years. It's really An admirable news.”

The city lord Redel, who was sitting next to the three extraordinary mages, took the initiative to pick up his wine glass and spoke in admiration to Li Yang on the side.

"This is nothing, just a group of robbers. You know, I have always been a very easy-going person, but no matter how easy-going you are, you don't like to hear some bad news when you wake up in the morning."

Li Yang turned to look at the city lord who was toasting to him, raised his glass with a smile, and said with a gentle expression: "Besides, these bandits have done a lot of evil and deserve to be executed. Although people can be kind, they cannot be without a cold heart. Their crimes deserve the death penalty." .”

The matter of bandits cannot be hidden from others. This group of nobles has deep-rooted influence in Black Rock City. As long as they want to know, they can easily know it, so Li Yang has no intention of hiding it.

After all, concealment alone cannot make a person rise.

"Those like robbers and bandits will not regret death. There is nothing wrong with what you did, Mr. Li Yang."

Redel clinked glasses with him with a smile on his face: "It has always been a worry for me that these bandits are entrenched there. I am very grateful to Redel for being able to deal with it before leaving office."

"It is difficult for a group of robbers and bandits to accomplish anything big. I believe that even if it weren't for me, I would have to deal with them sooner or later with the power of Black Rock City."

Li Yang smiled, clinked glasses and drank politely.

"Those group of robbers are not simple. Although the black-robed mage among them has followed a crooked path and is slow to react, he is full of extraordinary death magic. Once contaminated, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. He is also proficient in water magic, and he is quite fond of me. Restraint, back then I used magic to burn a forest and failed to destroy it, but it caused huge property damage to the surrounding residents."

The flame magician Wen on one side shook his head and looked at Li Yang with bright eyes: "Many ignorant juniors think that I am just afraid of his water magic, but in fact what I am really afraid of is his death energy. magic."

"The casting of death energy magic is slower than ordinary magic, but once it is successfully cast, it is very difficult to deal with. If it cannot be killed without him being able to react at all, it will be very difficult for any high-level mage to deal with it."

"Except for the Light Mage, the Holy Beast Mage and the legendary Thunder Mage."

As Master Wen spoke, he looked at Li Yang with a smile: "Master Li Yang has no magical aura on his body, only basic mental power fluctuations, but with only a mental power comparable to that of a junior mage, he can defeat the black-robed mage. The kill is truly extraordinary.”

"This matter is indeed thanks to Master Li Yang. As you know, I am a pharmacist who is not good at fighting. Wen was restrained by the other party and was restrained. It is not easy to deal with him with the existing power of Black Rock City. "

Megawati, who was sitting aside and had never spoken much, couldn't help but speak up when she heard this topic. She looked at Li Yang with a smile: "Many nobles have fallen into the hands of that greedy death-qi magician over the years. , being able to deal with him is a great achievement for Master Li Yang in Black Rock City!"

Death Mage, Light Mage, Holy Beast Mage, Thunder Mage...

Also, what is magic? Spiritual power is not magic, but basic power?

The spiritual power is comparable to that of a junior magician... In other words, the spiritual power of the second transformation has reached the level of a junior magician?

That old man in black robe who left him a magic wand and a book on water column magic was so powerful?

A cold sweat broke out in Li Yang's heart, and he was confused, but he said calmly: "It's just a fluke, it's just a fluke. I believe that even without me, Master Wen and Master Megawati will be able to defeat that old man in black robe." Take it.”

"Being able to support a cherished glass shop by oneself is more than just a fluke. Master Li Yang is so humble."

Megawati spoke meaningfully, and Li Yang smiled and didn't take it seriously: "It's just a shop, how can it compare to the business of two people."

"Mr. Li Yang doesn't have any magic power. Is it because of the special reason of being a master?"

Leidel on the side waited for the three bosses to finish talking, and then looked at Li Yang in surprise.

Immediately after seeing Li Yang's focused gaze, he immediately said: "Mr. Li Yang has solved such a problem for me. Redel is worried about nowhere to thank you for your contribution. I have a [Chaos Magic Book] here that can help people practice. I would like to give it to Mr. Li Yang as a gift to express Redel’s gratitude.”

"The Chaos Magic Book is the most perfect magic book for a mage before he officially decides to become a mage. It is very precious and is the best choice for many mages before they have a clear future path."

Upon hearing Redel's words, Master Megawati who was sitting on the side couldn't help but raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then spoke in admiration.

"I also have a [Fire Magic Book] here that can help people practice fire magic. I hope it can provide some help to Mr. Li Yang."

Wen on the other side also smiled and took out a mage's classics from his arms and handed it to Li Yang.

Upon seeing this, Leidel called to stand beside him. The only beautiful woman in the audience who was dressed dignifiedly said something in her ear. The woman glanced at Li Yang with a bright smile, then nodded and left.

"The practice of magic requires spiritual power to touch the elemental power of heaven and earth and capture it, so that it can be transformed into your own magic. This is an easily injured thing. I hope these medicines can help you to a certain extent."

"This bottle of magic potion is enough to restore the injuries of a high-level magician. It only requires a small amount to restore the damage caused by absorbing magic in an accident."

"Of course, I hope you don't need this bottle of potion."

When Megawati saw the two of them taking out gifts, a smile flashed across her lips, and she also took out what she had already prepared.

"The bandits in Nanshan have been entrenched there for a long time. We two mages have lived here for many years without solving them, but you solved them so quickly. We must do something to show our shame. After all, we all live in Black Rock City. People, the Nanshan bandits are also closely related to us."

Seeing the confusion on Li Yang's face, Wen's lips curled up and he spoke softly.

"If that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

Li Yang thought for a moment after hearing this. If the black-robed mage was really that powerful, then... if he killed him himself, he would be able to eliminate the harm to Black Rock City. Then it would be reasonable for the local nobles to give him something as gifts.

The most important thing is... He wants these things.

As he spoke, Li Yang took the red book handed over by Master Wen and a small bottle of potion from Megawati. He did not open it in a hurry, but put it into the mecha's storage box.

Not long after, the beautiful woman in formal dress next to Redel also came over with a smile and handed a wooden box to Li Yang.

"Thank you."

Li Yang politely thanked him and opened the wooden box. Inside, he saw a book with a white cover and the six characters "Book of Chaos Magic". Li Yang smiled and put it into the mecha's box.

"This magic armor is really powerful and easy to use."

The eyes of several people around him noticed the 'iron block' floating around Li Yang, and Redel couldn't help but praise it, his eyes a little eager.

Magic armor?

"It is indeed very useful, but it is also extremely difficult to make. It requires a lot of effort. It is almost impossible to copy."

Li Yang shook his head with a 'wry smile', and Megawati on the side shook her head: "Raedel, this is not a magic armor, there is no magic power flowing on it..."

Obviously, they all guessed that Li Yang's powerful power came from this armor, but they did not understand the form of this armor.

Li Yang's eyes moved slightly, his face remained calm, but his heart was silent.

...Fortunately, when I first met Vin, he was already a [Mage] with extraordinary power.

It turns out you can tell whether he has magic power...

Li Yang looked at the tattoo beside him and Megawati. He could feel the hot temperature on the tattoo, like a restrained flame, and Megawati also had a feeling of vitality.

Maybe this is what magic feels like.

The black-robed mage may have died too quickly and was not noticed by him, or maybe he was wearing a mecha and it was difficult to sense, so he did not notice anything unusual.

But fortunately...he will be a real mage from now on.

"That's not the case, then it seems that Mr. Li Yang has another inheritance."

Leidel raised his eyebrows in surprise and shook his head with some regret. Obviously, for a young man like him who was born into a noble family, if such armor really existed, it would undoubtedly be a very tempting thing.

"I can feel that his body is very built, but it doesn't look like a knight or warrior's training method. His body is plump and powerful, with no trace of damage. It is already comparable to a junior warrior or knight. Could it be that he has practiced something special? Is it tempered by magic?"

After Megawati finished talking about the armor, the curiosity in her eyes did not dissipate, but she couldn't help but ask Li Yang.

Compared to the older and calmer Wen, he didn't look too old. In addition, as a pharmacist, he was also very curious. After noticing Li Yang's physical strength, he couldn't help but ask. road.

"This is also a secret method that is difficult to copy."

Li Yang's heart moved slightly, and he shook his head with a smile, and then a hint of melancholy appeared in his eyes at the right time: "If you can't pass a test in the future, then all the efforts you have made will become a dream and will never be saved. "

test? cost?

Megawati immediately shut up and stopped talking about this topic. Vin's eyebrows moved and she couldn't help but glance at Li Yang.

Even Redel blinked and didn't ask any more questions.

Li Yang was stunned for a moment. What happened? He pulled out a dangerous organization in one breath.

"Mr. Li Yang, I am honored that the Laner family can cooperate with you. If there is any need later, Pease will do its best to meet your needs!"

Li Yang was in a daze when a man sitting opposite came over with a smile and a wine glass, and clinked glasses with Li Yang respectfully.

Li Yang came back to his senses, smiled slightly, and had a drink with him.

"Mr. Li Yang, our family is engaged in ironware..."

After Laner left, the patriarch of another noble family also came over with a smile on his face to toast Li Yang. Li Yang glanced at him and drank the wine with a smile.


During the dinner, there were many nobles who took the opportunity to discuss business and had joint relationships.

Salt, oil, grain and other valuable and cherished items are all controlled by the Ste family and the Riley family without exception, but other businesses either cover too much scope, or do not have big benefits, and are the business scope of other families.

Of course, no matter what you do... you have to pay 20% of the "gift money" to the Ste family and the Riley family, and only 10% of the tax to the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Yang's Liulibao Shop seems to be the only exception...

'No wonder he suddenly said that I am running a shop by myself. It really has a profound meaning. ’

While Li Yang was eating, he glanced at Master Wen and Master Megawati, and then at the city lord on the side. He thought to himself that some of the meaning was difficult to understand.

So, the former Nanshan bandit...

While thinking in his mind, Li Yang drank a drink with Birrell who came over to toast him with a smile, and watched him leave. This night he also reached some deals with several families, which were all good material exchanges. The dinner party also entered the final stage at this time.

A total of three batches of beautiful dancers dancing in the center of the stage walked towards the stage together, and ran to the nobles in front of them with seductive expressions on their faces. The nobles who were interested would pull the dancers into their arms and press them down on the spot. If the dancers were not interested, they would They will move on to the next noble.

"Oh ho ho ho..."

And the three most beautiful ones in each of the three batches were all left in front of the three mages Li Yang, looking at them charmingly.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall reached its peak. Li Yang looked at the maid who was always around him to serve him, and her expression became very charming without realizing it. He then looked at the three beautiful dancers in front of him and the ones in the hall. Filled with primitive aura, he was stunned for a moment.

"If Mr. Li Yang doesn't like it, you can change it to another one."

Reidel noticed Li Yang's expression and immediately asked.

"Everyone of these is not good..."

Li Yang originally wanted to refuse, but he was attracted by the strong surge of the atmosphere at this time. He took a sip of wine and decided to accept the mistake caused by the side effects of the genetic medicine: "I mean... let them come together. .”


The eyes of the three dancers in front of them lit up, happy smiles appeared on their faces, and they trotted towards Li Yang.

Li Yang took a deep breath and took the lead in lying in the naked arms of the maid next to him.

It’s really not my fault, it’s all because of the side effects of the genetic medicine!

By the way, there is also this damn noble banquet, and they actually have such a show. Doesn't this corrode his pure soul?


"Master Wen, if you are not interested, can you let them all accompany me?"

An hour later, Li Yang raised his head from his breasts, looked at the motionless and smiling dancer in front of Master Wen, and spoke with a suggestion.

Vin St chuckled lightly and waved his hand. The three top dancers in front of him left their seats as if they had been granted amnesty, and walked towards Li Yang with a smile.

"Well, thank you, Master Wen..."

Li Yang couldn't help but praise, and Megawati on the side couldn't help but look envious when looking at Li Yang's battlefield.

It’s good to have a strong body.


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